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Cameron Kaiser has updated his KIM-1 information page. Besides technical info on this first Commodore computer Cameron also released a KIM-1 emulator that runs on a Commodore C64. This emulator is called the Incredible KIMplement. It is a true, partial emulation of the original KIM-1 hardware featuring: Powered by "6o6" - a full software NMOS 6502 emulation with all addressing modes, simulated ROM, and simulated memory - mapped I/O. LED and keypad emulation via partial RIOT emulation. TTY emulation (ASR-33 subset) via partial RIOT emulation. SST emulation. 4K RAM expander card KIM-4 emulation with 8K RAM expander card (thus total address space 16K).Revision EPROMs built-in, so you don't have to find a pirated set or download them from your own KIM. Load and save RAM dumps to disk.
2007-01-01 - 12:00:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 456 - Category: KIM-1, PET, CBM, Emulator
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