Wydanie 97 Amiga Future jest on-line. W tym wydaniu: USB-Joystick Adapter, Zelda - Mystery of Solarus DX, Atari ST conversions, Gravity Beam, Downfall, TetriCrisis 4, Letters Fall 3, Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis, Saga, AmiCygnix, iBatch, WinUAE, FS-UAE, Amiga Forever, C64 Forever, WiiUAE, Janus-UAE, MorphOS 3.0. Data management in AmigaDOS (1), Virtual Screens on Amiga, C-Workshop (14), A-EON News, Classic Reflections (5), ASDG Inc, Computer Meeting Braunschweig, Commodore Meeting Wien, News and Up2Date.
2016-05-13 - 13:04:00 - Tydzień: 19 - Numer wpisu: 4766 - Kategoria: Amiga, Magazyn
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