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The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest additions are: Protext C128, PET 40 Column Clip Test source, PET 80 Column Clip Test source, Amiga Genlock 1300 User's Guide, Der Welt Der C64, RUN Advert, Oxford Pascal for the Commodore 64 - 64 Pascal Users Manual, Datasette PM-C16 Manual, PC-1 Messe Tilbud, News of COMputer, CBM 64 Norsk Programmeringskurs - Datakurs I and News about the Danish Magazines from Audio Media A/S.
2023-01-27 - 12:17:00 - Week: 4 - Item number: 10971 - Category: Commodore, Book
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