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De web pagina ADA (Amiga Demoscene Archive) heeft nieuwe demo's toegevoegd. De nieuwe demo's zijn: RESETkani (AmiGans), Kakao (Elude), Kioea (Madwizards), Teobstrrofarfeia (Focus Design), Boogie Town (Ghostown and RNO), Hot Dots (Focus Design and Unstable Label), Quotation Marks (Dekadence), Leap of Faith (Moods Plateau), Freeloader (Depth), Total Dominance (Spaceballs), Stars of another sky (Spaceballs), Siesta (Axis) en 8-bit Jungle (Unstable Label).
2012-04-20 - 17:06:00 - Week: 16 - Item nummer: 2132 - Categorie: Amiga, Demo
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