Strona ma 14 nowych zakończeń gier: Avoid the Noid (Blue Sharedata Inc.), Beyond the Ice Palace (Elite), Championship Jet Ski Simulator (Codemasters), Cannonrider (Ariolasoft), Danger Mouse in Double Trouble (Creative Sparks), Echo Hawk (New Edition), Flintstones (Grandslam), First Starfighter (Orbeus), Ghost Hunters (Codemasters), Hektic (CP Verlag), International Speedway (Silverbird), Jocky Wilson's Darts (Zeppelin), Ruff and Reddy (Hi-Tec Software), Sentence (CP Verlag) i Space Towers (CP Verlag / Game On).
2013-11-01 - 17:14:00 - Tydzień: 44 - Numer wpisu: 3115 - Kategoria: C16, C116, Plus/4, Gra
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