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The web page C64 Intros has added another 500 intros bringing the total to 5800 intros. Updated groups include: Alcoholics, Chaos, Crash, Devils+Druids, Dynamix, Faces, Genesis Project, Holocaust, Laxity, Pentacle, Phoenix, Royalty, The Ancient Temple, Tristar, Ultimate. New groups include: Abyss (DE), Afros, China Syndrome, Collision+Electric Boyz, Compagnions, Curve, Duplex, Garbage+Troep, Inceria, Jam, Oxygen, Poison, Pyrotech, Ruhrpott Knacka, Section 8 (Rebuilt), Sire, Slothsoft, Tintin, The Wise Guys.
2010-02-12 - 21:58:00 - Week: 6 - Item number: 1204 - Category: C64, Demo
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