Commodore Free to anglojęzyczny magazyn w formatach: pdf, txt, seq, html, ebook i d64. W numerze: Editorial, Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #2, News: PRESS PLAY ON TAPE, Revival Studio, AROS Vision, ACE128, SC3, PDXCUG, C64 Walkabout, ICU 64, Digital Talk, Hungarian Amiga Magazine, Space Wars, SFX Recorder, REBOL, Jack, X-bEnCh, Amiga Game Disks, PC World Reviews C64 Forever,, VCF East 2012, AmigaKit, Above And Beyond, Club Info, Build Your Own SID, Amiga Future, Back in Time Live DVD, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 5, History of Commodore (2), Coppa Remix, Scene World, Koules, Bochs, Galaxions, Dont Worry "We Got It All Taped", Interview with Tomi Malinen, Reviews: Swarmed, Get'Em Delux, Redrunner / Greenrunner / Retroskoi+, Soulless, SQRXZ - OCS i Avalanche.
2012-11-23 - 17:20:00 - Tydzień: 47 - Numer wpisu: 2526 - Kategoria: Commodore, Magazyn