Amiga User is an English paper magazine for all Amiga users - Classics and NG systems, emulators enthusiasts, gamers and demo scene fans. In this edition: Editorial, Amiga 500 and hard disk drive, The best monitor for work, Mathematical drawing, Typography in Type Smith, Database management system, Multiple file renaming, Advanced disk recovery, Casablanca software (Part 2), Events in Directory Opus, Creating a title in Monument Designer, Turbo Calc - presenting data in different ways, Linux on Amiga 1200 Lightwave 3D (1), Generations of Workbench, Games for the new century, Home budget - Ignition, Amiga Boing in Hollywood, Top 20 most useful utilities, Benchmarking the hardware and High resolution screens handling.
2017-11-10 - 13:10:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5811 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
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