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The Behr-Bonz Multicart is a cartridge for the VIC-20. Instead of only one game there are 127 games on this cartridge. The pcb comes fully assembled and ready for use. It can be placed inside an original cartridge case. The NTSC version is available for some time now but a PAL version is available in the near future. A few examples of the games are: Attack of the Mutant Camels, Avenger, Choplifter, Defender, Frogger, Gridrunner, Lode Runner, Moon Patrol, Pac-Man, Q-Bert, Sargon II Chess, Shamus, Super Smash, and Visible Solar System.
2008-05-02 - 19:47:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 766 - Category: VIC-20, Hardware
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