Portal demonstracyjny C64.ch dodał nowe wersje demonstracyjne dla komputera Commodore C64. Nowe pliki to: Accuracy, The Harbourmaster, PCB Ghost, Vader's Carinthian Crew, LCD 7 font, Seawatch, May the fourth, Polyphonix.., The Magic.., Summer Rain, Drawings, Bumzai, DRAG ON, Platoon, Shock Pack 5, Sid Accompanist, Sound of C, Doodle Dia-Show 2, Doodle Dia-Show, ToonS-O-matic, Blazon Marbles, GP-Micro-Intro, Blazon - Dirart 12 i Slanghai Express.
2024-05-17 - 12:08:00 - Tydzień: 20 - Numer wpisu: 12381 - Kategoria: C64, Demo
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