Episode 049 is now available for download. In this podcast you can hear the following music: Rob Rubbard - The Last V8, David Filskov - Firelord, Ziphoid: Back in the saddle, Chris Abbott and Rob Hubbard - Comets 97, Necropolo - Zak, Necropolo - BC Bill, Peter Clarke - Monty on the Run, LMan and Sunflower - Follow me and DJ Skitz - MegaSweet. There is also news about: Markus Behlau, The new "Commodore 64", Julian Rignall, C64 remixing in 2010 infographic, Chipophone, LCP 2011 party, Back in Time CD, Remix64.com and HybridSID.
2011-10-21 - 17:27:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 1826 - Category: C64, Music