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You can read a blog, from LinuxJedi, about repairing an Amiga A1200 computer with a strange problem. This Amiga A1200 computer works fine, but only for 15 minutes.
2024-05-17 - 12:01:00 - Week: 20 - Item number: 12374 - Category: Amiga, Repair
A new edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Interviews: David John Pleasance, Steve Quartly and Paul Huxham, Special SmallWeb, Planetary Void, Parallax-Scrolling on the Amiga, Final Fight, Ghosts of Blackwood, Subbuteo, Donkey Kong, PhotoFolio, Compression, AmigaOS 3.2 - The Manual, Redit, SimpleIDE, Trevors Soapbox, Amiga 4000TX and the Amiga 1222 Plus.
2024-05-10 - 12:18:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12371 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Omino Stage Game is a new game for Icaros Desktop, developed by Giovanni Iacobelli. In the game you must guide our hero through the levels, and fight with the evil virus in the final level.
2024-05-10 - 12:16:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12369 - Category: Amiga, Game
Report+ is a utility for the Amiga computer. The features are: Bug reporting tool, Edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory. Edit the manufacturer and product ID registries. View IFF/RIFF-files, Batch processing on icon files and an ASCII-converter.
2024-05-10 - 12:14:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12367 - Category: Amiga, Program
You can watch a new video from the Laird's Lair YouTube-channel. In this video: 10 Amazing facts about the Amiga 1200 computer.
2024-05-10 - 12:12:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12365 - Category: Amiga, Information
You can now watch a new video from the GadgetUK164 YouTube channel. In this video, the build of the SID Card version 2, designed by Call286.
2024-05-10 - 12:10:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12363 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
Snes9x is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom emulator specially ported and optimized by HunoPPC on AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition. Changes in this version: Improvements for the renderer, GUI, Skins, keyboard and icons.
2024-05-10 - 12:08:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12361 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
The game wipEout is a re-implementation of the 1995 PSX game for AROS. If you want to play the game you need to add the assets (textures, 3d models etc.)
2024-05-10 - 12:06:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12359 - Category: Amiga, Game
Amiga Addict is a digital and printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: Éric Chahi (Another World), François Lionet (AMOS), Future Wars, North & South, Extase, Éditions 64K, Final Fight Enhanced, Revision 2024, Ravenlordess (Amiga cosplay), Sony Vaio CD driver and the Bodega Bay case (A500).
2024-05-10 - 12:04:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12357 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Zombie Survivor is a new game for the Amiga computer developed by 8080. The game is still in development, but you can already play it. The features are: Amiga RTG (640x360), AmigaOS3.x, 1 world and 99 levels.
2024-05-10 - 12:02:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12355 - Category: Amiga, Game
The Retro Hour is a professional Podcast made by Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. The Retro Hour aims to help the world understand the European gaming industry. In this episode: Sam Dicker who made the music for the games like Defender and Sinistar, and making the legendary Amiga Boing Ball demo.
2024-05-10 - 12:01:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12354 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
You can now watch a new video from the 8Bit Retro ReFix YouTube channel. In this episode: Installing and testing of the Go-Drive for the Amiga computer.
2024-05-10 - 12:00:00 - Week: 19 - Item number: 12353 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
AmiArcadia is a emulator of early game consoles like the PHUNSY, Elektor TV Games Computer, Interton VC 4000, Emerson Arcadia 2001, Central Data 2650 and others. Ami Arcadia is available for the 68k Amiga, Amiga OS4, MorphOS and Windows.
2024-05-03 - 12:18:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12349 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
A new version of AmiKit is now available as a download. The changes in this version are: WinUAE, Startup, SonosController, AmigaGPT, AmiSSL, HEIF Converter, IsoMount, DOpus5, JPEG2000, PCX, SysVars, Demos, AmigaAMP, AmiKick, Codesets Library, DOSBox, Identify Library, iGame, Image2PDF, Infinite Music Player, Mnemosyne, RNOEffects, ScummVM, Discord and YAM.
2024-05-03 - 12:16:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12347 - Category: Amiga, Program
You can now watch a new video from the RobSmithDev YouTube channel. In this episode, Rob is testing a device that can stop or slow-down your Amiga computer.
2024-05-03 - 12:12:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12343 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
You can watch a new video from the Yawning Angel Retro YouTube channel. In this episode: How you can use an IFF file as a screen.
2024-05-03 - 12:10:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12341 - Category: Amiga, Information
With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 100 Amiga games.
2024-05-03 - 12:08:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12339 - Category: Amiga, Program
Game.X is a game for the Amiga computer, developed by Franck Charlet. The game can be played on an Amiga AGA with 2 MB of RAM and a 14mhz CPU.
2024-05-03 - 12:06:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12337 - Category: Amiga, Game
The Amiga-HDDLW is a project to convert a PC-disk drive into a HD disk drive for the Amiga computer, including detection for HD diskettes. The modification is possible for the Sony MPF920-E and TEAC FD-235HF disk drives.
2024-05-03 - 12:04:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12335 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
You can now watch a new episode from the Amiga Bill podcast. In this episode: An interview with Ravi Abbott about Kickstart 02, Amiga news and the games Grind by Pixelglass and Phoenix by JOTD.
2024-05-03 - 12:02:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12333 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
You can now watch a new video from the Retronaut YouTube channel. In this episode: Using the Fastlane Z3 and the BlueSCSIv2 in an Amiga 4000 computer.
2024-05-03 - 12:00:00 - Week: 18 - Item number: 12331 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
TankX is a 1-7 player game for the Amiga computer, developed by K-P Koljonen. In the game you can fight with other players or against the computer, the game is inspired by the MS-DOS game Tankkk.
2024-04-26 - 12:17:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12328 - Category: Amiga, Game
You can listen to new episodes of the Amigos: Everything Amiga podcast: Lure of the Temptress - The complete review, Rainbow Islands Review - A pixel-perfect port?, F17 Challenge - Formula One Racing from Team 17! and Final Fight Enhanced - The complete review.
2024-04-26 - 12:15:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12326 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Image2PDF is a program to convert images like PG, PNG, BMP, IFF/ILBM, GIF, TIFF or PCX to a PDF file. But it can also convert a PDF file to an image file. Image2PDF is developed by Bernd Assenmacher, and is available for Amiga OS3, OS4 and MorphOS.
2024-04-26 - 12:12:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12323 - Category: Amiga, Program
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Larrie and the Ardies and De Profundis. Update: Globdule, Turrican 3, Inviyya, Tornado, Zener Drive, After Burner 2, Turbo Out Run, Fusion, Hard Drivin', Alien Breed 2 and Second Samurai.
2024-04-26 - 12:08:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12319 - Category: Amiga, Game
A preview edition of the English and German Amiga magazine Amiga Future is now available. In this edition: Interviews: David John Pleasance, Steve Quartly and Paul Huxham, Special SmallWeb, Planetary Void, Parallax-Scrolling on the Amiga, Final Fight, Ghosts of Blackwood, Subbuteo, Donkey Kong, PhotoFolio, Compression, AmigaOS 3.2 - The Manual, Redit, SimpleIDE, Trevors Soapbox, Amiga 4000TX and the Amiga 1222 Plus.
2024-04-26 - 12:06:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12317 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based SoCs, such as the Raspberry Pi, Odroid XU4, ASUS Tinkerboard, etc. Amiberry can emulate the A500, A1200, CD32 and Amiga's with a 68040 and a graphics card.
2024-04-26 - 12:04:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12315 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
Seq is an Amiga MIDI sequencer program for the Amiga computer, made by Tuomas Hokka. The program features quick editing and can be used with live performances.
2024-04-26 - 12:02:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12313 - Category: Amiga, Program
You can watch a new video from The 8-Bit Manshed YouTube channel. In this episode: The repair of the legs on an IC's in an Amiga 500 computer.
2024-04-26 - 12:00:00 - Week: 17 - Item number: 12311 - Category: Amiga, Repair
The Amiga Future website has new (full) downloads available: DiskPrint and AdressMaster. Reuploads: DreamWeb, Der Clou, Das Boot, Deluxe Pacman, Deluxe Galaga, Der Patrizier, Der Seelenturm, Guldkorn Expressen, Highway Patrol 2 and Hanse.
2024-04-19 - 12:16:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12307 - Category: Amiga, Program
The JOST Launcher is a Game/Demo starter for JOST exe to run .slave for WHDLOAD, and is compatible with kickstart 1.3. JOST launcher is developed by Youen Chéné and is set up for the Commodore CDTV, with a CDTV Remote, mouse or joystick.
2024-04-19 - 12:14:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12305 - Category: Amiga, Program
You can now test a new Wi-Fi driver for AmiKit and PiStorm. The AmiKit team is still working on the development of the driver, and the next step will be to add the encryption (WPA/WPA2).
2024-04-19 - 12:12:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12303 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new version of Hollywood Designer 7.0 is now available from Airsoft Softwair. New or updated in this version: Colour emojis, CJK text, multiple operations on objects and pages, objects groups, unlimited undo/redo, better memory usage and much more.
2024-04-19 - 12:10:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12301 - Category: Amiga, Program
Amiga Rulez is a diskette magazine (German / English) is the style of the diskette magazines from the nineties. In this edition: Programming with Hollywood, Glücksrad, Familienduell, The Lost Vikings, Turbo-cards, RAM-expansions, Amiga38, Amiga-magazines and Sysop-stories.
2024-04-19 - 12:08:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12299 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
You can now watch a new video from the RobSmithDev YouTube channel. In this episode, Rob is testing an external Virus protector for the Amiga computer.
2024-04-19 - 12:06:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12297 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
You can listen to new remixes on the AmigaRemix webpage. The following Amiga music was added to the webpage: Panza Kick Boxing - Interpol Crack Intro, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 End Tune, Space Debris 2024, Quodlibet and Turrbedo (Turrican II + Albedo, Fusion Remix).
2024-04-19 - 12:04:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12295 - Category: Amiga, Music
Amiga Germany is a German printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: Dune 2, Project X, Back to the past - Ein Amiga-Rückblick der Jahre 1985 - 1994, Interview mit Amiga Bill, Suburban Commando, Rodland, Joystick-Wahnsinn, Reparatur-Tipp and Jede Menge coole Erinnerungen.
2024-04-19 - 12:01:00 - Week: 16 - Item number: 12292 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
WhatIFF? is an Amiga magazine in the Amiga Guide format. In this edition: xT Amiga 600 Turbo Card, Open Amiga Sampler, Apollo Computer V4+ Standalone, RNOXfer, Aminet Goodies, Weasels gaming corner, The Deep, Dice Masters, Game gaphics: What NOT to do, Making modules 101, How to get better Samples, Easzy Aztec Graphics, Brilliance 101, Fun with Smear, Completing games at lLong last, Building a new Rejuvenator in 2024, Amiga paradox of choice, Amiga through the lens of LD Learner, Lessons from a 7Mhz CPU, Massimo Loi, Simone Bevilacqua, 8080, Willem Drijver, Shell Talk and Ivents Corner.
2024-04-12 - 12:20:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12288 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
An update for the Hall of Light web page: Skweek, Gee Bee Air Rally, Warlock's Quest / Warlock, Escape From Tharkan, Bubble Ghost / Bubble +, Bangkok Knights, 3D World Boxing, Fortuna v1.0, Prawo Krwi, Pepe The Screwdriver, Bez Kompromisu, Energy Mover, Forest Dumb Forever!!!, Arcade Action (Silica), Świat Barw, Astérix And The Magic Carpet, Łowca Głów, World Cup 90, Shanghai and The Unlikely Adventure of Edd Schiester 1: Escape from a Large Cave.
2024-04-12 - 12:18:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12286 - Category: Amiga, Information
An update for the MorphOS Storage web page: Expression_1.1.lha, MicroExcel_1.0.lha, ScummVM_2.8.1.lha, SDL_2.30.2_Libraries.lha, AmiArcadia_32.0.lha, LosMalditos_1.00.lha, DirSize_2.6.lha, tap2dsk_2.1.lha, neatvi-14.lha, Wayfarer_7.8.lha, Easy2Install_1.0b51.lha, Pangomonium_1.0.lha, butterfly.lha, fheroes2_1.0.13.lha, Iris_1.22.lha, Lite-XL_2.1.3r1.lha and SuDokuL_1.3.lha.
2024-04-12 - 12:16:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12284 - Category: Amiga, Program
The cheats database of Amiga Future is updated weekly by David Jahn. The database contains cheats, solutions, tips & tricks and Freezer addresses. The latest updates are: Kings Quest 5 - Absence makes the Heart go Yonder, Kings Quest 4 - The Perils Of Rosella, Kings Quest 3 - To Heir is Human, Jonathan, Brainstorm, Cyberpunks, Cybernetix, Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, Cosmic Pirate, Cool Croc Twins, COALA, Clockwiser, Castle Kingdoms, Campaign and Cabal.
2024-04-12 - 12:14:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12282 - Category: Amiga, Information
DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library, which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox is available for Windows, BeOS, Linux, MacOS X and Amiga.
2024-04-12 - 12:11:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12279 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new video from the CRG YouTube channel. In this video: How to align a floppy-drive for an Amiga computer.
2024-04-12 - 12:09:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12277 - Category: Amiga, Repair
Hack and Slay is a new game for the Amiga computer, developed by grindercowboy. The game has the following features: Turn based, 2 difficulty levels, Auto-map, 5 levels, < 100 kB and written in Blitz Basic.
2024-04-12 - 12:01:00 - Week: 15 - Item number: 12269 - Category: Amiga, Game
REDPILL is a tool for creating games for Amiga without programming knowledge. It is easy to use, but you can also do complex things and create games with the true Amiga feeling. Changes in this version: Support for 1000 levels, improvements for Tilesets, Menu, Loading sprite / images, Print Text, Contains Tile, Restart Level, Destroy Children and Mutate.
2024-04-05 - 12:18:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12266 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new episode from the Amiga Retro YouTube channel is now available. In this episode, you can see how to use a mSATA SSD in your Amiga 1200 computer.
2024-04-05 - 12:16:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12264 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
A new video from the CRG YouTube channel. In this video, the repair of an Amiga A500+ computer. The motherboard was damaged by a leaking battery.
2024-04-05 - 12:14:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12262 - Category: Amiga, Repair
There is a new video available from the Doktor64 YouTube channel. This time, he shows how to expand the RAM memory from 512 kB to 1 MB on your Amiga A500+ computer.
2024-04-05 - 12:10:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12258 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
This older edition of Amiga Future is now online available. In this edition: Editorial, News, Amiga 34, Christian Haller, Insanity Fight, Insanity Fight iOS, Blastaway, Football Fortunes, Goldrush, IBrowse, DiskPrint, AdressMaster, Aminet News, MorphOS Camp, MC68k, Shogo (2), AmigaOS 3.1.4 (3), XCopy Tools, FPGA Amiga-Clone, Trevors Soapbox and the Demoscene.
2024-04-05 - 12:07:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12255 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Glubble is a new game for the Amiga computer. The game is developed by Leonard (code), Mon Mon (pixels) and Virgill (music). In the game, you must move the coloured blobs left and right and joint he blobs with the same colour.
2024-04-05 - 12:02:00 - Week: 14 - Item number: 12250 - Category: Amiga, Game
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