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You can choose which C64 game the C64 orchestra has to play. For the coming live shows we want to broaden our repertoire with new tunes and we are looking for your help with picking the nicest. To make life a little easier for us we asked Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel to nominate a couple of games. Nominated by Jeroen Tel are: Cybernoid 1, Poseidon: Planet Eleven, Rubicon. Nominated by Rob Hubbard are: Spellbound, Nemesis the warlock, Rasputin, Kentilla, Dragons Lair, Auf Wiedersehen Monty. Mail your choice , but if you have another great tune let us know.
2008-02-15 - 20:44:00 - Week: 7 - Item number: 717 - Category: Music, Web page
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