MtnBuffalo is working on a replacement keyboard for the Commodore C64, Ulimate64 and the C64 Reloaded. The new keyboard uses Cherry mx red micro switches with an adapter for the original keys.
The Vampire turbo card uses the Apollo FPGA-core to emulate the 68000 CPU and the SAGA graphics chip. The changes for Apollo are: Improvements for fast Power-Off/On and FPU speed (Amiga). Support for Map-ROM & Memory management and EmuTOS (Atari).
Paul Rezendes started a project to create files for producing an Amiga 4000 motherboard. This work will be accomplished by Integrated Sensor Technologies (Goleta, California). The complete files will be released publicly.
Freak, Brotboxfan and androSID developed a new PLA that combines up to 9 different 28 pin PLA's from Commodore machines in one: C64, SX64, 1551, CBM 6x0, CBM 7x0, C16 / plus4, CBM 8296 UE5 / UE6 and P500 U78 / U88.
Frank Bösing is working on a Commodore C64 emulator with the Teensy 3.6. The Features are: IEC Bus, ILI9341 SPI display, USB keyboard, reSID, Audio, a simple disk drive emulation and joystick support. The latest changes are: Added a VGA output.
Marco Chiappetta wrote a blog about building a Commodore C64 with the Raspberry Pi Zero. The hardware you need is a Raspberry Pi Zero, a MicroSD card and an USB keyboard. The software you will need is Combian 64.
Mattsoft wrote a blog on how to build a Rasberry Pi 3 into an Amiga 500 case without destroying the original case. The hardware used for this project: Raspberry Pi 3B, 16GB Micro SD card, Tynemouth Software Amiga 500 USB keyboard adapter, HDMI cable, USB cable and 3D printed brackets.
Daniel Renner made a number of modifications to his Commodore C64. The modifications are: Modulator Mod, Keyman64, Overlay64, Mixsid, Superkernal, SD2IEC and a Re-Cap.
Amibian is an Raspberry Pi3 image with the Uae4arm emulator. Amibian transforms your Raspberry Pi3 into an Amiga. Features: Easy install, Midnight Commander for file managing, USB and Ethernet support.
You can watch a video about the Nunchuk64. This is an adapter for the C64 that makes it possible to use Nintendo Nunchuk compatible controller. It is still under development but it will be available soon.
Love Hultén made a tribute to the Commodore PET 2001. The PET De Lux is handmade from American walnut. But it has a modern computer inside, emulating video game systems such as Commodore 64, NES and many more.
The Vampire turbo card uses the Apollo FPGA-core to emulate the 68000 CPU and the SAGA graphics chip. The changes for Apollo are: Fast Hardware FPU, AMMX2, Memory controller and Workbench Hardware Sprites.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Extending the Commodore 64 BASIC and new documentation on the MEGA65's enhanced text mode.
You can watch a video about the Check64 test cartridge. This set is available as an assembly kit at Forum64 and can be used to check the motherboard of a Commodore C64.
In this episode of the Guru Meditation: Bill visits the AmiParty 21: Amiga 500 - FPGA board, Amiga 1200 scan doubler, Floppy drive emulator, Headphone amplifier for the Amiga and the GBA 1000.
On the Retrohax web page you can see how to modify your Amiga 500 computer. Modifications: 1MB, FAT AGNUS, S-Video & Composite, Dual KickStart - 1.3 / 3.1 and a GOTEK.
Luigi Di Fraia has added more functionality to his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. This time he can format a disk in under 20 seconds.
There is new software available for the Wicher 500i. The Wicher 500i turbo card has been designed for installation inside Amiga the A500 / A500+ computer. Features: 68000/68010 CPU, 50 MHz, 8 MB Fast RAM (SIMM72), IDE controller and SPI controller.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Improvements for 16-colour sprite mode, ethernet adapter, SD card, freezing & unfreezing, DMAgic and support for the Amiga mouse.
RetroManCave made a video about Retrobrite. The items he is using are: 1000w Full Spectrum Grow Light, Albert Austin Sous Vide Stick, ElectriQ Vacuum Sealer, BeBlonde 40vol Cream Peroxide and Super Star Crystal Clear Peroxide.
Loriano Pagni started a new Kickstarter campaign for a computer case that is inspired by classic machines such as the Amiga, Atari and Sinclair, but designed for modern hardware.
Pyrofer developed a new option ROM for the Commodore C128. This system has a menu and space for 7 ROM images. The selected ROM will be the default ROM even after switching the C128 off and on.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Improvements for sprites and the VIC-III. Support for a cartridge, 1351 mouse, paddles, GEOS and a serial disk-drive.
Teemu Leppänen is developing a wireless joystick transmitter and receiver. This system is based on a XBee wireless radio and can be used for Atari style joystick for almost all retro computers.
Retrohax wrote a blog about the assembly of a EasyFlash 3 cartridge for the Commodore C64. He also installed the firmware and loaded a cartridge image into the EasyFlash 3.
There is new software available for the Wicher 500i. The Wicher 500i turbo card has been designed for installation inside Amiga the A500 / A500+ computer. Features: 68000/68010 CPU, 50 MHz, 8 MB Fast RAM (SIMM72), IDE controller and SPI controller.
Retro Commodore has made a calendar for the year 2018 with a retro theme. There are month and year calendars available with a Sunday or a Monday as the first day of the week.
Radical Brad is working on a multimedia expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. Features: No modifications to the VIC-20, VGA 400 x 300 with 4096 colours and a blitter system, 4 channel sound, SD and USB.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Automatic 4502 / 6502 Instruction set switching.
Listen to your favourite radio stations on your Commodore C64. Timo Voutilainen developed a system that uses a DA5807 FM Radio module which is connected to the user-port of the Commodore C64. Changes in this version: Channel pre-set list, loop through channels, I2C, RTC and a RDS decoder.
The SD-BOX is a cartridge with an SD card interface for the Commodore C64. The cartridge has many functions for the disk drive and the Datassette. Recent updates: Improvements for SD2IEC, delete, cassette, manual, tape protection, C128 mode, copy menu and the loader for Exos v3 / FC3.