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The demo portal has added new demos for the Commodore C64 computer. The new files are: Cantina, IRAN - Winter Games, Sprites Bootstrap, Weights and Crates, Jack to the sound, Demo Bootstrap, Exbeat Boy, The FCS-Girlshow, M..M..M.. MAX!, Leave me alone!, Motion Bootstrap, Lauf Demo, James Brown is Dead (L.A. Style Mix), Commodore et PROCEP, Advent, Azimuth, Earthquake, T.P.C., Freddys Pizzeria, Wait for 152 Seconds, TSA Fader, If you don't buy, Summertime Love and Aizawa Attractor.
2024-12-13 - 12:10:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 13004 - Category: C64, Demo
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