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I wish all Commodore users a very happy 2017. I hope that we all can enjoy our Commodore hobby in 2017, play games, develop software or hardware, watch demos, visit meetings or just chat about Commodore.

2017-01-01 - 00:00:00 - Week: 1 - Item number: 5179 - Category: Commodore, Amiga
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: Hans de Ruiter (Warp3D - Radeon HD Driver).
2016-12-30 - 13:16:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5175 - Category: Amiga, Interview
A new version of WinUAE is now available. Changes in this version: ColorBurst, Harlequin, OpalVision, Blizzard 1230 MK II & III, IVS Vector 68030, Blizzard 1230 MK II & III SCSI Kit, Buddha, Expansion Systems Dataflyer Plus, FileCard 2000/OSSI 500, Mainhattan A-Team, Microbotics HardFrame, AmigaNet, Ariadne, Ariadne II, LAN Rover/EB920, NE2000 compatible PCMCIA & ISA, X-Surf and X-Surf 100 (Partial) and American Laser Games.
2016-12-30 - 13:14:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5173 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
SimpleMail is a mail program for the Amiga platform (classic and OS4) and compatible systems (MorphOS). Changes in this version: Update to OpenSSL (v1.0.1u), improvements for folder rescanning, error window an many more small improvements.
2016-12-30 - 13:12:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5171 - Category: Amiga, Program
X-bEnCh can be used to replace the Workbench when you only want to load games with WHDLoad. You can use X-bEnCh with all Amiga's, OCS or AGA and with 68000 to 68060 CPU's. Changes in this version: Display Mode switch support and screenshots for games. Improvements for the Mod player and the audio playlist.
2016-12-30 - 13:10:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5169 - Category: Amiga, Program
Paul Rezendes (Acill) has a re-capping service for the Amiga computers. The old capacitors on an Amiga motherboard can stop working or start to leak with age. Paul removes all old capacitors and replaces them with new high quality capacitors.
2016-12-30 - 13:08:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5167 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for YouTube playback, dithering, loading, scale, copy text, fonts and much more.
2016-12-30 - 13:06:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5165 - Category: Amiga, Program
Easter Egg is a 2D arcade game with 31 levels. The game is made by Czesław Mnich (code & graphics) and Andrzej Drozd (music). In the game you must collect all eggs and avoid your enemies.
2016-12-30 - 13:04:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5163 - Category: Amiga, Game
The web page Siliconpron has added another die shot of a MOS chip. This time the 8372r3, better known as the Agnus chip in the Amiga. Other available chips are: 6510, 6522, 6526, 6551, 6581r2, 6581r3, 6581r4, 8520 and the 8580r5.
2016-12-30 - 13:02:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 5161 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Reviewk 2016, Mike Neitzel and Deepwood Castle.
2016-12-23 - 13:09:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5154 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Calimero is a powerful DTP program for MorphOS. The program can import and export many different formats. The program supports multi page, columns, header, footer, separators, hyperlinks, text-warp, table of contents, background texture and much more. Changes in this version: Tables, Excel import / export and workbooks in CALS format.
2016-12-23 - 13:07:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5152 - Category: Amiga, Program
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Gardener, Sqrxz 4: Cold Cash, Gonks, Patrol Cobry, Kastle Kumquat, Hideous, Works Team Rally, Enemy: Tempest Of Violence, Gotcha, Tiny Skweeks, Bubble Gun, Lepani, The Hellrun Machine, Hell Bent, Zardoz, Bomber Bob, Brain Man, Gold Mine, Bard's Tale, The: Tales Of The Unknown, Exit-13, Dave Warhol, Smart, Hell Raiser, Colonization, Mortal Kombat II, Suicide Mission, Mortal Kombat II, Gladiators, Knights Of Legend, Maria Whittaker, Celal Kandemiroğlu (Kandemiroglu), Castle Master, Jeroen Tel, Charles Deenen, The Phoenix Are Back, Duel Soft, Harpoon Battleset 4, Omar Sharif On Bridge, Steve Brown, Shaun McClure (SGM) and DeLuxe Galaga.
2016-12-16 - 13:05:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5140 - Category: Amiga, Web page
An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: R_2.21.lha, Chelp_1.1.lha, AmiArcadia_24.51.lha, REminiscence_0.1.8R2.lha, OpenTTD_0.6.3.lha, DuneLegacy_0.95b2.lha MouseEyesSbar_1.1.lha, Amifig_3.1.lha,, LyapModules_1.0.lha and ProgrammationAmigaOS.pdf.
2016-12-16 - 13:04:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5139 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Jamie Krueger release an update for the SDK Browser. Changes in this version: Updated to AmigaOS4 SDK, support for 64 bit filesystems and (STRUCT)ure browsing. Improvements for fonts, tab lengths, mouse wheel, preference settings, find files, search and more.
2016-12-16 - 13:03:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5138 - Category: Amiga, Program
Amiga Power is a printed magazine in the French language for the Amiga user. In this edition the following articles: AEROS, AmiCloud, Art Base, MorphOS sur Sam460, MorphOS - POwerMac G4/400, Snes 9x, Wasted Dreams, ZOD, Loading, The Master Virus Killer, Compte-rendu de l'Alchimie 0xb, Barettes GVP, Configuration AmigaOne X1000 optimale, Warp3D pour Radeon HD sur AmigaOne X1000, Ma rencontre avec l'Amiga par Pseudaxos and Elwood vous parle d'aMiGa=PoWeR.
2016-12-16 - 13:02:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5137 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Edition 100 of Amiga Future is now online. In this edition: Editorial, News, Up2Date, A Frog Game, Tap Jewels, Timebomb, Highway Patrol II, Nether Earth, Triplane, Tux Football, KETM, gOCR, AmiCygnix 1.2, Data Display, AmigaOS 4 Update 6, Data processing with AmigaDOS (4), C-Workshop (17), Modding: LED, Turbokarten ACA, Poster, Breezin, The Making of Amiga Future, Tomasz Muszyski, Gerhard Bauer, Kassian Alexander Goukassian and Amiga meeting Bad Bramstedt.
2016-12-16 - 13:01:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 5136 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Ptyerman has made 3 new calendars for the year 2017. The theme of the calendars is the Amiga computer. You can print the calendars in the sizes 450x582 mm / 582x450mm.
2016-12-09 - 13:10:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 5134 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: Improved the saving of the window position and the DIRECTORY ToolType. And extended support for BufferSize=File to more file types.
2016-12-09 - 13:08:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 5132 - Category: Amiga, Program
Edition 99 of Amiga Future is now online. In this edition: Audacious, Agent Lux, ADOM, Sqrxz, Hurrican, KOG, Ami-Ingenious, Amiga Parachute, Cybergames, AmiSystemRestore, Zormanita, AmigaOS 4.1 Update 5, Audio - OS4Depot, Data processing with AmigaDOS (3), Mercurial (2), C-Workshop (16), Classic Reflections (7) - NewTek, Caanoo (2), ACube, Classic Computing, Geit@Home #3 2012, Modding A600GT, Editorial, News and Up2Date.
2016-12-09 - 13:05:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 5129 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
On the web page you can see many cracker intro's with your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to Flash. The most recent flashtro's are: Crystal - PP Hammer, The magnum Force 0 Chips Challenge, Silents - Wacky Races, Fairlight - BugMon, Hybrid - Astro Fire, Crystal - Gunboat, Legend - Micromachines, Jism & Fast - Legends, Paradox - Fifa occer, Napalm - Virtua Fighter, TRSI - Theatre of Death, Flashtro - Warp, Cracking Tutorial, Razor 1911 - Space Quest 5, Razor 1911 - Quake 2 and ACU - Import.
2016-12-09 - 13:03:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 5127 - Category: Amiga, Demo
It is now possible to make a pre-order for the FPGA-Turbocard: Vampire V500 V2+. When the cards are available you will be contacted. The price for a Vampire V500 V2+ will be 300 Euro.
2016-12-09 - 13:01:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 5125 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The Wicher 500 is a turbo card for the Amiga 500. The specifications are: MC 680000 processor, clock 7/14MHz, Fast RAM max. 8 MB EDO SIMM, IDE controller and SPI controller. The prototype is ready and a speed test is available.
2016-12-02 - 13:15:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 5123 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Popeye 2, Pray For Death, Fightin' Spirit, Amiga CD32 repair, Amiga 2000 Weird Mouse Issues, A1200 Power Supply Option, James Pond, Simon the Sorcerer, Huckleberry Hound, Archon II, A600, A1200, RJ Mical - Simpsons, A2000 floppy, Stunt Car Racer TNT, Bar Games, Hardball! and Doody.
2016-12-02 - 13:12:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 5120 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: Apple Hunt, Edd Schiester, Karate Worm 2, Merc Sim, Mutant Penguin, Power Games 20, Space Panic, Message Center 9, Oepir Risti 8, ROM 3, Using AMOS Issue 1, Warriors Inn 12 (German), Kids Disk 2, 3 & 6, Snowy, Chain Reaction/CPU, Frantix & Mutant Pigs, Litterbusters, Snake In The Grass, Tonys Glider Game, Worm Hole, Childrens Favourites 2, Key Quick II, Kids Only 1, Night Math Attack, The Gallows and The Weather Guide.
2016-12-02 - 13:10:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 5118 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Rob Cranley release an update of ADFBlitzer. With ADFBlitzer it is possible to transfer ADF images to and from the Amiga. Changes in this version: Progress bar, cancel function, AB3 format, error checking (file & drive), low memory mode and improvements for the GUI and read / write routines.
2016-12-02 - 13:07:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 5115 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new episode of BoingsWorld (German language) is now available. You can listen to the following articles: Amiga 32 Germany, MorphOS, Enemy2, Prisma Megamix, Viva Amiga, Hyperion - WB 3.1, A500+, Deepwood Castle, BB 2016: Petro Tyschtschenko, Jens Schönfeld & Bizcocho, Amiga MADF Manager and Bad Bramstedt 2016.
2016-11-25 - 13:10:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 5106 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
A new version of the web browser NetSurf is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for time handling, CSS, SVG, GIF, BMP, web-search, scheduler, tabs and AmigaOS3 support.
2016-11-25 - 13:08:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 5104 - Category: Amiga, Program
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: Amibian (Raspberry Pi / Amiga) with Gunnar Kristjánsson and Thomas Navarro Garcia.
2016-11-25 - 13:06:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 5102 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
An update for the Hall of Light web page: DeLuxe Galaga, Abandoned Places: A Time For Heroes, Miklós Tihor, Hawkeye, PacMan '96, Crystal Dragon, Violator, Jürgen Schober, Christopher Dissauer, Andreas Oberdorfer, SmurfHunt, SuperTed: The Search For Spot, Smurf Rescue, José Antonio Herrán Martin, Bundesliga Manager Hattrick, Antti Kallioinen, Mortal Kombat, Blutrausch, Jacco Van't Riet, Pete Dabbs and King Of Karate.
2016-11-25 - 13:01:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 5097 - Category: Amiga, Web page
Philippe Lang started a new Kickstarter project to produce new keycaps for the Amiga computer. The project will include 96 keycaps for the Amiga 1200, 12 extra keycaps for the other Amiga models (A500, A600, A2000, A3000 & A4000), 100 springs and 16 plastic clips.
2016-11-18 - 13:09:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 5095 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AMIcast is an English podcast about the world of Amiga. In this episode: Adam Zalepa and AmiWest 2016.
2016-11-18 - 13:07:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 5093 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
The Game Show made a video review of the Armiga, the Amiga 500 hardware emulation console. The Armiga has a Dual Core ARM CPU, 720p video, 3D-printed case, microSD, USB ports and an original Kickstart 1.3.
2016-11-18 - 13:05:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 5091 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Thomas Wenzel released an update of his music player for the Amiga. AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player, but it can also play AIFF, WAV and FLAC files. Changes in this version: A problem was solved that could occur during the changing of the settings.
2016-11-18 - 13:03:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 5089 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future has been released. In this edition: Editorial, News, Spielfeld, Alarcity, Tower 57, Synergy, Giana Sisters S.E., Reshoot, Tales of Gorluth 2, OS4 Depot, Infection, Amibian, FryingPan, Trevors Soapbox, Eyetech Group, Demoscene, Blitz Basic (2), Gamescom 2016, Classic Computing 2016, Commodore Expo Las Vegas 2016, Evoke 2016 and Amiga Waves.
2016-11-11 - 13:12:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5085 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
FS-UAE is a multi-platform Amiga emulator for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X based on UAE/WinUAE. Changes in this version: Improvements for keyboard, stretch / keep aspect and V-Sync toggle button, more transition animations and much more.
2016-11-11 - 13:10:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5083 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
Vasm is an assembler to create linkable objects in various formats. The following CPUs are supported: M680x0, ColdFire, 80x86, PowerPC, ARM, Jaguar RISC, Z80, C16x/ST10, 6502 and the 6800. Visit the web page to read about the changes in this version.

New version of Vlink.
2016-11-11 - 13:08:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5081 - Category: Amiga, Program
Mev Dinc & Raff Cecco started a Kickstarter project to make a remake of the Amiga retro classic, First Samurai. The game will be fast with full 3D graphics, and will be developed for modern hardware.
2016-11-11 - 13:06:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5079 - Category: Amiga, Game
Arananet-net made a custom joystick for the Amiga. He made a Acrylic housing and installed a joystick handle with micro switches, two fire buttons and an auto-fire system. For a special effect he also uses internal lighting. The web page is in the Spanish language.
2016-11-11 - 13:04:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5077 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
ACE is an Amstrad CPC emulator developed by Philippe Rimauro. The emulator is written in the language C and its GUI is based on MUI 4. The changes in this version are: Improvements for ASIC, CRTC, Gate Array, PPI, PSG and the Z80 edit window.
2016-11-11 - 13:03:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5076 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
Streamer is an Internet radio (ShoutCast/IceCast) player. It can stream MPEG and RealAudio files from any web server and play them in real-time. New in this version: Improvements for synchronisation, Shoutcast metadata alignment, status window and the buttons.
2016-11-11 - 13:01:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 5074 - Category: Amiga, Program
The Prisma Megamix music card is now available in the Amikit web shop. The specifications are: Clockport and Zorro II interfaces, compatible with Amiga A1200 T, A2000, A3000, A4000 and A4000T. VS1063 chip. Formats: MP2, MP3, WMA, OGG, LC-AAC, HE-AAC, FLAC, ALAC, IMA ADPCM, G.711 u-law, G.711 a-law, G.722 and WAV PCM.
2016-11-04 - 13:12:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5071 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new version of ModExplorer for all Amiga platforms is now available for download. The program allows you to select at random and play modules from the Aminet servers; the application also supports playlist, change skins, manage a blacklist and more.
2016-11-04 - 13:10:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5069 - Category: Amiga, Program
GadgetUK164 made a video about the repair of Amiga diskdrives. In total he got 9 Amiga drives working 100% using the techniques shown and talked about in this video.
2016-11-04 - 13:08:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5067 - Category: Amiga, Repair
The web page Amigos added new articles last month: Game Assets that Weren't, Time to do battle with more corrosion, A590 Hard Drive, Jonas Amiga modding, Ghosts and Goblins, Amiga 2000 - Gotek Floppy Drive Emulator, Multi Select ROM Amiga 2000, Gary Hucker, Indivision ECS, Gloom & Alien Breed 3D, Dizzy, The Oliver Twins, Primal Rage, World Class Leader Board Golf, Rodland and Amigo Scour 6.
2016-11-04 - 13:06:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5065 - Category: Amiga, Blog
On the "Games Coffer" web page you can find games, demos, animations, slideshows, diskette magazines, history, FAQ, emulators, reviews and advert Scans. The new additions for this month are: Emerald Mine 4 Pro, Groovy Games IV, Helicopter Mission (DE), Martial Spirit, Time Zoner & Zut Alors 1 & 2, Miggybyte 4-12, Shareworld 5-6, Whitby AMOS Club SE, Dynamite Dick, Family Fun 1, Grey Slayer, Pair Crazy, Blood, Brolly, Buzzed, Charley Cat 1-2, Eddy The Demon, High Spot Funky Dancer, Heading For Home, Midget Massacre, Morphy Magic Man, Pogo, Upgrade, Card Games Deluxe, Slider, Superballz, Kick Em, Tetras, Ultimate Tour Tennis, Vermone II, Ampu, Colourmania, Greeblies, Match, Speed Break and Witness.
2016-11-04 - 13:03:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5062 - Category: Amiga, Web page
In this game you must help Chris Bainfield and his friend Sid Wilson to free the galaxy from the clutches of WEAPCO. The game is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game with 26 levels in four planetary systems.
2016-11-04 - 13:00:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 5059 - Category: Game, Amiga
AmiArcadia is a emulator of early game consoles like the PHUNSY, Elektor TV Games Computer, Interton VC 4000, Emerson Arcadia 2001, Central Data 2650 and others. Ami Arcadia is available for the 68k Amiga, Amiga OS4, MorphOS and Windows. Recent changes are: Improvements for keyboard layout, memory editor and other small improvements.
2016-10-28 - 13:08:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5057 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Manchester United Europe, Shinobi, Superman, Banging Raves 2 and Banging Raves. Improved: Grapevine 16, Grapevine 15 (LSD) and Grapevine 14.
2016-10-28 - 13:06:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5055 - Category: Amiga, Game
I Have No Tomatoes is a game developed by Mika Halttunen and Teemu Ruokolainen in the year 2004. The game is now available for AROS and is a funny maze game with 10 different mazes.
2016-10-28 - 13:03:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 5052 - Category: Amiga, Game
You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix web page. The following Amiga music is added to the web page: Turrican II - The Desert Rocks, Guitar Slinger, Skidrow Cracktro - Gearworks, Elite 2 Frontier , Lemmings, Alfred Chicken, Prophecy the viking child, Dune - Ecolove VS GITS, Jim power, Prophecy the viking child - Level 1 & 6, Ultima VI: The False Prophet Returns, MegaBall, Gods, Turrican 2, Lips on Lips, Gamegirl and Xenon - Hajonta.
2016-10-21 - 13:10:00 - Week: 42 - Item number: 5048 - Category: Amiga, Music
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