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De GTW64 webpagina heeft een update gehad. Nieuw: Wacky Races V1, Apprentice, Aladdin's Cave, 666 - Number of the Beast, Bundesliga 2, Insect Kill and Clean All, Keith Purkiss archive, Super Hang-On V1, Super Hang On (US edition), Computer Theatre, Footy game, Gee Bee Air Rally - tape release, Goofy's Word Factory, Grand National, Quest for Truth, Street Football en Test Drive 2 - scenery tapes. Geactualiseerd: Alloyrun, Armalyte 2, Back in the USSR, Boxing Champion, Colony, Custodian, Devious Designs, Diabolik, Eye Of The Moon, Fight Night V1, Fire & Forget, Force Of The Vulcan, Galactic Conqueror, Garden Wars, Gargantuan, Gauntlet 3, Giana 2 - Arthur And Martha In Future World, Great Giana Sisters, Illusions, Joan Of Arc: Siege And The Sword, Jonny Quest and the Splinter of Heaven, Judge Death, Katakis, Knight Force, Koshimo, Lasertrain, Mars Cops, Minder, Morgol, Off Shore Warrior, Parasol Stars, Parisian Knights, Picnic Paranoia, Pong Mini, Reach For The Moon, Roadwars V2, Scooby Doo, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Star Tech Games, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, The Omnicron Conspiracy, Trojan, Undead, Unicorn Software titles en Virgin Atlantic Challenge.
2025-01-03 - 12:15:00 - Week: 1 - Item nummer: 13071 - Categorie: C64, Spel
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