A new edition of RetroMagazine World is now available. In this edition the following articles: Nintendo WII, Emulate, Mattel Intellivision, Sega SG-1000, The N Queens problem, Charlie Hitselberger, Erik Hogan, Commodore 64 OS, Are video games at risk of being lost?, Reviving the dream, DumpClub 64, Lemmings, E.X.O., Video Poker: MC-10 Edition, Absolute 0, Vyrzon, Mega Man: the Sequel Wars, Astebros, Cosmos Chronicles, Pelusa Saga: Kaiji's Trials, Meooow 2, Night/Shift, Battle Zeque Den, Nobelia, Zelda's Adventure, Batman, Intellivania, GG Aleste 3, Repugnant Bounty, Dig Dug Revival and Duck Tales.
2024-03-15 - 12:04:00 - Week: 11 - Item number: 12191 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
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