Justin Mitchell has started a Kickstarter campaign to build a Commodore Computer Museum in New Zealand.
2022-02-04 - 12:15:00 - Week: 5 - Item number: 9896 - Category: Commodore, Information
Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about how to pause in a Basic program.
2022-01-28 - 12:12:00 - Week: 4 - Item number: 9868 - Category: Commodore, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Mihcael, Aquablast, Live And Let Die, Spy Who Loved Me, Licence To Kill, The James Bond Collection, Abu Simbel: Profanation - The Full Adventure, Labyrinth, Kim Fastrup Larsen, Jacek Nockowski, Putter, Stewart J. Gilray, Vortex, Attack of the PETSCII Robots, Wrong Way Driver, Drozerix, Slayers of High Toro, Blitmaps, Brad Pearce, Knight Rider 77, Fabrizio Radica and Marek Koprjaniuk.
2022-01-14 - 12:13:00 - Week: 2 - Item number: 9828 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Erben der Erde - Die große Suche and Epic.
2022-01-14 - 12:09:00 - Week: 2 - Item number: 9824 - Category: Amiga, Information
No More Secrets is a documents that describes the so called 'illegal' op-codes for the NMOS 6510 microprocessor. The document is maintained by Groepaz and gives you information on op-codes such as: RLA, LAX, ANC, ARR, TAS and many more.
2021-12-31 - 12:06:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 9779 - Category: C64, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Tracksuit Manager 90, Thomas The Tank Engine, Alan Redpath, Confused Pelican, Legend of Falconia: 25 Years Anniversary Collectors Edition, M.A Software, King's Valley, Manchester United Premier League Champions, Legend of Falconia, Daniel Stanislawski, Frank Roechter and Dylan Dog.
2021-12-17 - 12:16:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 9748 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Erben der Erde - Die große Suche, Epic, Entropy, Energie Manager, Zeewolf, Pipe Mania, Enemy-Tempest of Violence, Elvira 2 - The Jaws Of Cerberus, Edd the Duck! and Elvira - Mistress Of The Dark.
2021-12-17 - 12:08:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 9740 - Category: Amiga, Information
Chuck Hutchins made a new video about retro computers. This time he talks about adjusting the azimuth on the Datassette.
2021-12-10 - 12:08:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 9720 - Category: Commodore, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Transplant, Yuppi's Revenge, Das Magazin, Annals Of Rome, Romance Of The Three Kingdoms II, Wiz 'n' Liz, Stormlord, Hanse: Die Expedition, Amber, Das Deutsche Imperium, Cannon Fodder, The Lords Of Power, Les Battants II, Powermonger WW1 Edition, Garrison, Savage and Strip Poker: A Sizzling Game Of Chance.
2021-11-12 - 12:11:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 9643 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Eishockey Manager, Earth 2140, E-Motion and Dungeons of Avalon.
2021-11-12 - 12:07:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 9639 - Category: Amiga, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Freedoom, Dread, Jolyon Vincent, Big Run, Alien Breed Special Edition 92, Massimiliano Tretene, Krzysztof Kluczek, Dennis Ramberg, Mark Sheeky, Abu Simbel: Profanation, Harricana, Falcon, Blob, After The War, Alien3, Flight Simulator II, Electronic Arts and MicroMagic.
2021-10-15 - 12:14:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 9566 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Dungeon Quest, Dungeon Master 2 - The Legend Of Skullkeep, Dungeon Master, Dungeon Hero and Dune 2 - The Battle For Arrakis.
2021-10-15 - 12:09:00 - Week: 41 - Item number: 9561 - Category: Amiga, Information
The web page retro-commodore.eu has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Amiga 2000 Intro-kursus for forhandlere, Magna Gros A/S Prisliste, C1084S D2 3D Box, Star LC-20 Dansk Manual, The Torpet and Commodore Club News.
2021-10-01 - 12:04:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 9516 - Category: Commodore, Information
The website of Ray Carlsen has moved to a new address. The info you can find on his website is: Commodore 8 bit Computer repair information, Commodore power supplies, the C64 Computer "Saver" and power adapter cables.
2021-09-17 - 12:13:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 9485 - Category: Commodore, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Dune, Duck Tales - The Quest For Gold, Drug Busters, Drive Wars, Dreamweb and Gazza 2.
2021-09-17 - 12:12:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 9484 - Category: Amiga, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: 6502 Reference Guide, The Sensible 64, AmigaBASIC A Dabhand Guide, Amiga Action, 68030 Assembly Language Reference includes the 68020, The Complete Commodore 64, Protecto 80 for the Commodore 64, Programming the 68000, Getting Acquainted With Your VIC-20, 68000 Asembly Language Techniques for Building Programs, Twin Cities 128, PET 2001 Japan and Using and Troubleshooting the MC68000.
2021-08-13 - 12:15:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 9386 - Category: Commodore, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Dragonstone, Dragons Lair 3 - The Curse Of Mordread, Dragons Lair, Dragonflight and Dragon Wars.
2021-07-16 - 12:12:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 9303 - Category: Amiga, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: BASIC Wegweiser fur den Commodore-116 C16 und Plus-4 (DE), Programmieren in Maschinensprache 6502 (DE), Das VC-20 Buch (DE), Busy Bee Software, Run, Red Storm Rising Manual, Destroyer Escort Box, Profimat Profi-ass Profi-Mon Data Becker User Manual Commodore 64, The 1541 Repair and Maintenance Handbook, Micropower Series Multiplan for the Commodore-64, Bounty Bob Strikes Back, The Castles of Doctor Creep, Lavoriamo con il Commodore 16 (IT) and Linguaggio macchina per il C16 (IT).
2021-06-11 - 12:16:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 9206 - Category: Commodore, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Doodlebug - Bug Bash 2, Doman, Dizzy Lizzy, Discworld, Cool Croc Twins, Die Stadt der Löwen, Die Siedler and Die Kathedrale.
2021-06-11 - 12:11:00 - Week: 23 - Item number: 9201 - Category: Amiga, Information
The web page retro-commodore.eu has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Rom Kernel Reference Manual, Hackers Unit, Commodore 1764 RAM Expansion Module User's Guide, Software Prisliste, GP Tribute Invitation & Information, Photo albums from Incubus/TRIAD, F4CG, Milestone, Åtta Biter, The Final Cartridge III Svensk handledning, Action Replay MK IV Svensk Manual and An introduction to your new PET.
2021-05-28 - 12:10:00 - Week: 21 - Item number: 9160 - Category: Commodore, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Deuteros - The Next Millennium, Desert Strike - Return To The Gulf, Der Seelenturm, Der Reeder, Der Patrizier, Der Clou, Deluxe Pacman, Deluxe Galaga, Deluxe Hamburger, COALA and Campaign.
2021-05-14 - 12:18:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 9127 - Category: Amiga, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Commodore 64 Wargaming, Useful Subroutines and Utilities for the Commodore 64, Get More from the VIC-20, 6502 Assembly Language Programming Second Edition includes 65C02, Practical Microcomputer Programming The 6502, Adams 64 Software Inc., Super BASIC for the Commodore 64, Copy II 64 V1.0, Impariamo a programmare in BASIC con il PET-CBM, PET-CBM Guida all'uso Vol.1/2, Programmier Handbuch fur PET and Impariamo a programmare in BASIC con il VIC-CBM.
2021-05-14 - 12:16:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 9125 - Category: Commodore, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Valhalla And The Lord Of Infinity, Strip Poker Live, Playhouse Strip Poker, Flight Simulator II, Great Britain Scenery Collection, subLOGIC, Space War, Bill Mayhew, Holly Hardyman, Chris Manrique, Michael Woodley, Loren Kirkwood, Space Cab, ISM, Mighty Nerd vs The Supervillains, Torch 2081, Crimson Crown, XP8, Magic Island: The Secret Of Stones and Arcticfox.
2021-05-14 - 12:14:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 9123 - Category: Amiga, Information
MorphOS Store is an online sales site offering new and refurbished equipment to users of the MorphOS system.
2021-05-07 - 12:06:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 9094 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Deliverance, Deja Vu - A Nightmare Comes True!!, Deja Vu 2 - Lost In Las Vegas!!, Defender 2, Death or Glory - Das Erbe von Morgan and Deadline.
2021-04-16 - 12:11:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 9039 - Category: Amiga, Information
You can now use the Commodore 8 bit buyer's guide from Gregory Naçu to buy new products for your commodore 8 bit computers.
2021-04-02 - 12:17:00 - Week: 13 - Item number: 9004 - Category: Commodore, Information
On the C64 Copy Protection website you can find everything on copy protection fort he Commodore C64. Update: To Copy Protect or Not, KeyMaster v1.1 manual and Trackmimic D64.
2021-03-26 - 12:15:00 - Week: 12 - Item number: 8982 - Category: C64, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Day of the Tentacle, Datastorm, Das Telekommando kehrt zurück, Das Telekommando and Das Stundenglas.
2021-03-12 - 12:09:00 - Week: 10 - Item number: 8936 - Category: Amiga, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Bodo Illgner's Super Soccer, Battle Of The Atlantic, 4D Sports Boxing, Kwik Snax, Fort Apache, Manfred Linzner, F1 GP Circuits, Matthias Bock, Star Defende, Kick Off 3: European Challenge, Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, International Sports Challenge, Arena, The Carl Lewis Challenge, Winter Supersports 92, Winter Games, Super Sport Challenge and Summer Games.
2021-01-15 - 12:16:00 - Week: 2 - Item number: 8780 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Darkmere - The Nightmare's Begun.
2021-01-15 - 12:12:00 - Week: 2 - Item number: 8776 - Category: Amiga, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Amiga DOS (DE), Amiga Special (DE), Commodore Vilag (HU), Catalina Commodore Computer Club Tuscon, AZ, C-NET 128 BBS V4 Manual, Mastering Amiga C, Amiga Joker (DE), Intuition A Practical Amiga Programmer's Guide, Komoda & Amiga Plus, Reset, Go64! (DE), Commodore Fan Gazette (IT), Amiga Fever (DE), Kebab (PL), Besser Programmieren mit dem VC-20 (DE), Das Grosse VC-20 Spiele-Buch (DE) and Das grafik-Buch zu C16 C116 Plus/4 (DE).
2021-01-15 - 12:05:00 - Week: 2 - Item number: 8769 - Category: Commodore, Information
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: ZX-Spectrum on the MEGA65, Announcing the MEGA65 Developer Support Programme and DevKits are appearing around the world!
2021-01-08 - 12:08:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 8751 - Category: 8-Bit NextGen, Information
Gregory Naçu wrote a comprehensive article on how the Commodore 1541 disk drive works.
2020-12-25 - 12:01:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 8702 - Category: Commodore, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Ultimate XTreme Racing, Micro Scrabble, Tass Times In Tonetown, Kid Chaos, Little Beau, Kid Gloves II: The Journey Back, Liquid Kids, Operation Firestorm, Violator, Karamalz Cup Eis Hockey, Zeret, Ingo Mesche, Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom, Extreme Violence, Bubble Bobble, Yo! Joe!, The Computer Edition of Scrabble, Mike the magic Dragon, Mark Alan Knight and Ziriax.
2020-12-18 - 12:14:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 8695 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Darkmere - The Nightmare's Begun, Dark Seed, Danger Dogg, Damned, Cyberpunks, Cybernetix and Curse of the Azure Bonds.
2020-12-18 - 12:10:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 8691 - Category: Amiga, Information
The web page retro-commodore.eu has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: SuperScript The Wordprocessor for your Commodore 128, DC-CD ToolPack DynamiCache and CDRive User's Manual, Commodore 64/128 Maskinsprog, Cyberstorm 68040/68060 Anvendarhandbuch, Commodore 1901 Video Monitor User's Guide Bedienungshandbuch and HiSoft ProMidi interface user manual.
2020-11-27 - 12:14:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 8635 - Category: Commodore, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Syndicate, Ragnarok, Down At The Trolls, The Killing Cloud, Mev Dinc, John Meegan, A.G.E., Gordian Tomb, Origin, Rally Championships, The First Samurai, Tony Rainbird, Operation Harrier, Prospector In The Mazes Of Xor, Logotron, Nick Steadman, Lionheart, Francesco Salvi and Waxworks.
2020-11-13 - 12:13:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 8594 - Category: Amiga, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Dan Silva, Andy Noble, Michael P. Welch, Al Mackey, Ed Mackey, Alberto Longo, TV Sports: Basketball, Gloom, Global Domination, Stratagem, Dennis Rose, Richard Garriott, Roe Adams III, Swibble Dibble, The Edge, Softek, Raffles / Inside Outing, Francesco Salvi, Flimbo's Quest and Panza Kick Boxing.
2020-10-16 - 12:12:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 8512 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Crossfire 2, Crime Time, Crazy Balls, Crack Out, Dawn Patrol, Crack does pay, Cosmic Pirate, Coordination and Colonial Conquest.
2020-10-16 - 12:09:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 8509 - Category: Amiga, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Conan the Cimmerian, Colonization and Code Name: Iceman.
2020-09-11 - 12:11:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 8411 - Category: Amiga, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Digitalker-128 Instructions, Your 64 Cassette Book, Timeworks Writer 64, Stack VICkit, Stack VICkit-II Users Guide, Stack VICkit-4 and Stack VICkit-5.
2020-09-11 - 12:10:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 8410 - Category: Commodore, Information
Greg Naçu from the webpage C64OS.com has written a very comprehensive blog abut what happens after you turn on a Commodore C64 computer and load a program.
2020-09-04 - 12:09:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 8389 - Category: C64, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Inventory Control, Lottey 64, Script-64 Word Processor, IEEE-488 Poly-Play, Party-Quiz, Q-Link Newsletter, Assembly Lines, Beach Blanket Volleyball, Your Second Commodore 64 Program, Compute!'s Gazette and Turbo 40-50 Manual.
2020-08-21 - 12:17:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 8357 - Category: Commodore, Information
The Everything C64 forum is still growing and has reached 350 forum members. If you do not want to miss anything about the C64 than join the forum today. There are sections for news, hardware, software, programming, emulators, BBS, SX64, The64 Mini and much more.
2020-08-14 - 12:13:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 8333 - Category: C64, Information
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Strip Poker Data Disk #4: Crystal & Dawn, Strip Poker: A Sizzling Game Of Chance, Quest & Glory, Their Finest Hour: The Battle Of Britain, The Top League, Count Duckula In No Sax Please - We're Egyptian, Count Duckula II / Count Duckula 2: Featuring Tremendous Terence, Eddie Dombrower, Sim City, Crystal Quest, Tower Toppler, Robert Strobel, Jeff Braun and Sim City Classic: The Original City Simulator.
2020-08-14 - 12:12:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 8332 - Category: Amiga, Information
Johan Grip is exploring the PLA chip in the Commodore C128 computer. He is making pictures of the chip with his microscope and decodes the circuit.
2020-08-07 - 12:07:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8307 - Category: C128(D), Information
You can now download a Live ISO with the LGB's MEGA65 emulator, the MEGA65 documentation and various other goodies.
2020-08-07 - 12:03:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 8303 - Category: 8-Bit NextGen, Information
The Ultimate Map from SVS contains the complete OS ROM of the Plus/4 (and C16), a large TED Registers list, graphic plans of all allowed text/graphic modes, and a table of Plus/4 bugs.
2020-07-31 - 12:08:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 8288 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Information
DLH's Commodore Archive is a web page for Commodore documentation. You can find magazines, books and manuals. The latest additions are: Turbo 40-50 Manual, Commodore DiskUser, Toepassingen en Spellen voor de Commodore 64, Toepassingen en Spellen voor de Commodore 64, Jeux Trucs et Comptes pour Commodore 64, Programmieren in Maschinensprache mit dem Commodore 64, Das Grosse Spiele-Buch Commodore 64, BASIC computerspellen, Het BASICCODE-3 Boek and Future Finance Manual.
2020-07-17 - 12:15:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 8255 - Category: Commodore, Information
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Code name Hell Squad, Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 2.0, Chaos strikes back, Nicky 2, Chaneques, Champions of Krynn, Chambers of Shaolin and Nicky Boom.
2020-07-17 - 12:09:00 - Week: 29 - Item number: 8249 - Category: Amiga, Information
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