A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Amiga news, Schnapper des Monats, Interview with Markus Tillman and the meeting Amiga 30 Jahre in Neuss.
2015-09-04 - 17:03:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4298 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Hyperion Entertainment released an update for the OS4 Software Development Kit (SDK). The changes in this version are: New components: btree.library, diffview.gadget, diskio.library, z.library and graphics.library. Extended memory > 4 GB. Next generation menu system and improvements for dos.library API and console.device API.
2015-09-04 - 17:01:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 4296 - Category: Amiga, Program
Staringlizard has developed an replacement for the Amiga A520 adapter. The Amiv 2.0 can converts the Amiga RGB 15 KHz signal to HDMI to make it possible to connect your A500 or A1200 to a modern screen. The Amiv has buttons to shrink the picture horizontally and move the picture horizontally and vertically.

YouTube: AMIV 2.0 - Amiga A520 adapter HDMI remake
2015-08-28 - 17:10:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4294 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: An interview with Szilárd Biró (BSzili), Amiga (NG): AROS, AmigaOS4 and MorphOS. Music: Drink My Pain Away by Mobi from album Amiga Days (Remasters).
2015-08-28 - 17:06:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4290 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Muzzax 1 & 2, Decibel Overload, The Beginning, Astrogate, Spaceship, Moin Jungs, 3D-Net Analyzer, Music Disk 1, Musics 3, BBS Intro, Beach Volley demo and Gate to Hell. Improved: Hydra, Waterproof and Our Definition of a Boombastic Demo Style.
2015-08-28 - 17:04:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4288 - Category: Amiga, Game
Dan Wood from kookytech.net had an interview with Trevor Dickinson. He talks with Trevor, from A-Eon about the AmigaOne X1000 project, AmigaOS 4 and the future of the system. Plus, his memories and why he fell in love with the original Amiga machines.
2015-08-28 - 17:02:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4286 - Category: Amiga, Interview
If you have a 3D printer you can now print your own Amiga Boing Ball. The ball can be printed with a single-head printer in two colours and you do not need any glue to put the ball together.
2015-08-28 - 17:00:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 4284 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
EntwicklerX released the game Bubble Shooter DX for the Amiga. In this game you must shoot bubbles and make a group of minimal three bubbles with the same colour to make them disappear. Features: 200+ levels, Three star ranking system, Colour-blind mode and special bubbles for an improved gameplay on difficult levels.
2015-08-21 - 17:12:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4283 - Category: Amiga, Game
AmiMag is a French pdf magazine for the Amiga user. In this edition: News, The Time Machine, Shadow Of The Beast, Mister P, The Doom-Mania, Labo Amos, Interview with TBT, The Pin-Up and Candide 1/2.
2015-08-21 - 17:09:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4280 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
The web page Obligement has had an interview with Igor Majstorovic. Igor is the developer of the Vampire600. The Vampire600 is an turbo-card for the Amiga 600 based on a FPGA. In the interview Igor tells about how he developed the Vampire600 and what the plans for the future are.
2015-08-21 - 17:05:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4276 - Category: Amiga, Interview
Amiga Forum is a Swedish (printed) magazine for the Amiga user. In this edition: News from SUGA an the Amiga scene. Games: Colonization and Wings Battlefield. Keyrah: Amiga keyboard on the PC. Books: Amiga, a visual Compendium and Petro Tyschtschenckos memoirs. The Amiga 700, 17 tips for the Amiga and the year 1985.
2015-08-21 - 17:03:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4274 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Xye is a puzzle game for AROS. Xye is a green ball that can move one cell up, down, left or right in every move (with keyboard or mouse). You can start with the tutorial levels that have hints for how to play the game.
2015-08-21 - 17:01:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 4272 - Category: Amiga, Game
On the web page Flashtro.com you can see many cracker intro’s with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro’s are: Beta 5 - Multi Musics, Tal 90 - Typhoon Thompson, Science Inc - Manager, Science 451 - Turrican II, Setrox - SoundFX, Mad Monks Thrust Sunriders - Betrayal, Devils - New Stuff, Devils - Basket Manager, Switch - Ami Word, Yugoslav Cracking Service - Alien Storm, Quadlite - LeoDemo, Quadlite - Bionic Commando Demo, Acid - Mini Golf, Australian Crackers United - Spherical, etc.
2015-08-14 - 17:07:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4266 - Category: Amiga, Demo
The FPGA Arcade is an retro computer system developed by MikeJ and can be used to emulate (in hardware) many retro computers such as: Amiga, Apple II+, AtariST, Atari 800XL, BBC B, Commodore VIC-20 / C64, MSX and the Spectrum. Miflos has received his FPGA Arcade has build the system inside a mini-itx case. You can follow his progress on his blog.

The FPGA Arcade web page.
2015-08-14 - 17:04:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 4263 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new version of Directory Opus, or "DOpus", is now available. In this version improvements for the directory, the hunt command, the text viewer, Dopus_Print, memory allocation, icons and the history files.
2015-08-07 - 17:10:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4257 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Virtual Amiga Multimedia Player is a media player made with the help of Hollywood. In this version a number of small errors were removed, added an option to fast forward the movie with the mouse-wheel. The steps times 1, 10, 30 or 60 seconds can be selected with the number key 1 t/m 4.
2015-08-07 - 17:08:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4255 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Amiga news, Interviews: Wei-ju and Costel Mincea, Artbase, Bad Bramstedt, Hyperion, Commodore Pet Handy, Kickstarter: A1200 Housing, Tales of Gorluth II, Mountain View and Gorky 17.
2015-08-07 - 17:06:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4253 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Chocolate-doom is a project that makes it possible to play the original MS-DOS game Doom on modern computers. The aims of this project are: To be as accurate as possible to the original game. 100% free and open-source. And make versions for as many different operating systems as possible. Version 2.2.0 of the AmigaOS 4 version is now available.
2015-08-07 - 17:03:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4250 - Category: Amiga, Game
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions fort his month are: 2998z, Imagine, Liars, Lovers Day, Pretty Fly, Stars of Another Sky, Today is Sunday, Unexpected, Up n X, Vacation 2, Abnormalia #3.14, Abnormalia #5, AM-FM Issues 1-5, Mag-Net Issue 2, Smooth Criminal Issue 2, Albatross Antics, Drachensteine, Dragon Ball - Jumps, Fruit Mania, Interlock, German Dice, Lupengo, Alien Space, Amiganoid, Jigsaw, Kick Up and Outpost: Solo Assault.
2015-08-07 - 17:02:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4249 - Category: Amiga, Game
You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix web page. The following Amiga music is added to the web page: Mega-Lo-Mania Orchestra Medley, Lotus III - Miami Ice, I7's Purple Haze, Deluxe Galaga v2.4, Test Drive II Remix, Jesus On E's (Jedi On E's Mix 1/2/3), Physical Presence and Harlequin - TVee Wonderland.
2015-08-07 - 17:00:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 4247 - Category: Amiga, Music
Retroguru released the Sqrxz 3 game for the Amiga with an OCS chip set. The presentation was at the sixed Wiener Retro-Börse. The game can be downloaded as a diskette file, HD file or as a CD file. Features: Difficult / challenging game play. Retro graphics. 10 levels. 11 marvellous chip tunes, and a Top 10 high score.
2015-07-31 - 17:12:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4246 - Category: Amiga, Game
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Inspiration Is None and Power and Agony. Improved: American Gladiators, Paperboy, Corporation, Hudson Hawk, Music Disk 1, Burning Rubber, Escape from Colditz, CJ in the USA, Pinkie, Gobliins 2 and Ghost Busters 2.
2015-07-31 - 17:10:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4244 - Category: Amiga, Game
Sandro Barbagelata is working on a utility to create, modify and convert your system themes for OS4, AROS and MorpOS. The program offers a theme viewer and an integrated painter for editing the graphical items. The program will work on a copy of the selected theme in Ram disk and will not effect your installed themes.
2015-07-31 - 17:08:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4242 - Category: Amiga, Program
Qtip is a program that can be used to delete your files in a secure way. The program is developed by Wizardry and Steamworks and written in the programming language C. The files are deleted by writing 4 times over the existing data with random, even, odd and random data.
2015-07-31 - 17:06:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4240 - Category: Amiga, Program
AMIGOS is a new podcast about Amiga games, hardware, news and memories. In this episode: Amiga's 30th Birthday, A Visual Compendium, A1200 Housing Kickstarter Project, Amiga 1000, The first Amiga television commercial and a interview with Hybris programmer Martin Pedersen.
2015-07-31 - 17:04:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4238 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
A new version of ShowFiles is now available. With this program you can view file information such as: size, date, possible comment, executable header type (68k / PPC), protection-bits, etc. New in this version: Pattern matching and the EXTVER-tag.
2015-07-31 - 17:02:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4236 - Category: Amiga, Program
If you want to convert your Amiga 1200 to a PC you can watch this video. The components inside the A1200 are: Acer V3 751G I7 GT640M 8GB RAM, Blue-Ray, 240GB SSD, 2TB HDD, Keyrah V2, 2x USB 3.0, Retro mouse and a WinUAE Emulator.
2015-07-31 - 17:00:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 4234 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Chrisxyz published a series of photos of the Amiga Ranger. The Amiga Ranger was to be the successor of the Amiga 1000. On the photos you can see the Zorro boards and a mock-up of the housing and the disk drives.
2015-07-24 - 17:12:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 4232 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: New line ends, feehand polygones, custom shapes. Export a object (groups) as a SVG or PNG, and new settings for the picture tracer.
2015-07-24 - 17:10:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 4230 - Category: Amiga, Program
AuSPuFF2 has developed and Amiga RGB to YPrPb component converter. The circuit is based on the "Narmi" design, but this design uses different operational amplifier and both +5 VDC and -5VDC power supplies. The circuit board is designed with SMD components to fit inside a SUB-D connector.

How to make an 23 pin D-SUB connector.
2015-07-24 - 17:08:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 4228 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Pawel Aleksander Fedorynski developed the game Kartofel for Linux, Mac and Windows. The game is now converted to AROS by Cavemann. In the game you must connect the numbered dots in order, without making a crossing.
2015-07-24 - 17:06:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 4226 - Category: Amiga, Game
AmiModRadio is a system that makes it possible to play all 20,000+ mods on Aminet. AmiModRadio is composed essentially of four parts: A small FTP client (download), a XAD client (unarchive), a ARexx program and a MUI interface to control the various parts of AmiModRadio.
2015-07-24 - 17:04:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 4223 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new Kickstart project wants to produce new A1200 computer housings. The housing will be made with injection molds with a quality plastic (ASA) with anti-UV and will be super resistive. No yellowing anymore. The new housing are prepared for a CF slot, HcX display and video out.
2015-07-17 - 17:11:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 4218 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: The games Flight of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky. Directory Opus 5 manuals in PDF format. The latest version of NetSurf browser with JavaScript support. Updates for MUI4, EvenMore, IconLib, AISS, ScummVM and WHDLoad.
2015-07-17 - 17:09:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 4216 - Category: Amiga, Program
Retro 7-bit has developed the Sum USB adapter for the Amiga 1200. Now they have made an prototype for the Amiga 500, 2000 and 3000. You can watch a YouTube video and learn more about the Sum USB adapter for the A 500/2000/3000.
2015-07-17 - 17:07:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 4214 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new version of AROS Vision is now available. AROS is based on concepts and ideas of the Amiga and the 68000 processor. AROS supports X86, ARM, PPC and 68k. In this version updates for: Amiblitz, Free Pascal, Hollywood: MUI Royale, GL Galore, InstallerGen, Netsurf and Netsurf AGA.
2015-07-17 - 17:04:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 4211 - Category: Amiga, Program
Yannick Buchys Chrysalis maintains the Chrysalis software package for MorphOS. Updates in this version: E-UAE JIT, SoundBankster, FCEU, Hu-Go!, yWeather, Sirena Player, VAMP, ACE, Oricutron, SimpleMail, DigiBooster, gTranslator, InstallerGen, VoxelBird, CodeAudio, SimpleCat and LoView. New in this version: exFAT filesystem, DAPlayer, VoxelNoid 3D, Wazp3D, Calimero, TwittAmiga, AmigaMark, MUIBase, Stella, SMBMounter, NoWinED, ShowVector, Wings Battlefield demo, Toram, CRABUM SP, April SP and HollywoodPlayer.
2015-07-17 - 17:01:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 4208 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Playfield, Tecnoball Z, Minos, Amiiga 10x10, Help my Cat, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, Bed Games, Jay the Miner, Volfied, Wings Battlefield, Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium, The Amiga Workbench Simulation, Pegasos, MorphOS 3.8, WHDLoad, Phase 5 Digital Products, Demoscene, ArtEffect, Programming with AmigaOS4 (13) and a interview with Paul Gardner-Stephen (Mega65).
2015-07-10 - 17:11:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4206 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Amiga PCB Explorer is a web based information system developed by Christian Euler. You can use the system for repairing Amiga motherboards. At the moment the layout of the A4000 Rev.B motherboard is available with components, pin assignment and traces.
2015-07-10 - 17:09:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4204 - Category: Amiga, Web page
ArtBase is a program for creating configurable masks for your tables and databases. The features are: Import in CSV-format (For example: Excel, OpenOffice, TurboCalc, Bento or Datamat). Free design possibilities. Support for: short, long or linked text, pictures, music, sideshows, checkmarks, E-mail and URL-addresses.
2015-07-10 - 17:07:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4202 - Category: Amiga, Program
On the web page Flashtro.com you can see many cracker intro’s with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro’s are: Lure of the Temptress V 2, Tristar Source, Tristar Source, World of Twist - Coders Companion, Flashtro - James Pond 1MB, Flashtro - Fright Night, DOC - Fuck, The Band - Manhattan Dealers, Aces - Zany Golf, Aces - Emerald Mine 4, Lightforce - Travel Manager, DOC - Xmas Intro and Vision - Amistec.
2015-07-10 - 17:05:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4200 - Category: Amiga, Demo
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Inspiration Is Gone, Vaginal Massacre, Playbyte Commercial, Rap is Crap, The Audience is Listening and The 100 Most Remembered C64 Game-Tunes. Improved: Days of Thunder, Vaginal Massacre and Lorna.
2015-07-10 - 17:03:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4198 - Category: Amiga, Game
Individual Computers is developing a new Amiga motherboard. The features are: Form factor: A500 case. Chipset: AGA chips Alice, Lisa and Paula. CPU: A1200-compatible CPU slot. Power supply: 14 - 19 VDC. Video: 15kHz RGB / Indivision AGA MK2. Audio: 3.5mm stereo jack. Keyboard: A500 / A1200. ROMs: 1 MB flash ROM. Floppy Disk: PC disk drive: IO Subsystem: 32-bit, 14MB/s. Mass Storage: 2 CF-cards.
2015-07-03 - 17:10:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 4194 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new core for the MiST is now available. The features are: OCS, ECS and AGA chip-sets, ChipRAM: 0.5MB - 2.0MB, SlowRAM: 0.0MB - 1.5MB, FastRAM: 0.0MB - 24MB, CPU: 68000, 68010 and 68020, Kickstart: 1.2 - 3.1, Floppy disks, Hard disks, PAL / NTSC, Amiga mouse, joysticks, MIDI in/out and USB.
2015-07-03 - 17:08:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 4192 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AmiCraft is a Minecraft like game for AmigaOS 4.x. The changes in this version are: The Edge of world works now without crash. Added: Much larger world, different biomes, chests, furnaces, ladders, iron ore, iron tools, stone bricks, steak, blocks with gravity (sand and gravel) and random block ticks.
2015-07-03 - 17:06:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 4190 - Category: Amiga, Game
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Amiga news, Ernie on a secret Mission (2), Amiga Meeting Bad Bramstedt, Classic Computing France, Amiga 30 Years in Neuss, Final Writer, MultiviewerNG, Sam-User: AmigaOS4.1, Wings Battlefield, Crazy Paradise BBS, Amiga 30 Years in Amsterdam and Amiga30 BoingsWorld videos.
2015-07-03 - 17:01:00 - Week: 27 - Item number: 4185 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
A new version of MorphOS is now available. In this edition improvements for FatFS, Quark, hid.class, Flacapella, Odyddey, RemoteShell, Sribble, MUI, OpenSSL, Graficscards, WIFI, thumbnails, textrures and Locale.
2015-06-26 - 17:13:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 4181 - Category: Amiga, Program
Assist is a collection of information: All the content from the "Get the most out of your AMIGA" PDF guide, short-cuts, many articles and links. Assist helps with downloading and unpacking of software, plays YouTube videos and it has AmiUpdate support. The changes in this version are: Improvements for WBRun and AmiCygnix. And 15 new articles are added.
2015-06-26 - 17:09:00 - Week: 26 - Item number: 4177 - Category: Amiga, Program
For the Amiga A500/A2000 Commodore made an Diagnostic Kit. This system is a very rare and was only used by official Commodore service companies. Patrick from dottyflowers.com has acquired one of this diagnostic kits and has managed to rescue the software for this system using Kryoflux and the ADF workshop.
2015-06-19 - 17:11:00 - Week: 25 - Item number: 4166 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
010101-music released the CD "Paula Agnus Denise" some time ago and now they are presenting a new CD. The new album "Insert Disk 2" from the artist Instant Remedy is packed with dance remixes of Amiga games. The album will be available on iTunes, Spotify and on the Amiga 30 event in Amsterdam.
2015-06-19 - 17:09:00 - Week: 25 - Item number: 4164 - Category: Amiga, Music
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