W tym BitJam muzyki z X-2014: Alpha Bitch, Andropolis, Archangel, Arctic Circles, Bitter Swede, Break the Cycle, Channels, Chronicles, Edge of Disgrace, Eskimonika, Flowerguy's Pool Party, Gaijin, Gloria, Goldie, Good Enough, Hexadecimal, Legoman, Listen and Learn, Live Forever, Lois Lane, Mekanix, Melonade, Metamorphosis, Moroder, Revolved, Scarlet, Shorty, Smashing, Valentine i Videogamer. Czas: 1:11:05.
2014-12-19 - 17:06:00 - Tydzień: 51 - Numer wpisu: 3831 - Kategoria: C64, Muzyka
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