With permission from the rights owner (Chip Gracey), the ISEPIC cartridge has been brought back to the world. The ISEPIC cartridge is the very first "freezer" cartridge to have been invented and brought to market back in the 80's for the Commodore 64. This cartridge is similar in function to the "freeze" function of AR or Super Snapshot cartridges that were developed after the ISEPIC. Developed by Chip Gracey, and marketed through Starpoint software back in 1985, this cartridge only remained on the market for about 6 months before it was to fade into Commodore history. Fast forward a few months ago, COREi64.com has brought back a dimensionally identical reproduction of the ISEPIC cartridge. Original cartridge artwork was also reproduced and a faithful authentic styled 3D printed case completes the package.
2017-03-24 - 13:11:00 - Week: 12 - Item number: 5356 - Category: C64, Hardware
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