HexaVic is a puzzle game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The game is developed by thegg and is based on the paper puzzle Hexa-Trex.
2022-08-26 - 12:04:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 10491 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Mike Mech is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you must help Mike, the mechanic to reactivate the batteries of the space ship. You can use the elevators and the teleport to move around the space ship. The game is developed by LG-Games.
2022-08-19 - 12:16:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 10483 - Category: C64, Game
Clear 250 is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Iceout and is only 250 Bytes in size.
2022-08-19 - 12:04:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 10471 - Category: C64, Game
MyMan ia a new game for AROS. MyMan is Pacman style game, but the graphics are made with text. The game is converted to AROS by cavemann, and the original game is from Benjamin C. Wiley Sittler.
2022-08-19 - 12:01:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 10468 - Category: Amiga, Game
Diamond is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Pinov Vox (code, pixels & music) and Richard Bayliss (intro). In the game you must guide your star-ship, Diamond through several enemy bases and do battle against the aliens.
2022-08-12 - 12:20:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10466 - Category: C64, Game
WebFritzi has released a card game collection for the Commodore C64 computer. You can play Solitaire and Freecell with the mouse or joystick.
2022-08-12 - 12:18:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10464 - Category: C64, Game
Operación Fallida is a new game for the Amiga computer. In the game you are a soldier who discovers an old bunker. In the bunker you must destroy zombies and aliens. The game is developed with Backbone and Deluxe Paint V by jojo073 (code & pixels), Rod Mérida(music) and Zoltar (music).
2022-08-12 - 12:17:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10463 - Category: Amiga, Game
Shallow Domains is a new strategy game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by drmortalwombat. The features are: 6 different terrains, 10 different units, 15 large maps, a mini-map for quick navigation, joystick or keyboard, NTSC & PAL, background music and battle music.
2022-08-12 - 12:13:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10459 - Category: C64, Game
Jungle Joe is a new puzzle-adventure game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you must build your path to the exit by using ladder pieces. The game is developed by vector5games.
2022-08-12 - 12:11:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10457 - Category: C64, Game
Party Speedway is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game was release at the Teddy Beer C=64 Party and reached the first place in the WiLD Demo Competition. Developers: Tomxx (code), psych858o (music), Katon (music), Raffox (charset) and Logiker (Directory art).
2022-08-12 - 12:07:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 10453 - Category: C64, Game
You can now play the legendary C64 game Impossible Mission on your Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by TCFS, and the music is from Csabo.
2022-08-05 - 12:22:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 10445 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
The web page c64games.de had an update. You can now find 7239 games on this web page. The new games are: ...sein letzter Trick, 10... Knockout!, A Space Game, Babylons Ark, Be a Bear 4K, Berzerk (Arlasoft), Black Jack (Emil Angervall), Blackjack Casino-Style, Booster Blaster, Boxed Away, Boxed Away (Ger), Bring Back More Bones 4K, Brotquest 2, Brownfinger, BrumBrum, Bucaneers Cache, Cacorm, Calypso, Careers 128, Casino Blackjack (Compute 1988), Casino Royale, Galaga (Arlasoft 2021), Gold Quest 6 Extended Edition V1.2, Knockout (Alligata Software), Santa Rats Issue, The World Greatest Baseball Game and The World Greatest Baseball Game - Enhanced Version.
2022-08-05 - 12:19:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 10442 - Category: C64, Game
Little Nippers Deluxe is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. Little Nippers Deluxe is a single button game in which you fling crabs out of their buckets. Their task is to bite the kids that run across the beach or promenade. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss and Hugues Poisseroux.
2022-08-05 - 12:07:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 10430 - Category: C64, Game
Maze of Galious is a new game for AROS. The original game is developed by Santi Ontanon Villar and is also available for Windows, OSX and Linux. MoG is a very addictive game where you have to kill thousands of enemies, collect items in order to obtain new powers and defeat some really great demons at the end of each level.
2022-07-29 - 12:16:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 10419 - Category: Amiga, Game
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. Update: Kennedy Approach, Roadwar Europa, Bar Games, Cadaver, Castle Master, 7 Cities Of Gold, Grid Start and Tetris: The Soviet Challenge.
2022-07-29 - 12:10:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 10413 - Category: Amiga, Game
Super Monza Grand Prix is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The game is developed by AJ Layden and is a racing game for position or a race against the clock. The game needs a 16 kB RAM expansion and can be played with a joystick.
2022-07-29 - 12:09:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 10412 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Crash is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer, developed by Pedro Bermejo. This game is a tribute to the arcade game Crash from Exidy (1977). Drive your car avoiding cars coming in the opposite direction. Joystick / keyboard and a 8 kB RAM expansion.
2022-07-22 - 12:14:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10396 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Goshawk is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer developed by MoSoft. This game is the unofficial sequel to the game Yars' Revenge '81. In the game you have two laser cannons to fight your battles in space.
2022-07-22 - 12:13:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10395 - Category: C64, Game
Lykia - the Lost Island is a new adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by Puls4r, Mad, KiCHY, 5tarbuck,BSZ, Degauss, siz, bubis and Gaia.
2022-07-22 - 12:08:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10390 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
H3LP B0DG3 is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer, developed by Derek. Help B0DG3 through the 20 levels, collecting the electronic components he needs in his laboratory to complete his mega project.
2022-07-22 - 12:07:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10389 - Category: VIC-20, Game
The SEUCK Camp is a new adventure game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Mac, Dizzy Devil, The Sir and Richard.
2022-07-22 - 12:05:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10387 - Category: C64, Game
Legyél te is Burzsuj! (Who wants to be a Bourgeois?) is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is developed by Verona (code) and Délest (music).
2022-07-22 - 12:01:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 10383 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
Millie and Molly is a retro inspired puzzle game developed by Carleton Handley (code), Saul Cross (pixels) and Hasse Axelsson-Svala (music). The game has 100 levels spread over five worlds, and the game is compatible with PAL and NTSC.

Another game from Carleton Handley: Runn 'n' Gunn.
2022-07-15 - 12:18:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 10380 - Category: C64, Game
Spump From Space is game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game was developed by Sascha Quint in 1987. In the 2022 lockdowns, a new version (v22) was developed.
2022-07-15 - 12:14:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 10376 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
Friq is a new game for AROS, developed by Sebastian Thunor. In the game you must try to burst as many bubbles as you can.
2022-07-15 - 12:05:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 10367 - Category: Amiga, Game
Cab Hustle is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is still in development by Sven Krasser. You can follow the progress of the game on his Blog.
2022-07-08 - 12:18:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10360 - Category: C64, Game
Cacorm is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4, developed by Inufuto. In the game you need to collect as many stars as possible.

Commodore VIC20 version
2022-07-08 - 12:15:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10357 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
Marble Boy is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer In the game you need to collect 45 pennants / banners in a given order. The game is developed by Roman Werner.
2022-07-08 - 12:12:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10354 - Category: C64, Game
Galaxian Sleena is a new gam for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The game is developed by W.E. de Villiers and can be played on a unexpanded VIC20. In the game you must fight against four Sleena Overlords while traversing the alien megastructure.
2022-07-08 - 12:07:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10349 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Little Nippers is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss and Hugues Poisseroux.In the game you are the lord of the crabs and you can use the crabs to nip at the feet of the kids.
2022-07-08 - 12:06:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10348 - Category: C64, Game
Delve!: The Goblin's Grotto is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Ant Stiller and Cal Skuthorpe. In the game you must defeat the goblins and collect the potion bottles.
2022-07-08 - 12:02:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10344 - Category: Commodore, Game
The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Eros. Updated: Enduro Racer V2, Exodus, Kick Your Brain, Kwik Snax V1, RabbitJack's Casino, Rockus, Rubicon 2, Space Wars and Sword Of The Samurai.
2022-07-08 - 12:00:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 10342 - Category: C64, Game
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Prey - An Alien Encounter. Update: Mayday Squad, Space Crusade, Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, Sensible Golf, Guardian CD32, Space Hulk, Deep Core, Super Seymour saves the Planet, F/A-18 Interceptor, 7 Cities Of Gold and California Games.
2022-07-01 - 12:11:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 10333 - Category: Amiga, Game
Gold Quest 6 (Extended Edition) is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Inferior Software International. In the game you are Sledgie who has to escape from the dungeon.
2022-07-01 - 12:04:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 10326 - Category: C64, Game
Duckstroma is a new game for the Amiga computer. In the game you are Aura and you need to deliver disks. The game is also available for the ZX Spectrum, MSX and the NES.
2022-07-01 - 12:03:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 10325 - Category: Amiga, Game
You can now listen to a new episode of the Zapped to the Past podcast. In this episode: Buggy Boy, Captain America, Thundercats, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Yogi Bear, Action Force, Street Hassle, Computer Scrabble Deluxe, How to be a Complete Bastard, Super Sprint, Microball and Shoot-em-up Construction Kit.
2022-07-01 - 12:00:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 10322 - Category: Game, Podcast
Zoomies! is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Codey (code & pixels) and Echo (music).
2022-06-24 - 12:17:00 - Week: 25 - Item number: 10319 - Category: C64, Game
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Top Gun from Ocean Software (1986) for the Commodore C64 computer.
2022-06-24 - 12:10:00 - Week: 25 - Item number: 10312 - Category: C64, Game
Poing Ultra is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss. The game was made for the PONG 50th Anniversary game jam.
2022-06-24 - 12:03:00 - Week: 25 - Item number: 10305 - Category: C64, Game
BrainBreak is a puzzle game for the Commodore C64 computer with several surprising features. It uses hires multicolour graphics and comes with 100 exciting, brain-breaking levels. Code and graphics by Daniel Krajzewicz, music by Antti Hannula.
2022-06-17 - 12:03:00 - Week: 24 - Item number: 10285 - Category: C64, Game
Tunnels & Trolls is a fantasy role-playing game designed by Ken St. Andre in 1975. In this Amiga version you do not need paper, dice, cards or the T&T rulebook. The supported adventures are: Abyss, Amulet of the Salkti, Arena of Khazan, Beyond the Silvered Pane, Blue Frog Tavern, Buffalo Castle, Captif d'Yvoire, Caravan to Tiern, City of Terrors, Dargon's Dungeon, Deathtrap Equalizer, Gamesmen of Kasar, Goblin Lake, Labyrinth, Mistywood, Naked Doom, Overkill, Red Circle, Sea of Mystery, Sewers of Oblivion, Sorcerer Solitaire, Sword for Hire, Trollstone Caverns and Weirdworld.
2022-06-10 - 12:15:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10275 - Category: Amiga, Game
Ball and Chain is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. Ball and Chain is an endless runner where the difficulty ramps up until you inevitably "drop the ball". The game is developed by drmortalwombat.
2022-06-10 - 12:14:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10274 - Category: C64, Game
Flood is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer, developed by Javier Gonzalez. You have to break the walls and collect the items before the water floods the area.
2022-06-10 - 12:13:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10273 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Tenebra is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64 computer and is developed by Haplo. The game contains 31 levels and can be used on PAL and NTSC computers.
2022-06-10 - 12:12:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10272 - Category: C64, Game
Rowman is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer developed by Darro (code), Errazking (pixels) and Narcisound (music). In the game you must help Rogelio to find the exit of the labyrinth of caves in which he has entered looking for the best fish for his dinner.
2022-06-10 - 12:08:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10268 - Category: C64, Game
FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: Milk Race (Mastertronic, 1987) and The Island of Dr. Destructo (Mastertronic, 1987).
2022-06-10 - 12:07:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10267 - Category: Commodore, Game
Cruiser-X 79 is a playable demo for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Richard (code & music) and Saul Cross (pixels). In the game you must fly your ship through the alien base and try to reach the end of the base.
2022-06-10 - 12:03:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10263 - Category: C64, Game
Get More Diamonds is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. In the game you are Diamond Dylan, and must collect enough diamonds to buy your dream house. The game has 8 levels and needs a 35 kB RAM expansion.
2022-06-10 - 12:02:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 10262 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Amaurote Isometric is a new game for the Commodore C128 computer. The game is developed by Krzysztof Dabrowski, Michał Hoffmann, James Svärd, Cal Skuthorpe and Maciej Witkowiak.
2022-06-03 - 12:12:00 - Week: 22 - Item number: 10250 - Category: C128(D), Game
Minijump is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Iceout and is the file-size is only 512 Bytes.
2022-06-03 - 12:03:00 - Week: 22 - Item number: 10241 - Category: C64, Game
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