The web page has many high quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Independent Commodore Products User Group Newsletter, Precision Software - Special Offer to IPUG Members, 1541 Diskettestation Commercial, Commercial for 'EDDISON' and 'BB Write', The 'Kickstart' Guide to the Amiga, SOFT Today, MaxiMem v2.0, Advanced Machine Code Programming for the Commodore 64, VIC Computing, Motorola 68000/68008 Programming Reference Card, Sword of Honour, Zzapp64, Commodore DPS 1120, Bodylog - Das Fitnessprogramm mit dem Commodore 64/128, BTX Decoder Modul, Sargon II Chess for the VIC 20, Using the C64, AlphaWorks Universal Cartridge, Gubbdata 2017 Överlevelsesguide en Gubbdata 2017 votesheet.
2017-08-04 - 13:13:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 5618 - Category: Commodore, Web page
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