Jens schoenfeld from Individual Computers announced that he's working on a new product. He made a FPGA card that will fit in the C-one but also will fit in the C64. With this card you can make you're own processor, ROM, extra memory and much more. The space in the FPGA is twice as big as the FPGA's in the C-one. Features are: Two interfaces: C-One PCI and C-64 cartridge slot (auto detect), 8Mbyte or 16Mbyte ram, 16 bits wide, SD-Ram option, 1 cyclone EP2C8 FPGA: 8256 logic elements, 18K ram on-chip, 18 embedded multipliers, 2 PLLs, 64-macrocell CPLD for initial configuration and additional IO, 512KByte flashrom for code and cores, optional interface: VGA / SPDIF-out. If everything works out it will be available in a couple of months.
2006-10-13 - 12:00:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 403 - Category: Commodore, Hardware