WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Megademo, Dynamo, Acme 1991 Slideshow, Tuneshow III / IV, Fantastic Pix Vol.1, No Brain - No Pain and Hit the Road. Improved: 4th & Inches, Miami Vice Theme, Museum, Jesus on E's, Iraq, Music Disk and Shinobi.
2015-11-27 - 13:02:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 4449 - Category: Amiga, Game
In this episode of BitJam the Swedish remix legend Martin Noriander Instant Remedy: You can listen to the following music: Woody's Wor.d, Penguin Palooza 3, Flimbo's quest, Battle Squadron, Bomb Mania, Lotus turbo challenge 2, RR2 ingame 2, Project-X, The Last Ninja, IK+, Magic Disk 64 (90's euromix), RR2 ingame 3 and Pinball Dreams Nightmare.
2015-11-27 - 13:00:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 4447 - Category: Amiga, Music
A new version of WinUAE is now available. Changes in this version: DKB Wildfire, 3-State Apollo 500/2000, A2090, Elaborate Bytes A.L.F., Kupke Golem Fast SCSI/IDE, Mainhattan Data Paradox SCSI, Multi Evolution 500/2000, OMTI-Adapter, Spirit Technology HDA-506, Tecmar T-Card/T-Disk, Vortex System 2000, Xebec 9720H, A1060, A2088, A2088T, A2286, A2386SX, etc.
2015-11-20 - 13:09:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 4445 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
DrawerExplorer is an file manager with a hierarchical directory view for AmigaOS 4.x. The recent changes are: Added a popup menu. An AISS toolbar instead of text buttons. Improvements for displaying icons. Added an info bar at the bottom of the window and the details column is now resizeable.
2015-11-20 - 13:07:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 4443 - Category: Amiga, Program
Ignition is a modern spread sheet for AmigaOS 4.x. This AmigaOS 4.x version is made by Achim Pankalla, which is based on the 68K version from Axel Dörfler. Changes in this version: Improved Turbocalc import and improved csv import and export. And more than twenty errors were corrected.
2015-11-20 - 13:05:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 4441 - Category: Amiga, Program
The Company is a group Amiga enthusiast from Poland. They make exe versions of Amiga games. You can download a exe file that contains the game and a preconfigured version of WinUAE. The latest additions are: Skarabeusz (Twin Spark Soft,1992), Lazarus (Infinite Dreams, TimSoft - Poland, 1995), Space Crusade (Gremlin,1992) and Lothar Matthaus: Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation (Bomico - Germany, 1993).
2015-11-20 - 13:02:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 4438 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. In this version updates for: Boot-screen / Boot-sound, Drag & Drop files, hotkeys, Trashcan, Alt-Tabber, FTP, MUI38, Free Pascal, App Store, AmiCloud and many small optimizations.
2015-11-20 - 13:00:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 4436 - Category: Amiga, Program
Amigaville is an English PDF magazine for the Amiga user with news and reviews of games & programs. In this edition: News, Reviews: Legend of Kyrandia, T-Zero, Micro Machines and Archer Madeans Pool. FPGA's, MorphOS, AmigaOS 4.2, emulation and word-processors.
2015-11-13 - 13:11:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 4433 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Lariad is an action/adventure game for the Amiga. The protagonist is a swamp dweller who lives peacefully on his planet, all by himself. Then, one fateful night, unbeknownst to the swamp dweller, an intruder lands on his planet and steals something that's very precious to him.
2015-11-13 - 13:05:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 4427 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Gorky 17, Mutant League Hockey, Fruit'y, Meteor Defender, Mission Andromeda, Bubble Shooter DX, Evil Garden, Xenopew, Kingdoms Of Steam, The Game, Equality, OS 4 Depot, Candi, ASDG Inc, Demoscene, Programming with AmigaOS4 (15), Demo development (6), 30 Years Amiga Event Neuss 2015, Interviews: Kurt Cotoaga (Demonware), A500Fan and Marco Sowa (Sunlight Games).
2015-11-06 - 13:16:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4420 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
880 Gamer is a English pdf magazine for the Amiga user. In this magazine the following articles: News, Cover Disk, Beast update, Game on: Elite, Frontier, Narco Police, Final Fight, Moonshine Racers and Savage. Bleading eyes: Brus, Elements, Hacks for Tracks, Legalise, Musicland, Seduction and Turmoil. 880 Cheat and 880 Talkback.
2015-11-06 - 13:14:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4418 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions fort his month are: Creep Show, Dark Lord No.9, Freddys Dead, Friday The 13th, Horror Slideshow, Nightbreed, Art I, Art II, Color Crime, Termination Zone 92, Tora Cora, Zombie Boys 3, Chainsaw Death, Dragons Pyramids, Magic Ball (DE), Missile, Star Fleet 1, Wet Beaver Games, Boulder, Budbrain Megademo #3, Deep Core, Disorder Megademo 2, Gate Megademo, Gate Megademo II, Hit The Road, Hydrocephelus II, Hypnosis, It's Tricky, Space Alien Vampire, Wicked House and Wild Copper.
2015-11-06 - 13:07:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4411 - Category: Amiga, Web page
FS-UAE is a multi-platform Amiga emulator for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X based on UAE/WinUAE. Changes in this version: More compatibility for A1200 Blizzard CPU board models. More gamepad controller configurations. Updated translations and improvements for the FS-UAE Launcher.
2015-11-06 - 13:05:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4409 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
MUIbase (Magic data BASE with User Interface) is a relational, programmable database with a graphical user interface for Amiga, Linux, Mac and Windows. Steffen Gutmann has released a new version for the Amiga. The changes are: New names for the use of a project: Changed, Locked or Old. Quick search in select-from-where lists. MIN / MAX for arbitrary data types. Update for the manuals and many small errors are removed.
2015-11-06 - 13:03:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4407 - Category: Amiga, Program
Potrace is a utility for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. The input is a bitmap and the output is an PostScript file. Changes in this version are: Improvements for processing of BMP files and the portability was improved for C99 and for MSVC++.
2015-11-06 - 13:01:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 4405 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new firmware for the Sum USB (A1200) and the Sum A600 models is now available. Changes in this version: Apple USB keyboard support, F10: displaying selected keys codes, F12: displaying device settings and a new short-cut for adapter settings.
2015-10-30 - 13:10:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 4402 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Export EPUB, Support of HOME and END button, Drag'n Drop of all possible files, and a new Shortcut for rescale objects with aspect ratio.
2015-10-30 - 13:07:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 4399 - Category: Amiga, Program
XoXo is a program, developed by Andreas G. Szabo, that can help you with ripping, decrunching, decoding, virus checking and debugging. Changes in this version: Improvements for reading the directory and assigns in the file manager. More ToolTips and OX system upgrade from library version 0 to 2.7.
2015-10-30 - 13:05:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 4397 - Category: Amiga, Program
Robert Bernardo made videos of the 30th birthday of the Amiga meeting in California. In the videos: RJ Mical, Dave Needle, Joe Decuir, Ron Nicholson, Jim Mackraz, Peter Cherna, Spencer Shanson, Colin Proudfoot, Allan Havemose, Trevor Dickinson, Arne Blix, Hogne Titlestad, Bill Bosari, Zach Weddington, Jason Scott, Joe Torre, Steve Solie, Perry Kivolowitz and Eric Lavitsky.
2015-10-23 - 13:10:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 4390 - Category: Amiga, Event
Michael St. Neitzel is working on a new game that is called Amiga Racer. The requirements are: PowerPC (PPC) CPU 1 GHz, ATI Graphics Card, keyboard, joystick, sound card and Amiga OS 4.1 FE. The game is still in development but you can try-out the latest version.
2015-10-23 - 13:08:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 4388 - Category: Amiga, Game
Nazghul is an old-school RPG clone modelled after those made in the heyday of top-down, 2D tile-based graphics. It is specifically modelled after Ultima V, so if you've played that game then this should be familiar.
2015-10-23 - 13:05:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 4385 - Category: Amiga, Game
AMIGOS is a new podcast about Amiga games, hardware, news and memories. In this episode: Cinemaware Anthology on Steam, APowerII Amiga power supplies, Amiga PCB Explorer and Zool on LemonAmiga.
2015-10-16 - 13:12:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4378 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
NetBSD/amiga is the port of NetBSD to the Amiga computers. Currently, NetBSD/amiga runs on any Amiga with Motorola 68020 or better CPU with some form of MMU. Recent changes: Clockport driver for A1200, improvements for X-Surf, inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic arctangent, exponential and power functions and support for the Thylacine USB card.
2015-10-16 - 13:10:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4376 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the web page Flashtro.com you can see many cracker intro’s with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro’s are: Bronx - Import, Red Sector - Cinema Scope, Piranhas - Super Hang On, Reality - Titus the Fox, Reality - Vroom, Frantic - Kick Off II, Fantasy - Hostages, TSK - Power Struggle, TSK - Kick Start II, Scoopex - Letters Intro, The Prophets - Speedball, Tal - Prince, Two Live Crew & Members of Fun - Castles, The Code Killers - Kick Off, Hawk - Darkman, TRZ - Test Cricket and LSD - Jim Power.
2015-10-16 - 13:08:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4374 - Category: Amiga, Demo
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Music, Hit Collection 1, Sploosh 1.5 - Pond, Future Synthetix, Music Disk 1, Essential Classics, Smau 92 Music Disk, Quick Musique, Mixolydian, Sploosh, Beatvise The Best of Pearl, Music Disk 2, Music Disk 1, Unleashed and Estprobal Mastic.
2015-10-16 - 13:06:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4372 - Category: Amiga, Game
FPSE stands for Free Play Station Emulator. It is written by BERO and LDChen. The AmigaPPC version is made by Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund. The recent changes are: The lowlevel.library joy plugin makes it now possible to use two joysticks to emulate one psx pad. And a plugin SDK is now available with a few example plugins included.
2015-10-16 - 13:04:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4370 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: Trevor Dickinson (A-EON), Christian Zigotzky (A1222 Tabor), Daniel Müßener (Cherry Darling), Antoine Dubourg (SoundBankster, MorphOS), Jacek Piszczek (MorphOS), Hogne Titlestad (FriendOS UP), Costel Mincea (Hyperion Entertainment, AmigaOS 4), Hans-Jörg Frieden (Hyperion Entertainment, AmigaOS 4), Petro Tyschtschenko (Commodore International, Amiga Technologies), RJ Mical (Amiga, Atari, Google) and Mike Battilana (Cloanto, Amiga Forever).
2015-10-16 - 13:02:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 4368 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Ravi Abbott had an interview with RJ Mical. RJ Mical worked for Sony (Playstation), Atari (Lynx) and Commodore where he was involved in the development of the Amiga (Intuition). Ravi and Robert talk about Amiga, Lynx vs Atari and his role as Director of Gaming at Google.
2015-10-09 - 13:10:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 4364 - Category: Amiga, Interview
Hyperion Entertainment released the game Gorky 17 for AmigaOS. This project was done by Frank Menzel and Thomas Claus from Entwickler-X. The game supports the English, German, Spanish and French language. The minimum requirements are: Amiga - 500MHz CPU, 256MB, Graphics card, 700MB disk space and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition.
2015-10-09 - 13:08:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 4362 - Category: Amiga, Game
Cannonball is a game for the Amiga. The game is an enhanced version of Yu Suzuki's arcade racer, OutRun. In this version the graphics are much faster (compositing feature is used for scaled graphics) and the Sam440 can run lowres () 60 FPS, but scan lines are not supported.
2015-10-09 - 13:06:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 4360 - Category: Amiga, Game
Tuomas Järvensivu and Harri Salokorpi have written a blog about how to program in assembly. They show how to make a simple animation and talk about the development environment, assembler, debugging, application start-up, main loop, application exit and running the program on real hardware.
2015-10-09 - 13:04:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 4358 - Category: Amiga, Blog
Vasm is a assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version.
2015-10-09 - 13:01:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 4355 - Category: Amiga, Program
ACE is an Amstrad CPC emulator developed by Philippe Rimauro. The emulator is written in the language C and its GUI is based on MUI 4. The changes in this version are: Improvements for the border emulation, tape configuration menu, snapshot loader and breakpoints.
2015-10-02 - 13:11:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 4351 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: 20 years an Amiga and an interview with Patrick Nevian from Tales of Gorluth II / BMR.
2015-10-02 - 13:03:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 4343 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions fort his month are: Crash or Smash, Diamond Thief, Lethal Forumla, Life After Death, Racing Maniacs, Tronn, Tsch, Amibee, Samurai Showdown, Solo Card Games, TecnoballZ, Tile Fall, Duel, Duell, Logik, Mostares 2 (DE), Schnebitz Inc, Ski Run, Snoisnemid, Pssst!, Indycar Challenge, Power Battle, Premier Sixes, Smeer, Resident, The Almighty, Travellog, Visual Intensity, 9 Fingers, Blow Your Nose (Now), Breath Of Air, Bruiser, Cracked, Das Boot, Deep Deep Ocean, Digital Insult, Dont Say Goodbye, Dubby Day, Engine Noise, England, I Feel So Alive, Itch, LED Storm, Move, Psychotic Dreams, Runaway Scales, Sad Song, The Pit, Thunderforce 91, We Need Freedom, Zin, Broken Cigarette, Chaotic Dawn, Chip Chop 2, Deep Lard Seven, Deeply Depressed, Dusty Bottle, Fluffly Clouds, Galaxy II, Lard Tripping, Perhaps, Return Of The Judge, Shining Old Boots, The Devils and Which Way Now.
2015-10-02 - 13:01:00 - Week: 40 - Item number: 4341 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Amiga PCB Explorer is a web based information system developed by Christian Euler. You can use the system for repairing Amiga motherboards. Besides the layout of the A4000 Rev.B motherboard, the layout of the A1200 Rev 2B is now also available with components, pin assignment and traces.
2015-09-25 - 13:12:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 4338 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Amiga Power is a printed magazine in the French language for the Amiga user. In this edition the following articles: MorphOS v3.7-3.8 Mac Mini, Backup OS4, E-UAE MOS, Ask Me Up XXL, Boxx & Boxx 2, My and my shadow, The Game, Operation Jupiter, HDMI, Ludexo, Dual boot - Sam460, Play It Festival, Final Edition and Icaros.
2015-09-25 - 13:10:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 4336 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
EvenMore is an text viewer for AmigaOS. The features are proportional font support, multi-coloured text, file conversion plugins, and more. Recent changes: Improvements for Arc2Text with MorphOS and for browsing in archives. No more problems if a filename has quotation marks and spaces.
2015-09-25 - 13:08:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 4334 - Category: Amiga, Program
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with Philippe Lang, the future of Amiga, Raspberry Pi and other project like: key caps.
2015-09-25 - 13:06:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 4332 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
AmiCraft is a Minecraft like game for AmigaOS 4.x. New in this version: The Nether, Lava, Fire, Chicken, Spider, Bow and arrows, Obsidian, Flint and steel, Gunpowder, TNT and the Golden apple.
2015-09-25 - 13:03:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 4329 - Category: Amiga, Game
Oliver Urbann released a new version of his Twitter client TwittAmiga. The features are: Map view, Search, Skinnable timeline, Multiple user accounts, Preview of linked images, Update of status, Follow / Unfollow, Retweet, etc. You can read about the changes in the change log.
2015-09-18 - 13:08:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 4324 - Category: Amiga, Program
Amiga mixer is a program for the Amiga that can control your audio. It supports many soundcards: SBLive/SBAudigy, FM801, Envy24HT, Solo-1 and many others. Changes in this version: New short-keys for Fader. A Greek catalog. KEYS_UDM tool type. Improvements for CLI parsing and the ARexx #?MUTE command.
2015-09-18 - 13:02:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 4318 - Category: Amiga, Program
Loriano Pagni started an Kickstarter campaign for producing Amiga inspired key caps for mechanical keyboards. The key caps will be UV printed (at over 300 dpi) on caps compatible with Cherry MX switches. The key caps will be available in following colours: black, white, beige, dark grey, orange, green, lilac, yellow, pink, red, and light blue.
2015-09-11 - 13:10:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4315 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Amigakit is now selling a Classic Boing Ball Mouse. The feature are: 1000 DPI optical mouse with scroll wheel (third button). DB9 connection for Classic Amiga computers: A500, A500+, A600*, A1200, A1500, A2000, A3000, A4000, A4000T.
2015-09-11 - 13:08:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4313 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The Sum adapter enables connecting USB HID keyboards to your Amiga 600. It has been designed for installation inside A600’s casing. Sum is based upon a 16-bit Microchip micro-controller. Features: Support for both USB HID and USB-PS/2 keyboards, built-in USB stack, configuration mode, boot-loader (firmware upgrade) and a status LED.
2015-09-11 - 13:06:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4311 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new Kickstart project wants to produce new A1200 computer housings. The housing will be made with injection molds with a quality plastic (ASA) with anti-UV and will be super resistive. No yellowing anymore. The new housing are prepared for a CF slot, HcX display and video out. Update: The housing is now available with the Amiga logo.
2015-09-11 - 13:04:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4309 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Dopus5 is a Workbench clone for AmigaOS-based computer systems. The main feature of Dopus5 is the file manager functionality. The team behind Dopus5 has released a new version for AmigaOS4, MorphOS, AROS and the original AmigaOS3 platform.
2015-09-11 - 13:02:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4307 - Category: Amiga, Program
With Amiga911 Maker is it possible to create boot diskettes for AmigaOS 3.0/3.1. The changes in this are: All In One type solution. Support for: DiskSalv4, MaxTransTest, PFSSalv2 and SFSSalv. New Prefs window, Expert Mode and many other improvements.
2015-09-04 - 17:08:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4303 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions fort his month are: City, Classic Racer (DE), Euro Trotter, Fireflies, Super Blobble 2, Torque, Batman, Boat Animation, City Jumper, Luxo Teenager, Rocking Robot, The, Shuttlecock, Spark Trek, Air Ace II, Bionix 2, Black Belt, Hyperace, Patience, Zerg, D-Day, History of Aviation, Little Traveller, Spelltris and Star Trek Guide.
2015-09-04 - 17:06:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4301 - Category: Amiga, Web page
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Tecnoball Z, Minos, Amiiga 10x10, Help my Cat, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, Bed Games, Jay the Miner, Volfied, Wings Battlefield, Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium, The Amiga Workbench Simulation, Pegasos, MorphOS 3.8, WHDLoad, Phase 5 Digital Products, Demoscene, ArtEffect, Programming with AmigaOS4 (13) and a interview with Paul Gardner-Stephen (Mega65).
2015-09-04 - 17:05:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4300 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
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