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The GTW64 web page has had an update. New: Captain Fizz V1, BooBer, Crowboy, Gemini Wing V1, Gung-Ho!, Star Goose, Starfighter One, Super Elite and Super Pinball. Update: Armalyte 2, Charlie Chaplin, Chiller V1, Escape From Colditz, Fast 'n Furious, Goremium, Little Beau, Murder!, Pipe Mania, Rex, Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo V1, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Space Ace, Super C, The 4th Dimension, The Punisher, Twin Range and a unknown tennis game.
2016-03-04 - 13:11:00 - Week: 9 - Item number: 4638 - Category: C64, Game
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