The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Altair's Adventures, Butterflies, Chase on Wheels, Countdown 64, Flight Simulator, Hunting with the Columbia, In Search of the Aurora, Mandragore, Nightmare around the Falklands, The Astronaut Eater, The Flintstones V1, The Blob, Unknown Chinese puzzle game, Unknown boat game, Unknown four-part game, Which one out of Seven, Whuppie Tale, Windsurf and Zoids 2. Update: Apprentice, Arthur, Ball Breaker, Black Bandit, Born In Space, Centurion Software titles, Cyber Cop, Freewheel Burning, Gremlins: Part 2, Memory Man, Metal Army, Moreta - Dragonlady Of Pern, Ooze, Quark, Software House, Splish Splash, Telmar's Gold, Unnamed Star Trek game and Zzap Italia homebrew.
2024-09-06 - 12:06:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 12708 - Category: C64, Game
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