Op de web pagina Flashtro.com kan je allerlei krakers intro's bekijken, gewoon in je browser. De originele intro's van de Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. zijn omgezet naar Flash. De meest recente flashtro's zijn: Interpol - Flashback, Crystal - moonStone, Angels - Prince of Persia, Infect - Mt Nutz, Paradox - Super Off Road, Angels - Panza Kick, RNC Sector Loader, ROL - UAC bypass in Dell System Detect, Skid Row - Robocop 2, Squadron - Nebulus II, Bronx - Disposable Hero, Wanted Team - Alter Ego, Bronx - Disposable Hero, Scoopex - Smarty & The Nasty Gluttons, Smarty & The Nasty Gluttons, Another World / Out of this World, Bronx - Import, Red Sector - Cinema Scope, Piranhas - Super Hang On, Reality - Titus the Fox, etc.
2016-01-08 - 13:05:00 - Week: 1 - Item nummer: 4526 - Categorie: Amiga, Demo
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