Komoda & Amiga Plus ist ein pdf Zeitschrift (Englisch und Polnisch Sprache) für den Commodore Benutzer. In dieser Ausgabe: TOP 2016: C64 graphics, GEOS, X-2016, Sid Adventures: c0zmo, Additional signal sockets for C64, Power supply replacement, 2016 Reset 4kb Coding Compo, Superhero games, Project Firestart, Fort Django, Punkiller, Quadrillion, Pac-Pac, Frutty Man, Athanor: The Awakening, Icicle Race, Pickle's Pod Patrol, The Moonstone phenomenon, GameDev Story: Rob Anderson, Reshoot, Giana Sisters S.E., SWOS: 2016/17 update, Amiga and CF memory cards, The power of infirmity, Old Computers and Games, Expo, Kraków, RetroKomp 2016, Individual Computers, 1024 bits, Superfrog, Retro games collector's edition, Android TV Box, Undertale, Talking Heads 84 und Johnny presents.