SpriteSnake is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. This snake game uses only one sprite and is developed by Oziphantom.
2023-01-06 - 12:03:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 10889 - Category: C64, Game
PiStorm32-lite is a hardware expansion for the Amiga 1200, developed by Claude Schwarz. This expansion makes it possible to emulate a fast 68k processor and supports extra IO such as HDMI, USB and Ethernet.
2023-01-06 - 12:02:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 10888 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
X-Massacre is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The game is a shoot 'em up game developed by Mika Keränen (Misfit). In the game you must collect gift-boxes and shoot the enemy.
2023-01-06 - 12:01:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 10887 - Category: VIC-20, Game
Elf Spirit Hunters is a new game for the Amiga computer, developed by earok. In the game, you must capture the all 12 Halloween Spirits. You can buy chests and batteries, but also hire more elves to capture the spirits faster.
2023-01-06 - 12:00:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 10886 - Category: Amiga, Game
There is an update available of the High Voltage SID Collection. There are now 56,665 SIDs in the collection. In this update 890 new SIDs, 26 better rips, 217 SID credit fixes, 25 SID model/clock info's, 4 tunes identified and 31 tunes moved. You can download the update from the HVSC web page.
2022-12-30 - 12:20:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10885 - Category: C64, Music
Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvements for repeat track/all, unsupported stream format and the menu.
2022-12-30 - 12:19:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10884 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new version of VICE (Versatile Commodore Emulator) is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for CRT emulation, keyboard, disk drives, SID, CIA, cartridges, VDC, DMA, PAL-colours and the monitor.
2022-12-30 - 12:18:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10883 - Category: Commodore, Emulator
You can watch a new video on the Amiga Love YouTube channel. In this episode the Parceiro II. The Parceiro II is a RAM expansion, RTC, SD and a multi KickStart-loader for the Amiga 1000.
2022-12-30 - 12:17:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10882 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page retro-commodore.eu has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Vic 20 Games manuals, The Power of Calc Result for the Commodore 64, Grafik in C auf dem Amiga, Bumper book of Amiga hints and tips, The Commodore 64 Games Book, Handic SSP, M68000 8-/16-/32-BIT Microprocessors User's Manual Sixth Edition, Commodore-Programme C64: Lernspiele, Grafik, Very Basic BASIC, Commodore 128 service, C64 Brugervejledning, Brugervejledning for checkregnskab, Brugervejledning for regnelabyrint, Der Commodore 64 in der Praxis, NCS Kvalitets programmer og bøger, MPS 1270 Printer Brugervejledning and The Final Cartridge III Instruction Manual.
2022-12-30 - 12:16:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10881 - Category: Commodore, Book
Dizzy Three and a Half is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is a 3D maze game developed by Ulysses777. This game is converted from the ZX Spectrum to the Plus/4, and supports AY music.
2022-12-30 - 12:15:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10880 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
You can watch a new video from the Reviving Retro YouTube channel. In this episode, the repair of a Commodore SX64 computer with a garbled screen, and making a backup of the ROMs.
2022-12-30 - 12:14:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10879 - Category: C64, Repair
Wilfred Bos released an update of SID Known. This version is compatible with the latest HVSC. SID Known is a tool which you can use to identify SID tunes from SID and PRG files.
2022-12-30 - 12:13:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10878 - Category: C64, Program
Whirlybirds is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is a 3D maze game developed by Mad (code), KiCHY (pixels) and 5tarbuck (music). In the game, you must find the elves and remind them to make the presents for the winter festival.
2022-12-30 - 12:12:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10877 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
Inbread is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Karl Hörnell (code) and Hans Axelsson-Svala (music). In the game, you have to make sandwiches. You can make the sandwiches on the conveyor belts and on the plates, but you have to use the correct ingredients.
2022-12-30 - 12:11:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10876 - Category: C64, Game
The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: Merry Xmas! Lemmings, Civilization is pure genius, Blitz Bombers is the Best Amiga Bomberman and Fly High with Gee Bee Air Rally.
2022-12-30 - 12:10:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10875 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Сruiser-X 79 is a new game for the Commodore С64 computer. The game is a Shoot 'Em Up (Vertical Scrolling), developed by Richard Bayliss (code & music) and Hugues Poisseroux & Saul Cross (pixels). In the game you must pick-up firepower, charge up a shield or carry one of three smart bombs and escape the alien base.
2022-12-30 - 12:09:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10874 - Category: C64, Game
On the web page Flashtro.com you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to the browser. The most recent flashtro's are: The Exceptions - Chrono Quest, Accession - Dominium and Byte busters - Quick Byte.
2022-12-30 - 12:08:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10873 - Category: Commodore, Demo
With the InDev program (Input Device Tester C64/C128) it is possible to test joysticks (1-3 buttons), analogue joysticks, 1351 mouse, paddles and the Retropad. The program is developed by pastbytes.
2022-12-30 - 12:07:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10872 - Category: C64, Program
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Hoi, Wrong Way Driver and Dragons of Flame. Update: Escape from Colditz, Necronom, Space Ace, IK+, Back To The Future 2, Fighter Bomber, Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Edd the Duck 2, Solid Gold, Akira and Venus the Flytrap.
2022-12-30 - 12:06:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10871 - Category: Amiga, Game
The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Lordsfire, Adam Caveman, Billy Boulder, Mumbles - Super Spy, B-1 Bomber, Spukschloss, Aerial Arithmetic, Asteroids, Campaigns of Napoleon, Commando V1, Garden Wars, Spider Snare, Syntax tape, The Battle of the Bulge and Zany Golf. Update: 4 Games, 48 Hours, 64 Tape Computing (14), Abandon Ship S.O.S., Arcadian, Cosmax, Diskovery titles, Double Dragon V1, Dungeons Of Death, Eye Of The Beholder, Flyspy, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Gamma Strike, Gem-X 2, Greenhouse (MAX edition), Heartbreaker, Lost Robot 2, M45, Magic, Nuclear Nick, Outrun Europe, Proteus, Race Drivin', Scooter, Stratos, Sturmtruppen, Sword Of The Samurai, Terminus 2, The Magic Roundabout, Undead, Xane, Xermaid and Xoanon.
2022-12-30 - 12:05:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10870 - Category: C64, Game
You can now listen to a new episode of the Retro Asylum Podcast. In this episode: Mads and Chris talk about the classic game Wizball from Sensible Software.
2022-12-30 - 12:04:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10869 - Category: Commodore, Podcast
Snake vs Bomb is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss (code & music) and Hugues Poisseroux (pixels). In the game you must guide your snake safely through 8 levels, where each level gets faster as you progress. You must eat as many fruit as you can and avoid the bombs.
2022-12-30 - 12:03:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10868 - Category: C64, Game
JSIDPlay is a Commodore C64, cycle-exact, emulator optimized for SID sound reproduction. It is also a SID player for music collections like HVSC and CGSC. Changes in this version: Improvements for configuration, RSID, sub-tunes, filter names, ConsolePlayer, UTF8 filenames, video driver, SID tune information list and support for USB devices in modern browsers (ExSID, ExSID+, HardSID4U, HardSID Uno or HardSID UPlay).

JSIDDevice V4.7
2022-12-30 - 12:02:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10867 - Category: C64, Program
Rave is a sound editor for AmigaOS4-compatible computers, developed by Daniel Jedlicka. The features are: Modern GUI, tabs, asynchronous operations, clipboard, plugin-system and support for many audio file types and formats.
2022-12-30 - 12:01:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10866 - Category: Amiga, Program
Czołgi is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game was released at the Christmas Live with Demoscene #3 meeting in Poland. The game is developed by DJ Gruby (code), Hairdog (music & pixels), CatYa, Grasshopper and Steffan (test).
2022-12-30 - 12:00:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 10865 - Category: C64, Game
Dead Metal 2 is a game for the Amiga computer developed by Colin Fastman. This is a strategy game and is a follow-up to the game Colin released back in 2012. The system requirements are AmigaOS 3.0, 68030 @ 25Mhz, 2MB Chip & 4MB Fast RAM and 30MB HD.
2022-12-23 - 12:21:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10864 - Category: Amiga, Game
Pik n Mix is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game must stun your enemies with paint balls and then eat them. The game is developed by Shallan50k (code), Phaze101 & Stepz (music) and Furroy, Stoker64, Stepz, Shallan50k & Wavlok (pixels) and Eric Akeson & Stepz (test).
2022-12-23 - 12:20:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10863 - Category: C64, Game
AmiModRadio is a system that makes it possible to play all 20,000+ mods on Aminet. AmiModRadio is composed essentially of four parts: A small FTP client (download), a XAD client (unarchive), a ARexx program and a MUI interface to control the various parts of AmiModRadio. In this version several small errors are removed.
2022-12-23 - 12:19:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10862 - Category: Amiga, Program
X-Massacre is a new game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is a shoot 'em up game developed by Mika Keränen (Misfit). In the game you must collect boxes and shoot the enemy.
2022-12-23 - 12:18:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10861 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port.
2022-12-23 - 12:17:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10860 - Category: Amiga, Program
Scout the Stray is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. In the game you must help Scout the dog to go through different mazes munching on the bones scattered in them and avoiding being captured by the dog catchers who are chasing him. The game is developed by LC-Games.
2022-12-23 - 12:16:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10859 - Category: C64, Game
WhatIFF? is an Amiga magazine in the Amiga Guide format. In this edition: Terrible Fire 1230, SoundBox, TBC, Starfield, Aminet, AGABlaster, Lightwave, Brilliance, Andreas (Amiga Future) and Allen PPC (TF Builder).
2022-12-23 - 12:15:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10858 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
JC64dis (next generation C64 disassembler) is an iterative disassembler for MUS, SID and PRG files of the Commodore 64. The program is available as jar (java) and as exe for Windows.
2022-12-23 - 12:14:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10857 - Category: C64, Program
You can watch a new video from the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast. In this video the results of the Amiga Art Contest 2022.
2022-12-23 - 12:13:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10856 - Category: Amiga, Competition
You can watch a new video from the Commodore History YouTube channel. In this video the modification of the 2000K and the 3000H game-console from a RF output-signal to a video output-signal.
2022-12-23 - 12:12:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10855 - Category: KIM-1, PET, CBM, Hardware
A new YouTube video from CRG. In this video the repair of a Amiga 500+ computer with a black screen.
2022-12-23 - 12:11:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10854 - Category: Amiga, Repair
You can watch a new video from the Epictronics YouTube channel. In this episode: The overclocking of a Commodore 486 PC for DOS gaming.
2022-12-23 - 12:10:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10853 - Category: Commodore, YouTube
A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video the Commodore C64 on a MiSTer FPGA with real disk drives.
2022-12-23 - 12:09:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10852 - Category: Emulator, YouTube
You can now listen to a new episode of the Chip SID show with Max Hall. An hour long classic and new SID music.
2022-12-23 - 12:08:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10851 - Category: C64, Music
You can now listen to a new episode of the Retro Asylum Podcast. In this episode: 8 Bit Wars Xmas 2022 Special.
2022-12-23 - 12:07:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10850 - Category: Commodore, Podcast
The Minimig revision 9 is now available. The improvement are 6 layers PCB, LED voltage indicators, fast CBTD shifters, OCS/ECS MIA chip. Support for 60MHz MC68SEC000, TF030 @ 50MHz and PiStorm kick.rom caching.
2022-12-23 - 12:06:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10849 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The YouTube channel RetroGamingMusic has made a new video. In this video an interview with Chris Huelsbeck. This interview was made at the Back In Time Live 2022 meeting in Bergen, Norway.
2022-12-23 - 12:05:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10848 - Category: Commodore, Interview
Passione Amiga is an Italian printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: News, Devil's Temple: Son of Kung Fu Master, Aquabyss, Black Dawn: Technomage, Wonderboy, Wrong Way Back, Chaos Arena, Wood Block Puzzle, Luma, Amiga Duel, Amiga Forever 10, Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam 2022, Blender, AmigaOS 3.2 R4 NDK, THEA500 Mini, Tricks & Solutions and Demo scene.
2022-12-23 - 12:04:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10847 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Snake Games are the Best Games is a new game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. In the game you must eat all the food, which includes cherries, grapes, blueberries and bugs, to grow longer. But don't eat mushrooms!
2022-12-23 - 12:03:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10846 - Category: VIC-20, Game
You can now listen to a new episode of the German AMIGA Podcast (German language). In this episode: Amiga Meeting Neumünster, AMIGA Ruhrpott Convention and ARC 2023.
2022-12-23 - 12:02:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10845 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
David Horrocks released a new version of his Hoxs64 emulator. The latest changes are: Improvements for the joystick configuration.
2022-12-23 - 12:01:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10844 - Category: C64, Emulator
A new version of WinUAE is now available. Improvements in this version: 68000 emulation, custom chipset, CIA, serial port, audio, Blitter, Copper, RTG, monitor type, hard disk, American Laser Games, sprites, magic mouse mode, CD32/CDTV and Z2 RAM.
2022-12-23 - 12:00:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 10843 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
Ben from Nordischsound started a Kickstarter campaign to make his Nordischsound 8-bit chiptune covers available on streaming services such as Spotify.
2022-12-16 - 12:20:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 10842 - Category: C64, Music
The Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2022 is a programming challenge for all retro computers. The goal is to produce a picture of a star on the screen with the smallest program possible. The competition closes at the 26th of December 2022.

Other events: Commodore Events Page.
2022-12-16 - 12:19:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 10841 - Category: Commodore, Competition
In this episode of the Guru Meditation: Bill talks about the new wireless Amiga Tank Mouse that can be used on an Amiga computer or a modern PC. The Amiga Tank Mouse is developed by Lukas Remis, and can connect via Bluetooth or WiFi/USB.
2022-12-16 - 12:18:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 10840 - Category: Amiga, Hardware