More information about the new project of Jan Derogee (inventor of the 1541-III) has been found. The project is called Cassiopei (which stands for Cassette IO peripheral expansion interface). It is a USB device that can also operate stand alone. USB is required for uploading the files to flash memory and for the configuration. It can play back .TAP files, and load .PRG files at normal speed or .PRG files 50 times faster then normal! The Cassiopei can also be used to connect to your own hardware designs. Using the box header connector at the back of the device to connect many servo motors, but the small remote control suggests much more. It is a remote for controlling your home lights. This would mean that the project would be very versatile, even usable for controlling your home lights? All this functionality combined with the fact that it is indeed usable on multiple systems ranging from the PET to the C128 would make it a very practical device for anyone with a 8-bit CBM.
2013-08-30 - 17:20:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 3008 - Category: Commodore, Hardware
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