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Old School Gamer ist ein Magazin für Retro-Konsolenspieler. In dieser (kostenlosen) Ausgabe: 70s Handheld Games, 20th Anniversary of the DS, The PlayStation Portable, How to Hack the PSP, The Neo Geo Pocket, Non-Nintendo Handhelds, Game Boy Operator Review, I Fell in Love with the Game Boy, Japanese Handhelds, The Game Boy Advance, The Apple II, Tetris Forever, Donkey Kong Part 2, Classic/Current, Queen of the Ball, The Video Game Life, NES High Score, Motorcycle Games, OSG Bookshelf, The Polycade Sente, The Video Game Collector's Field Guide, Heavy Hitters und No Quarter Corner.
2025-02-14 - 12:04:00 - Woche: 7 - Artikelnummer: 13186 - Kategorie: Commodore, Magazin
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