Op de "Games Coffer" web pagina kan je spelletjes, demo's, animaties, dia-shows, diskette magazines, historie, FAQ, emulators, beschrijvingen en advertentie scans vinden. Deze maand toegevoegd: Cold Caves, Junior Chaos Caves, Malediction, Sinking Island II, SmartCardz, Introgash, Invataxi, Psycheual, Puzzle Pits 2, Zzzep, Audio Illusions, Calibra, Delited 3, Happy Days, Jalonola, Peak Flow, Perfect Setup, Style Blend, Technofunctionom, The Cuttin Edge, X, Doodle Paint V2.1, Edit Keys, Helping Hands, Icetracker, Public Domain Copiers, Unicorn Copy, Gunny Go, Hop and Hurl, Rock Slide, SYS, TechnoVenture, Victor Loomes (DE), 1497 - Five Years After, Age Of Rock, E-Type, E-Type II en Shivered Sheep.