The PETdisk is a new storage device, made by bitfixer, for the Commodore CBM / PET with an IEEE-488 port. The system is in two parts. A datassette module that makes it possible to play "data" from a PC soundcard to the CBM / PET and play "data" from the CBM / PET to the PC. The IEEE-488 module has an SD card and a micro processor. You can use the commands LOAD, SAVE and LOAD "$" to load or store data on the SD card. The device number can be changed with a help of a jumper. The USB cable is used to provide 5VDC from the datassette module to the IEEE-488 module.

Demonstration video of the PETdisk.
2011-09-23 - 17:14:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 1782 - Category: KIM-1, PET, CBM, Hardware
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