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A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Spielfeld, BAUERSoft, Sqrxz 4, Voodoo Nightmare, Oubliette, OS4 Depot, Starships, Free PlayStation Emulator, VICE, SL-6602 Retro-Joystick Competition Pro, GBAPII++ - Grafikkarte, USB-Adapter: Rys MKII, TOM 32, Trevors Soapbox, Amiga-Spiele-Retrospektive: 1985 & 1986, Cheats, Amiga Future Webpage, Developers Log Reshoot, RBM Digitaltechnik, Demoscene and Matthias "Mazze" Rustler.
2016-07-15 - 13:14:00 - Week: 28 - Item number: 4886 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
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