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The games that are competing in the RGCD 16KB Cartridge Competition 2013 are: Bellringer III (Geir Straume & Sean Connolly), Candle Burner 1.1 (Dirk Schmitt), Cosmic Ark (Max Hall), Devil Ronin (Georg Rottensteiner), Invert (Richard Bayliss), Kobo64 (Kajtár Zsolt), Linus Vs Simon (Simon Quernhorst), Magic Duel (Jörn Ruchmann), Micro Hexagon (Paul Koller & Mikkel Hastrup), Monster Buster (
Powerglove (Matthias Bock), Revenge Of The Tomato (Richard Bayliss), Rocket Smash (John Christian Lønningdal & Saul Cross), S-Blox (Payton Byrd) and Vallation (Jason Kelk & Sean Connolly).
2013-12-06 - 17:08:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 3176 - Category: C64, Competition
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