De web pagina heeft een update gehad. Je kan er nu 6883 spelletjes vinden op deze web pagina. De nieuwe spelletjes zijn: Alien 8, Alien Research Centre 2, Bruce Lee - Duology, Bugout 2019, Commando Kuwait, Commando Libya 2, Dragonaker, Filmation Quadrilogy, From out of the Snow, Frostbite, Gem-Nightmare Preview, Get Witchy, Great Giana Sisters Ridley X Hack, Giana Adventure, Giana Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview 2, Halloween 2019 Demo, Hans Kloss, Kissit, Lets Make a C64 Game Preview 2, Luna, Offelo, On the Queens Footsteps, Platoon - The Tunnel System, Puralax, Rotbotfindskitten, Roses Curry Clicker, Sex-Kommando, Space-Orbs, Space-Ball, Spy-Hunt, The Hut, The Last Warrior (Compute), The Last Warrior (The Softgang), The Revenge of Moriarty, Tili-Toli, Two Days to the Race, Whiz Kid, Witch Day, Wizard of Wor (Handic) en Wizard of Wor Comparison Demo.
2019-12-06 - 13:04:00 - Week: 49 - Item nummer: 7595 - Categorie: C64, Spel
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