The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Trevor Dickinson.
2016-10-21 - 13:08:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5046 - Category: Amiga, Interview
An update for the Hall of Light web page: GBA Championship Basketball, Championship Golf: The Great Courses Of The World Volume 1 - Pebble Beach / G.F.L., GFL Championship Football, Prince de Perse, Shadow Warriors, Joust, Final Mission, The, Archer MacLean's Le Billard Américain, Temps Des Heros, Le, Super Sprint, Corporation, Thunderhawk AH-73M, Solomon' s Key, Rise Of The Robots, Hatris, Hammerin' Harry, Risk (Bernstein Zirkel), Gobliiins, Jumpman, RoboCop 3 / RoboCop 3D / RoboCop Redux, Realms, Reach For The Skies, Putty Squad. Kick Off 3 European Challenge, Hook, KGB, Heimdall 2: Into The Hall Of Worlds, Hard Drivin' II: Drive Harder, Global Effect, España: The Games '92, DuckTales: The Quest For Gold / La Bande a Picsou: La Ruée Vers L'or, Cannon Fodder 2 and Darkman.
2016-10-21 - 13:06:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5044 - Category: Amiga, Web page
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: Bill and Anthony from The Guru Meditation web page and Youtube channel.
2016-10-21 - 13:04:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5042 - Category: Amiga, Interview
Trevor Dickinson writes a blog about the Amiga. This time he writes about: A.L.I.C.E., Boing sculptures, Close encounters of the X5000 kind, Classic Reflections, Let there be (ESP) Lite, Go daddy - X500 plus style and Happy 25th birthday Linux.
2016-10-21 - 13:02:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5040 - Category: Amiga, Blog
An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: AmigaRacer_3.94, Calimero, EvenMore, MCE, AskMeUpXXL_GirlsBand, VAMP, HWP MUIRoyale, PowerSDL, PDCurses, DiStella, TORCS and ModExplorer.
2016-10-21 - 13:01:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5039 - Category: Amiga, Web page
ACube Systems released a firmware update for the Sam440ep motherboards. Changes in this version: Improvements for the graphic cards and the PCI bridge. And a set-up for the PEX 8112 PCI has been added.
2016-10-21 - 13:00:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5038 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
ZuneView is a program for image visualisation and manipulation. The features are: Cropping, resizing, rotating, flipping, lens barrel distortion correction, colour manipulation and filters. Changes in this version: Support for more languages: French, German, Italian, Polish and Czech.
2016-10-14 - 13:08:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 5034 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the web page you can see many cracker intro’s with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro’s are: Skid Row - McDonald Land, Skid Row - Beast Busters, Crystal - Apache Flight, Agile - Violator, No Limits & Illusion - Magic Fly, Classic - Future Combat 2, Classic - Back to the Future III, The Band - PaperBoy, Oracle - WolfPack, Oracle - Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Skid Row - Road Rash, Skid Row - Shadow of the Beast III, Skid Row - Bill's Tomato Game and Agile - Cricket Amiga.
2016-10-14 - 13:03:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 5029 - Category: Amiga, Demo
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Dennis Lohr, Bad Bramstedt, Viva Amiga DVD, M.A.C.E., ToG II, S.C.D.R., Bridge Strike, Amiga Racer 3.91, Vampire II, Amiwest 2016 and Psyria.
2016-10-14 - 13:00:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 5026 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Vista Pro 3.05, Xeroxmorphs in Dittoland, Lotus III The Ultimate Challenge, Amigo Scour, The Oliver Twins Story, Mothman Festival 2016, Boo!, Rodland, Robin Hood: Legend Quest, Phantom Clicks (A1200), Alien Bash II, Battle Squadron, T-Racer, Stellar 7, Michel Janicki and Brutal Football.
2016-10-07 - 13:09:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5024 - Category: Amiga, Blog
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: A500/2000 System Test, Jamcracker, Megademo Tracker, Opti-Utils 2, Raiders Rippers, System Exerciser V5, Galaga 92, Hi & Lo Seven Card, Rollerpede, Sheild, Shift It, Hardcore issues 1, 2 and 3. Lunchtime Express issues 1, 2, 3 & 4, Technocratic Times 2 & 3, Mother Lode, Oblivion, Slap N Tickle, Tronic, Truus (NL), Freecopy V1.8, Landbuild, PCQ Pascal, Psuite, Sird Creator, Video Tracker 2 AGA, VMorph, Evil Tower (DE), Fatal Mission, Pod, Sector One, Faza, Hollywood Mood, Hot Air, Moments, Real and Temple of Decease.
2016-10-07 - 13:07:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5022 - Category: Amiga, Game
Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player is a media player made with the help of Hollywood. Changes in this version: New graphics and icons, Added German language and many other improvements.
2016-10-07 - 13:04:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5019 - Category: Amiga, Game
EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Update for the Spanish language and the Greek language is now also available. Improvements for PopPen, Match Case and Find.
2016-10-07 - 13:02:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5017 - Category: Amiga, Program
Paolo Besser released an update for the Icaros Desktop. There are improvements or updates for: Mapparium, OWB, SimpleMail, PortablE, FinalBurnAlpha emulator, meteMP3 player and the ColorCLI scripts.
2016-10-07 - 13:00:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5015 - Category: Amiga, Program
Igor Majstorovic has given an presentation about the Vampire 500 v2. You can watch the 40 minute presentation on YouTube. He also tells about the plans for the Vampire 1200. English sub-titles are available.
2016-09-30 - 13:10:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 5014 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
MUIbase (Magic data BASE with User Interface) is a relational, programmable database with a graphical user interface for Amiga, Linux, Mac and Windows. Steffen Gutmann has released a new version for the Amiga. The changes are: Improvements for printing, save, structure editor (records), dates, French translation, ImportSample and many other small improvements.
2016-09-30 - 13:07:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 5011 - Category: Amiga, Program
Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version.
2016-09-30 - 13:03:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 5007 - Category: Amiga, Program
Worm Wars is an advanced Tron / Snake-style arcade game for up to 4 simultaneous players. There are 36 types of creature and 32 types of Power-Up objects. There is also a level editor for making your own levels. New in this version: Five new kinds of fruit and a number of small improvements.
2016-09-23 - 13:09:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5001 - Category: Amiga, Game
Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Improvements for settings window, editor class, key input handler and mui layout.
2016-09-23 - 13:06:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 4998 - Category: Amiga, Program
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Amiga Format Magazine.
2016-09-16 - 13:07:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4987 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Improved: Pool Of Radiance, Giganoid, Extension, Nitro Boost Challenge, The Adventures Of Willy Beamish, Clown'o'mania, Cabal, Worldcharts 9, Dyter-07, Art and Go, Tower of Babel, Ziriax, Switchback, Extension and Lotus 2.
2016-09-16 - 13:05:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4985 - Category: Amiga, Game
An update for the Hall of Light web page: The Real Ghostbusters, Time Bandit, Quiwi, Alien Breed: Tower Assault, Picsou: Chasseur de Trésor, Fire Power, Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal, Garfield: Winter's Tail, Tex 07: El Morisco, Bonanza Bros., BMX Simulator 2, Beach-Head II: The Dictator Strikes Back, Astro Marine Corps (A.M.C.), Answer Back: Junior Quiz and Basket Island.
2016-09-16 - 13:03:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4983 - Category: Amiga, Web page
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Chaos Guns, Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, Vampire: Curse Of The Night, Total Pattern, Blocky Skies, Lila, Center Court 2, WinUAE, OS4 Depot, Sum, VS 1011 MP3 Player, Furia 33, Trevors Soapbox, FPGA, Classic Reflections: Eyetech Group (1), Demoscene, Blitz Basic (1), Richard Löwenstein, Matthias Heinrichs and Christoph Gutjahr.
2016-09-09 - 13:09:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 4979 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
The Vampire600 turbo card uses the Apollo FPGA-core to emulate the 68000 CPU and the SAGA graphics chip. The changes for Apollo are: Improvements for MOVE/EXT, MPU, TRACE, CHK2, CMP2, MOVEM, CAS, LOOP, TRAPcc and MOVEQ/MOVE.l.
2016-09-09 - 13:05:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 4975 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with Aaron Smith (Online-Shop "Amiga On The Lake").
2016-09-09 - 13:03:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 4973 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Alien Breed, Ruff 'n Ready, Amigo Scour, The Hound of Shadow, CD32 TV, New Star Electronics, Prince of Persia, Water bombs at dawn, They sold a million, No Turrican is an island, Connecting the Amiga to a BBS, Populous and The Amiga is good for your mental health.
2016-09-02 - 13:12:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4968 - Category: Amiga, Web page
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: 1942, Lepani, Galacto II, Galactoid, Raid, Echo Groove 2, Electric Drug, End Theme 2, Neo Drink, Nitro Acid, No Sex, Not Just Any Trip, Over The Rainbow, That Old Magic, Xstatic Magic and Zine 8.
2016-09-02 - 13:10:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4966 - Category: Amiga, Web page
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Gamescom 2016, Michael St. Neitzel, Retro 7-bit - Vampire 500, Videoplayer "Emotion", Enemy 2, A-Eon - Radeon, Cinemware Retro, Amiworx, Amigafuture, Blue Metal Rose Termine, Chris Hülsbeck, Patrick Nevian and Tronimal.
2016-09-02 - 13:08:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4964 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
GEMZ is a puzzle game for the Amiga. You can try the demo version, with a 5 minute time limit, for free, or you can buy the game. In the game you are Rubin, a brave knight, and you have to save princess Esmeralda. The game has more than 300 levels from easy to madness.
2016-09-02 - 13:06:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4962 - Category: Amiga, Game
XRoar is an emulator for the Dragon and Tandy computers with the 6809 CPU. XRoar can use virtual diskettes, cassettes or cartridges. There are 3 video modes, joystick support and an audio output available. Changes in this version: Improvements for Zoom control, alternate text, NTSC / PAL-M, IDE, Tape, PIA and much more.
2016-09-02 - 13:04:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4960 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with David Brunet from the web page Obligement.
2016-09-02 - 13:02:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4958 - Category: Amiga, Interview
FLOD is a JavaScript/AS3 module written by Christian Corti. With this module it is possible to play back music from the Amiga in a modern browser. FLOD is also used in all the Flashtro intros. Version 6.0 is now available.
2016-08-26 - 13:08:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4954 - Category: Amiga, Music
Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Automatic hyphenation, barcodes, add new words to spell dictionary and many other small improvements.
2016-08-26 - 13:06:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4952 - Category: Amiga, Program
Michael St. Neitzel is developing the game Amiga Racer. The requirements are: PowerPC (PPC) CPU 1 GHz, ATI graphics card, keyboard, joystick, sound card and Amiga OS 4.1 FE. Version 3.62 is now available.
2016-08-26 - 13:04:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4950 - Category: Amiga, Game
Epsilon wrote a blog about upgrading his Amiga 500. He shows how to install the ACA1233n 030 accelerator with the RTC battery expansion, a 512k memory expansion and new floppy drive.
2016-08-26 - 13:02:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4948 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Stefan Egger from the Computer Collection Vienna has now an Amiga 3400. The A3400 was a computer that later became the Amiga 4000. You can look at the photos of this rare computer.
2016-08-26 - 13:00:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4946 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with Chris Young from the NetSurf browser for the Amiga.
2016-08-19 - 13:10:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4944 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
AEROS is a hybrid distribution of AROS and Linux (ARM and x86 systems). AEROS is a very fast desktop, and you can use AROS apps and AROS games. Changes in this version: Support for the Raspberry 1,2 and 3. Updates for uae4arm, exFAT and Bluetooth.
2016-08-19 - 13:08:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4942 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the web page you can see many cracker intro’s with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro’s are: Terminal Cracking News - Somewhere in Time, ROL - Secure golden keyboot, Flashtro - Great Giana Sisters SE, Scoopex - Great Giana Sisters SE, Bronx - Nebula, Paranoimia - Dyter 7, Flashtro - Sqrxz 4 Update 1.1, Megaforce - Manhatten Dealer, Paranoimia - North & South, Flashtro - Blocky Skies, Ackerlight - Crash Garrett, Ackerlight - Wild Copper, Flashtro - Sqrxz 4 and Parasol Stars.
2016-08-19 - 13:06:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4940 - Category: Amiga, Demo
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Improved: IK+, Lethal Zone, Myth, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, Star Wars, TV Sports Football, Pastel Vanilla, TV Sports Football, Terminator 2 - Arcade Game, Bangkok Knights, Ferrari Formula One, Jurassic Park, Hole In One, PP Hammer and Football Manager 2.
2016-08-19 - 13:04:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4938 - Category: Amiga, Game
Super Robin is a new game for the Amiga that was created with the Reality Game Creator. The game has 31 levels and you must collect all the fruit and find the exit. The game also has enemies, teleporter doors and switches.
2016-08-19 - 13:00:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4934 - Category: Amiga, Game
Amibian is an Raspberry Pi3 image with the Uae4arm emulator. Amibian transforms your Raspberry Pi3 into an Amiga. Features: Easy install, Midnight Commander for file managing, USB and Ethernet support.
2016-08-12 - 13:10:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4932 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Jim Sachs, who was involved with Defender of The Crown, Saucer Attack and the CDTV's user interface.
2016-08-12 - 13:08:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4930 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Stian Søreng has developed a system to add a fifth audio channel to the Amiga computer. He uses the composite video channel to produce an extra audio channel. You can read all about it on his blog.
2016-08-12 - 13:07:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4929 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Simo Koivukoski made a video of an Amiga 2000 with the Vampire 500 v2 accelerator. The first test is with RiVA 0.50 and Picasso II (CyberGraphX screen mode 320x240 / gray). The second test is MP3 playing with Amplifier and Delfina Lite DSP.
2016-08-12 - 13:03:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4925 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page Retro 7-bit is developing new hardware for the Amiga. The IDEA ZII - IDE controller (Zorro II) for the Amiga 2000, Wicher 2000 - turbo card for the Amiga 2000, Wicherek 14/28 - turbo card for the Amiga 500 and the Wicher 5k/1M - CHIP RAM for the Amiga 500.
2016-08-05 - 13:10:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4921 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: The Amiga Remakes Database, Silkworm & SWIV, Bomb-Jack, Transplant, King's Quest, Tearaway Thomas, Will Williams, 4x4 Off-Road Racing, Super Stardust, The Three Stooges, CD-32, 1000cc Turbo, 1000 Miglia and Fury of the furry fandom.
2016-08-05 - 13:08:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4919 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: Audial Talk #1, Freedom Crack #2, Freedom Crack #4, Freedom Crack #8, Freedom Crack #11, Danger Dogg, Drive Wars, Exit-13, Vier Op Een Rij, Waggle A Mania II, Hippy Hippy Shake, Memory Dust, Temple Of Dreams, Sine-ister, Cybernet, Generation Love, Only Your Love, Galactic Empires, Boom, The Last Saga, We Are Different, Bach N Destroy, Discovery, Das Punica Spiel, Norse Gods, Pipeline, Realm of Maiyessae, The Acorn Court, Aggression 1 and 2, Scanner Issue 14, Upstream Issues 6,8,9,10 and Vision Issue 1.
2016-08-05 - 13:06:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4917 - Category: Amiga, Web page
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Warp3D Nova, FPGA Graka MNT VA2000, X5000, Solid Gold Collector's Edition, Center Court 2, Video Center Court 2 AGA, Project: Lila, Amiga I miss you, AmigaGTI, Computermuseum München, Amiga Wiki and Kerkos.
2016-08-05 - 13:04:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4915 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
The Vampire600 turbo card uses the Apollo FPGA-core to emulate the 68000 CPU and the SAGA graphics chip. The changes for Apollo are: Vector instructions, new Bondings, stronger FUSINGs, Little Endian GFX mode for PC emulation and improvements for MUL flags, WHDLoad Branch-Target-Cache, Div 64 Flag and more AMMX instructions.
2016-08-05 - 13:02:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4913 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
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