De GTW64-webpagina heeft een update gehad. Nieuw: Apocalypse, Early Days, Mad Mission, Mirage, Molar Madness en Sidewinder. Bijgewerkt: Advanced Soccer Simulator, Alliance, C64GS cartridge titles, Catacombs, Circuit Man, Earth Mover, Escape From Colditz, Findit, Forestland, Habitat, Iron Hand, Living Dead, Make My Day, Mastertronic Loader 3, Mega Games, Megatanoï, Miner Willy Meets The Taxman, Mishun, Nighthunter, Orpheus in the Underworld, PHM Pegasus - Advanced Battle Disk, Race Drivin', Rainbow Educational Software, Red Arrows, Shoot Out!, Slap Fighter, Thunder Hawk en Unknown Tony Crowther game.
2020-07-17 - 12:03:00 - Week: 29 - Item nummer: 8243 - Categorie: C64, Spel
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