A new video from the Bread Box Commodore Computer Museum. In this video the 1989 New Zealand National Rally sprint sponsored by Commodore Computer NZ Ltd.
You can watch a new video from the Screen Shooters YouTube channel (German language). In this episode the Indivision AGA MK3 in an Amiga 1200 computer.
A new video from Retro Marky. In this video he looks at the new firmware for the Ultimate64. He is using programs and games on the U64 with the CPU at 2 - 48 MHz.
In this episode of the Guru Meditation: An old video of former head of Amiga Technologies and Amiga International Petro Tyschtschenko. The video was made in the year 2001 by Amigan St. Louis.
The Modern Vintage Gamer has made a video about the game Robocop 3 for the Amiga computer. This game was copy-protected with a dongle in the joystick port.
CityXen has built a system to control an old Masterbuilt smoker with a Commodore C64. They also show how to build the controller and how to make the program.
A new video from the YouTube channel Retro Bits is now available. In this video Matt talks about using JiffyDOS in with your Commodore VIC20, C64 and C128 computer and disk drive.
A new YouTube video from The Centre for Computing History is now available. In this video: Daniel Jameson talks about diskette preservation: The Greaseweazel device & HFE format.