Retro Wars is a point & click adventure for the Amiga. In the game you must help Luk to escape from the planet and the negative influence of retro-speculation, promoted by the dark side.
2017-11-17 - 13:02:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 5822 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Reshoot R, Brus Lii, Hermes, Hollywood Spielautomaten, Lumberjack, Phantom Fighter, WinUAE, MorphOS, Aminet, RNOComics, Amiga laser mouse, A1200 Bifrost, North & South, Trevors Soapbox, Demoszene, Amiga hard-disk, Blitz Basic (8), Amiga Party 21 Polen, Gamescom 2017, Evoke 2017, Ben Hermans and Patrick Nevian.
2017-11-10 - 13:18:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5819 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Modern Vintage Gamer made a video about upgrading the Amiga 500. The upgrades are: TerribleFire with a 68030 CPU, Compact Flash and a modified Kickstart 1.3.
2017-11-10 - 13:16:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5817 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Approxit made a logic puzzle game for the Amiga. In the game you must follow the edges of the shapes to the red rectangle. But there are some impossible shapes.

A YouTube video about the game impsbru.
2017-11-10 - 13:14:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5815 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Amiga32, Vampire500 v2, Acryl case A500, Amiga Reloaded, Budda Flash, Tower 57, Cinemaware Retro, Reshoot R, IBrowse, AmigaOS 3.1, Vesalia Award, Cloanto, Return Magazine, Virtual Dimension, Mark Knight and Blue Metal Rose.
2017-11-10 - 13:12:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5813 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Amiga User is an English paper magazine for all Amiga users - Classics and NG systems, emulators enthusiasts, gamers and demo scene fans. In this edition: Editorial, Amiga 500 and hard disk drive, The best monitor for work, Mathematical drawing, Typography in Type Smith, Database management system, Multiple file renaming, Advanced disk recovery, Casablanca software (Part 2), Events in Directory Opus, Creating a title in Monument Designer, Turbo Calc - presenting data in different ways, Linux on Amiga 1200 Lightwave 3D (1), Generations of Workbench, Games for the new century, Home budget - Ignition, Amiga Boing in Hollywood, Top 20 most useful utilities, Benchmarking the hardware and High resolution screens handling.
2017-11-10 - 13:10:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5811 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Workbench Explorer (WEx) is a modern file browser with many features. Changes in this version: Improvements for cover art images, EXIF data, MP3 tags and image preview.
2017-11-10 - 13:08:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5809 - Category: Amiga, Program
With FontWalker you can search for TTF font on your Amiga. Features: Sample text, Load / save font, navigation by mouse or keyboard and drag & drop.
2017-11-10 - 13:06:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5807 - Category: Amiga, Program
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Romeo Knight (Red Sector Inc.).
2017-11-10 - 13:04:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5805 - Category: Podcast, Amiga
AMIGArama is a weekly podcast about the classic line of Commodore Amiga computers. Covering games, utilities and all sorts of extras. The recent episodes are: An introduction and Jetstrike.
2017-11-10 - 13:01:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5802 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
John Hertell has made a replica of the Amiga A3660 CPU board. All the files for making a CPU board will be open source. The working CPU board will be demonstrated at Amiga32 meeting in Neuss.
2017-11-03 - 13:15:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5800 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
In this episode of the Guru Meditation: Review of the Amiga digitizer: NewTek DigiView.
2017-11-03 - 13:13:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5798 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Castlevania, Zool 2, R-Type & R-Type 2, Road Rash, Hybris, Batman The Movie, Xtreme Racing and the NewTek DigiView.
2017-11-03 - 13:11:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5796 - Category: Amiga, Web page
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: Orules, Lack Of Oxygen, Strange Commings, Sun-Dance-Kid, Unearthly Desire, Warhawk, Web Of Flowers, Doom, What Is A Cable, Time For House, Spoongirl, Numb, Amiga Game Solutions 1, Amiga Game Solutions 1, Ecthelion Disk 2, Spectrum Smash Tips, AMOS Coin Drop, German Trucking, Gladiator!, SPC, Dominos & Eternal Rome, Infinity, Pengo Clones, Pool 2099 and Wizards Games Comp 1.
2017-11-03 - 13:09:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5794 - Category: Amiga, Web page
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Aunt Arctic Adventure (Midware). Update: Great Courts 2 / Pro Tennis Tour 2 (Blue Byte), Gem'X (Demonware/Kaiko), Amnios (Psygnosis), Mr.Nutz (Ocean), Toki (Ocean), Mr.Nutz (Ocean), Celtic Legends (UBI-Soft), Airball (Microdeal), Lotus 3 (Magnetic Fields/Gremlin), Thunderstrike (Millennium), Beyond Dark Castle (Activision), Harley Davidson (Mindscape), Utopia (Gremlin), Lothar Matthäus (Ocean/Audiogenic) and Whizz (Flair Software).
2017-11-03 - 13:05:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5790 - Category: Amiga, Game
On the Retrohax web page you can see how to clean and restore a Amiga CDTV.
2017-11-03 - 13:00:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5785 - Category: Amiga, Repair
AK Real is a 16 colour version of AmiKit adjusted to work with real Amiga AGA computers. AKReal is maintained by Retrofan. Changes in this version: Retro Switch, AmiStart, UAE 4.4, CoolCALC, OpenTyrian, MiniSlug, TinyMeter, ButtonMenu, DigiClock, AmiStart, ProTracker, TinyLauncher, Icon.library, Riva, AmiSSL, WHDLoad, MUIRoyale, EvenMore, AmigaAMP, MUI-5.0, AfA_OS, LoadModule and NetSurf.
2017-10-27 - 13:09:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5783 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: CSS, OpenSSL, Duktape, plotter API, GIF, SVG, splash screen, redrawing and improved the AmigaOS3 compatibility.
2017-10-27 - 13:07:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5781 - Category: Amiga, Program
An update is available for the game The Legend of Edgar. The game is a platform game and is made by Richard Sweeney. Edgar must battle his way across the world, solving puzzles and defeating powerful enemies to achieve his quest.
2017-10-27 - 13:00:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5774 - Category: Amiga, Game
CodeBench is a management system for the Amiga for various programming languages. Features: Project window, multiple targets, integrated editor, clip manager and build window, spell checking, keyboard macros and a ARexx port.
2017-10-20 - 13:08:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5772 - Category: Amiga, Program
Amiga Power is a printed magazine in the French language for the Amiga user. In this edition the following articles: Bubbelshe de Luxe OS4, Reshoot, AmiCast Player, gcp.device, MUIMapparium v0.4, Carte accélératrice Vampire, Edward Hepler, DevCon AmigaKit 2017, Ouf Party 2017, RGA 2017, L'Amiga, une histoire sans fin par Amiguy, Musiciens... et Amigaïstes, Cartes graphiques et AmigaOS4 and PowerMac G5 sous MorphOS.
2017-10-20 - 13:06:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5770 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Bad Dudes, Sly Spy: Secret Agent, Fury of the Furries, Public Domainia, Ugh!, turbo outrun, tennis, tennis cup 2, tennis cup II, SupraDrive, Zip Drive and Expansion Systems Dataflyer XDS.
2017-10-06 - 13:08:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5752 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: ArtiGames (Artur Jarosik), Extra themes and Real3D.
2017-10-06 - 13:06:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5750 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: A new section for Amiga "cheat disks".
2017-10-06 - 13:05:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 5749 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Andy Spencer tells us about the Commodore Amiga CD 1200, a prototype of a peripheral for the Amiga 1200 that would allow it to play Amiga CD32 games.
2017-09-29 - 13:12:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 5743 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The Retro 7-bit web page announced the Wicher CD32. This expansion card for the Amiga CD32 has the following features: 8MB RAM, IDE controller and a clock port.
2017-09-22 - 13:17:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5729 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with Matthias Heinrichs - Classic Amiga Hardware.
2017-09-22 - 13:15:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5727 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Amiga Users Ireland makes podcasts for Commodore and Amiga users. In this episode: Vampire 4, new hardware releases, music, art, discoveries and more.
2017-09-22 - 13:13:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5725 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
GrafX2 is a bitmap paint program inspired by the Amiga programs Deluxe Paint and Brilliance. The program uses 256-color drawing and includes a very large number of tools and effects.
2017-09-22 - 13:11:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5723 - Category: Amiga, Program
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Home Alone (Capstone). Update: Heart Of China (Dynamix), The Sentinel / The Sentry (Firebird), Amnios (Psygnosis), The Ultimate Pinball Quest (Infogrames), Megademo 2 (Darkness), Sound of Music 7 (Cave), Shadow of the Beast 3 (Psygnosis), Ruff'n'Tumble (Renegade), Loom (Lucasfilm Games), Impossible Mission 2 (Epyx), Odyssey (Audiogenic), Crossbow (Screen 7/Intelligent Games), Knightmare (Mindscape), Crossbow (Screen 7/Intelligent Games) and Kingmaker - The Quest For The Crown (U.S.Gold).
2017-09-22 - 13:09:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5721 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Silly season.
2017-09-22 - 13:07:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5719 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Trevor Dickinson writes a blog about the Amiga. This time he writes about: AmiParty 21, A.L.I.C.E. revisited, Sitting on the fence?, Approaching Warp speed, A new generation, You've got a Friend, Lie, damn lies and statistics?, AMIGAAA!, Have a break(out) have a Kitkat (lawsuit!) and The Boing Ball Image of the week!
2017-09-22 - 13:05:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5717 - Category: Amiga, Blog
Lunar Lander is a game for AROS. The game is developed by Nick Gasson. In this version a couple of errors are removed and improvements are made.
2017-09-22 - 13:03:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5715 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new version is now available for the Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk reader / writer system of Robert Smith. Changes in this version: Support for writing diskettes and improvements for reading diskettes.
2017-09-22 - 13:01:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 5713 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
ADF-Drive is an enhancement for the ADF-Copy system. With ADF-Drive it is possible to access the diskette data via the MTP protocol. The MTP protocol is supported by Windows, MacOS, Linux and AmigaOS.
2017-09-15 - 13:16:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 5711 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A/NES is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for AmigaOS. The changes in this version are: Improvements for the screenmode-requester, AsmOne/Asm-Pro switch and a couple of smaller improvements and optimizations.
2017-09-15 - 13:13:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 5708 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Argus, Craig Burlock, Prototype, IAM, MegaBall v4.0, Simon Sinclair, Alan Caleb, Christopher Caleb, Comatose, Power Roller, Blood Money, Raising Hell, Martyn R. Chudley, Monster Pack Volume 2, The Killing Game Show, Charlie Chimp, Neuromancer, Marble, SideWinder II, Ashley Cunningham, Brian Bell, B.P.M. Promotions, Lazarus, Jimmy Connors Great Courts 2 and War Zone.
2017-09-15 - 13:11:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 5706 - Category: Amiga, Web page
An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: Epub_mcc_0.3.lha, KMBubbleShooter.lha, Africa_1.44.lha, IRSSI_1.0.4.lha, RNOComics_1.0.lha, PintorWeb_2.20.lha, FontWalker_1.1.lha, WormWars_9.01.lha, AmiArcadia_24.6.lha, Folio_1.0beta.lha, XRoar_0.34.7.lha, Hermes.lha, Potrace_1.15.lha, DOpus_4.16JRbin.lha, vlink_0.16a_source.tgz, vasm_1.8a_source.tgz, vbcc_0.9f_patch1.lha, Report+_7.11.lha, Ultimate_pack_E-UAE_1.4.lha and Saga_1.88.lha.
2017-09-15 - 13:09:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 5704 - Category: Amiga, Web page
TAWS (The Amiga Workbench Simulation) is a JavaScript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.x - 3.x for IE, Firefox, Opera and WebKit-Browsers. With TAWS you can work with the Amiga Workbench inside your favourite web browser. Changes in this version: OS 3.9 AmiKitX, polish translation (Marcin Pianka) and an update for the ListBox-Scrollbar.
2017-09-08 - 13:11:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 5693 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: Boxx Trilogy games, Info 39.18b, AmiKit Quick Guide, AmiStart menu, AHI Audio System, LAME 3.100a2, NetSurf 3.7, OpenURL 7.17, Opus Audio Tools 0.1.10, playOGG 140508, PlaySID 1.2, Polish Locale, PTPlay library 2.6, ScreenText 1.4, UnLZX 2.16 and WHDLoad 18.4 beta.
2017-09-08 - 13:09:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 5691 - Category: Amiga, Program
In this episode of the Guru Meditation: Bill and Anthony were present on the AmiParty 21 in Poland.
2017-09-08 - 13:07:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 5689 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Spielfeld, Tiger Claw, Safari Guns, Menace, Quasarius, Amiga Forever 7, C64 Forever 7, OS4Depot, Aminet, AmiCast, Projekt Rot, VA 2000, VA 2000CX, Trevors Soapbox, Hollywood, Free Pascal, Virtual disk (2), Demoscene, Blitz Basic (7), Devcon 2 and Marcus Sackrow.
2017-09-08 - 13:05:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 5687 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: François Lionet (AMOS / STOS).
2017-09-08 - 13:03:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 5685 - Category: Amiga, Interview
Keir Fraser developed new firmware for the Gotek hardware. This firmware is open source and is an alternative for the HcX firmware. With a Gotek you can replace your floppy disk drive in your Amiga with an USB drive. Changes in this version: Improvements for PC Floppy Interface and the OLED screen.
2017-09-01 - 13:13:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 5681 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Devious Designs, Kick Start Issue 10, Midnight Resistance, Qwak and Sleepwalker.
2017-09-01 - 13:10:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 5678 - Category: Amiga, Web page
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: Board Games 2, Cow Wars, Oh No More Yams 6, Technology 2, Virtual World, Word Power, Star Chart, Lottery Winner, Bon Appetit V1.3, Nial and Eliza, Home Wine Making, Tarot II, Pro-Gamble, Golf Recorder, Amiga Punter, Anim Pro V1.0, Disk Salv 2, Hard Utilities 2000, SAS Utilities and Zig Zag Zip.
2017-09-01 - 13:08:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 5676 - Category: Amiga, Web page
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode a text interview with Artur Jarosik (NetSurf).
2017-09-01 - 13:00:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 5668 - Category: Amiga, Interview
ADF-Copy is a small device with a Teensy 3.2. This device connects to USB and a 3,5" PC floppy drive. This device makes it possible to read and write ADF's from or to a real Amiga diskette.
2017-08-25 - 13:12:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 5666 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page had an interview with Calvin Harris. Calvin made the music album "I created Disco" with an Amiga 1200 and OctaMED.
2017-08-25 - 13:10:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 5664 - Category: Amiga, Interview
Lukas F. Hartmann is developing a graphics card for the Amiga 2000. He build an adaptor card with a FPGA that fits into a Zorro II slot. Changes in this version: It is now possible to boot from the SD card.
2017-08-25 - 13:06:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 5660 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
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