Johan Grip is exploring the PLA chip in the Commodore C128 computer. He is making pictures of the chip with his microscope and decodes the circuit.
2020-08-07 - 12:07:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8307 - Category: C128(D), Information
Echolevel has made open source schematics, parts lists and documentation for building a generic 8bit/mono Amiga sampler cartridge. He also explains how Amiga audio samplers work.
2020-08-07 - 12:06:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8306 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new YouTube video of Retro Recollections. In this episode: The Tapecart SD that can load PRG and TCRT images on a Commodore 64 via the cassette port.
2020-08-07 - 12:05:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8305 - Category: C64, Hardware
Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons is a game for the Amiga computer that was developed in 1992 but never released. The game is developed by Eero Tunkelo, Sami Karjalainen and Jouni Korhonen. In the game you are a 11-year old schoolboy who needs to rescue his grandfather from Dr. Nightmare.
2020-08-07 - 12:04:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8304 - Category: Amiga, Game
You can now download a Live ISO with the LGB's MEGA65 emulator, the MEGA65 documentation and various other goodies.
2020-08-07 - 12:03:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8303 - Category: 8-Bit NextGen, Information
vAmiga is a Commodore Amiga 500, 1000, or 2000 emulator for the Apple Macintosh computer. Recent changes: Improvements for ECS Agnus, Denise, disk DMA, TOD clock, JOY0DAT / JOY1DAT and the Copper.
2020-08-07 - 12:02:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8302 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
In this video from Hey Birt! the repair of a Commodore C128 with a black screen. He also discovered a strange modification near the VIC-II chip.
2020-08-07 - 12:01:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8301 - Category: C128(D), Repair
The results of the SEUCK Compo 2020:
1. Sythia in the Cyber Crypt - Eleanor Burns
2. Spearhead - Alf Yngve
3. Guillotine - The Doom Machine - Richard Bayliss
4. Fish Pond 2 - Robovox by Pinov Vox
5. Space Fighter - Pinov Vox
6. Lagangrian Point 3 - The Earth Elevator - Recycled Arts
2020-08-07 - 12:00:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8300 - Category: C64, Competition
CityXen has built a system to control an old Masterbuilt smoker with a Commodore C64. They also show how to build the controller and how to make the program.
2020-07-31 - 12:19:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8299 - Category: C64, YouTube
The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: Checkmate A1500 Plus (4), Laser Upgrade for Amiga Mouse, Why is my Amiga Killing Floppy Disks?, Valhalla and the Lords of Infinity, Super Hang On, 007: Licence to Kill and Ask the Amigos.
2020-07-31 - 12:18:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8298 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Bil Herd is doing a project for the Altium Contest. He developed a PCB for a FPGA that will emulate a 6502 processor. The board can be used in an original Commodore computer with a 6502 CPU.
2020-07-31 - 12:17:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8297 - Category: Commodore, Hardware
On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Redrum - Tricycle Racer and Wanted Team - Swidron.
2020-07-31 - 12:16:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8296 - Category: Amiga, Demo
J-CIA is a FPGA replacement for the MOS 6526 & 8521 CIA chips in Commodore computers. Now the J-CIA is tested with different hardware and software.
2020-07-31 - 12:15:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8295 - Category: Commodore, Hardware
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: ASCII Rainbow Viewer, Colour Cycling, Graphical Timer, High-Score Table, Joystick Handler, Mirror Image, Parallax Scrolling, Star Box, Text Example 1, Text Example 2, Type Writer, Warp Generator, Hot Columns, Karamalz, Ingenuous and Omega.
2020-07-31 - 12:14:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8294 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Lifeboat is an adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The conversion is made by KiCHY.

More adventure game conversions by KiCHY.
2020-07-31 - 12:13:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8293 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Computer Bladet Club 64/128 Nyt, Compute!s First Book of Commodore 64, Compute!s second book of Commodore 64 Games, Compute!s first book of Commodore 64 Games and Compute!s 128 Programmers Guide.
2020-07-31 - 12:12:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8292 - Category: Commodore, Book
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Earl Weaver Baseball, Black Dawn and Black Dawn 3: Legions of dawn. Update: Navy Seals, Leisure Suit Larry 3, Road Kill, Pinball Dreams, Exil, Pinball Dreams and Gobliins 2.
2020-07-31 - 12:11:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8291 - Category: Amiga, Web page
A new video from the Bread Box Commodore Computer Museum. In this video Justin shows how to control your home with Commodore C64.
2020-07-31 - 12:10:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8290 - Category: C64, YouTube made a new video about the restoration of an Amiga 600 and replacing the electrolytic capacitors.
2020-07-31 - 12:09:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8289 - Category: Amiga, YouTube
The Ultimate Map from SVS contains the complete OS ROM of the Plus/4 (and C16), a large TED Registers list, graphic plans of all allowed text/graphic modes, and a table of Plus/4 bugs.
2020-07-31 - 12:08:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8288 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Information
Report+ is a utility for the Amiga. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter. In this version: Improvements for the IFF/RIFF editor and other small improvements.
2020-07-31 - 12:07:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8287 - Category: Amiga, Program
Cout games converted the game Bounce from the Commodore VIC20 to the Commodore C64. The game is written in Basic.
2020-07-31 - 12:06:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8286 - Category: C64, Game
A new video from Mark Fixes Stuff. In this video Mark shows us how to build an Amiga A600 Chip RAM expansion board.
2020-07-31 - 12:05:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8285 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Simone Says Basic is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Steveboy in the Basic programming language.
2020-07-31 - 12:04:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8284 - Category: C64, Game
Led is a simple line-oriented text editor for the Amiga, written in Urn Lisp that compiles to Lua. The program is developed by Pasquale Frega.
2020-07-31 - 12:03:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8283 - Category: Amiga, Program
Naddando is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is made with the help of SEUCK. The game is developed by Commodore Spain.
2020-07-31 - 12:02:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8282 - Category: C64, Game
The A314 is a expansion that lets you use a Raspberry Pi as a co-processor to an Amiga 500. The Amiga 500 and the Raspberry Pi can communicate through a shared memory. The A314 is developed by Niklas Ekström and M. Rönndahl. Recent changes: Support for Ethernet.
2020-07-31 - 12:01:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8281 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Stewart Wilson from Subchrist Software released a new version of CharPad. With this (Windows) program you can edit your own characters. Changes in this version: Improvements for the Tile Editor, Project Palette, Map Editor and Image Import.
2020-07-31 - 12:00:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8280 - Category: Commodore, Program
Retroterm is a new C64 terminal compatible with the TURBO56K protocol, which can connect to BBSs with 57600 bps. With Retroterm and a TURBO56K BBS you can view images, listen to 4-bit PCM audio and download programs.
2020-07-24 - 12:19:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8279 - Category: C64, Program
A new YouTube video from Ravi Abbott is now available. In this video: Escom, Amiga Asia & Gateway!
2020-07-24 - 12:18:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8278 - Category: Amiga, YouTube
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is: The motorcycle game from Mr. Chip and Mastertronic for the Commodore 64, KIKSTART 2.
2020-07-24 - 12:17:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8277 - Category: Commodore, Podcast
Erich released a new Botticelli Bilderdisk for the Commodore C16 and the Plus/4. This double-sided diskette is filled with pictures in the Botticelli format. The Magica viewer is used to display the pictures. The pictures are a mix of handmade and digitized pictures.
2020-07-24 - 12:16:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8276 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Demo
There is an update of JITT64 available, you can read the details on the JITT64 web page. Java Ice Team Tracker 64 is a java-based music tracker (editor) for creating music for the SID chip of Commodore 64. Instruments are totally based onto tables for full control of sound generation.
2020-07-24 - 12:15:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8275 - Category: C64, Program
Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improvement for URL requester, ICY, ID3v2, Loading, PLS, sndfile and an update for the Swedish language.
2020-07-24 - 12:14:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8274 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new video from the YouTube channel Retro Bits is now available. In this video Matt talks about using RetroBrite for plastic computer parts.
2020-07-24 - 12:13:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8273 - Category: Commodore, YouTube
SongPlayer is an audio file player for the Amiga computer. Songplayer supports: IFF, AIFF, WAV, AU, MP2, MP3, MP3PRO and CDDA. Recent changes: Improvements for Vorbis, mp3, CDDA, intro duration, icons, buttons, playlist and 68k decoding.
2020-07-24 - 12:12:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8272 - Category: Amiga, Program
In this episode of the RetroManCave: An interview with David Pleasance who talks about his new book "From Vultures to Vampires".
2020-07-24 - 12:11:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8271 - Category: Commodore, Podcast
You can now compete in the Amiga Art Contest 2020. The categories are: Hand Drawn Artwork, Digital Photography, Ray Tracing and music.
2020-07-24 - 12:10:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8270 - Category: Amiga, Competition
Behind Closed Doors 9B is a new adventure game for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. The game is made by John with the help of the PunyInform program.
2020-07-24 - 12:09:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8269 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
ADF-Copy is a small device with a Teensy 3.2. This device connects to USB and a 3,5" PC floppy drive. This device makes it possible to read and write ADF's from or to a real Amiga diskette. Recent changes: Improvements for Trackgrid, Flux histogram, Index, SuperCardPro Format, Diskview and Revolutions.
2020-07-24 - 12:08:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8268 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
There is a new version of WimBASIC available. WimBASIC is a BASIC extension for the Commodore VIC-20. The program is loaded in BLK5 of a RAM memory expansion or you can use a ROM cartridge. The changes in this version are: Added Autostart and the output of ">$" can now be captured in a diskfile, using CMD.
2020-07-24 - 12:07:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8267 - Category: VIC-20, Program
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Tiny little Slug and an interview with Slamy.
2020-07-24 - 12:06:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8266 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: It's a Knockout! (Ocean Software, 1986) and Nero 2000 (Bio-Syntax Method Oy, 1987).
2020-07-24 - 12:05:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8265 - Category: Commodore, Blog
This project is about connecting USB HID devices like keyboard and mouse to almost any Amiga. Now it is possible to connect a keyboard to the Amiga CDTV.
2020-07-24 - 12:04:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8264 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Julian Rignall - ZZap 64, CVG, Mean Machines, GamesMaster, Virgin and IGN.
2020-07-24 - 12:03:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8263 - Category: Commodore, Podcast
The Amiga Paradise web page preserves the musical heritage of the Commodore Amiga since 1997. On this web page you can find more than 800 game / demo music titles. New: The Faery Tale Adventure, Terminator II - The Arcade Game, Tetra Quest, Jug, Amiga Soccer and Arcade Fruit Machine.
2020-07-24 - 12:02:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8262 - Category: Amiga, Music
Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he talks about the Easter Egg hidden in Super Graphix Gold printer interface for Commodore computers.
2020-07-24 - 12:01:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8261 - Category: Commodore, YouTube
A new YouTube video from Operation 8-Bit. In this episode you can see how to build and assemble a working mini replica of the Commodore PET computer.
2020-07-24 - 12:00:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 8260 - Category: KIM-1, PET, CBM, Hardware
Super City Crusher is a new game developed by Zaxxon1. This edition of City Crusher is more difficult than the standard version. In the game you must destroy the city with bombs.
2020-07-17 - 12:19:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 8259 - Category: VIC-20, Game
A new video from the YouTube channel Retro Bits is now available. In this video Matt talks about repairing his Amiga 3000, upgrading the RAM, Kickstart ROM, SCSI2SD and installing OS 3.1.4.
2020-07-17 - 12:18:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 8258 - Category: Amiga, Repair