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Night Knight is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game was original developed by Juan J. Martinez for the MSX computer and the C64 conversion is made by Aris Kavalos. In the game you must find your way through a castle and break the curse.
2021-09-24 - 12:12:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9504 - Category: C64, Game
You can now watch a new episode of the FairLight TV YouTube channel. In this episode Pontus Berg talks about the Regenerator.
2021-09-24 - 12:08:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9500 - Category: C64, YouTube
FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Myth, Tran, ZZAP!64, Secret Squirrel Investigates, Peter Baron, Souless II - The Armour of Gods, Pokes & Codes, Arnie 2, Topper the Copper and Gold Train.
2021-09-24 - 12:04:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9496 - Category: C64, Magazine
You can now listen to a new episode of the Zapped to the Past podcast. In this episode: Tau Ceti, ICUPS, Ollo 1 & Ollo 2, Legend of the Amazon Women, Infiltrator, Nexus, Time Trax, Saboteur and Murder on the Mississippi.
2021-09-24 - 12:03:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9495 - Category: C64, YouTube
Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about programming joystick control for sprites on the Commodore C64 computer in assembly language.
2021-09-24 - 12:01:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9493 - Category: C64, YouTube
The web page had an update. You can now find 7136 games on this web page. The new games are: Archaeologist, Detonation (Ahoy), Double Sphere, Final Defense (Compute), Heat Seeker (Compute), Lernaia, Paper Route, Phoenix Fight, Pie Emporium, Ranatan, Spray-Cam, Table Soccer (Budigie), Table Soccer (RUN), The Raven (Compute), Turbo Ski and Volleybound.
2021-09-24 - 12:00:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 9492 - Category: C64, Web page
Push Puzzler is a new game for the Commodore C64 written in Basic. The game has 6 levels, 6 puzzle sets, 3 field sizes, high-score table and is developed by William Wobbler.
2021-09-17 - 12:11:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 9483 - Category: C64, Game
You can watch a new video from the Evie's Revue YouTube channel. This time the BackSID which is a replacement for the SID 6581/8580 sound chip in the Commodore C64 and C128 computers.
2021-09-17 - 12:09:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 9481 - Category: C64, YouTube
On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Motos (1987).
2021-09-10 - 12:15:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9467 - Category: C64, Competition
Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about the Commodore Magic Voice Software Prototype and Easter Eggs.
2021-09-10 - 12:11:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9463 - Category: C64, YouTube
LukHash makes music with the help of a Commodore C64. In this video he does a SID Chiptune Set.
2021-09-10 - 12:09:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9461 - Category: C64, Music
A new YouTube video from Wolfgang Kierdorf is now available. In this video Wolfgang talks about building the Handheld C64 from Matthias Lorenz. This is a real C64 in a Gameboy form-factor.
2021-09-10 - 12:07:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9459 - Category: C64, YouTube
The New Dimension released a new version of the S.E.U.C.K Title Screen Maker. A fun tool which can help you make cool new front ends and link them to your very own standalone games, created with S.E.U.C.K.
2021-09-10 - 12:04:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9456 - Category: C64, Program
A new video from the YouTube channel Retrobits is now available. In this video the new firmware for the Ultimate 64 and 1541 UII+.

Ein neues Video vom YouTube-Kanal Retrobits ist jetzt verfügbar. In diesem Video die neue Firmware für das Ultimate 64 und 1541 UII+.
2021-09-10 - 12:02:00 - Week: 36 - Item number: 9454 - Category: C64, YouTube
The webpage is now selling transparent cartridge cases for the Commodore C64 computer. The material that is uses is polycarbonate.
2021-09-03 - 12:19:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9451 - Category: C64, Hardware
Gates of the Ancient is a new game for the C64 computer. The game is a 3D space action game and is developed by drmortalwombat. In the game you can fight with pirates, aliens and ancient robots.
2021-09-03 - 12:17:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9449 - Category: C64, Game
This new website will be for selling new C64 books and eBooks, including an eBook version of The Commodore 64 Book 1982-199x.
2021-09-03 - 12:15:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9447 - Category: C64, Book
Pi64 is new project of Nick Bild. The Pi64 is a Raspberry Pi 400 that thinks it's a Commodore 64.It is not a C64 emulator, it is Raspberry Pi OS with a C64 theme.
2021-09-03 - 12:09:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9441 - Category: C64, Program
A new version of UltimateTerm for the Commodore C64 computer with an Ultimate cartridge is now available. The program is developed by Francesco Sblendorio and Schema.
2021-09-03 - 12:07:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9439 - Category: C64, Program
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Mr. Do! from Datasoft (1985) for the Commodore C64.
2021-09-03 - 12:05:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9437 - Category: C64, Podcast
The GTW64 webpage has had an update. New: Nieuw: Cosmic Jailbreak, Magic House kit and software, Magic Workshop series, Maximum Retaliation, Quick Eddie, Stainless Steel and Tetris. Update: Adam Caveman, Ala Software, Boxing Game, Buffalo Roundup V1, Cop Out, Domain, Dreamraider, Fungus 2, Jungle Adventure, Mega Twins, Race Drivin', SAS Strike Force, Three Weeks In Paradise, Undead, Unicorn Software titles and Worron.
2021-09-03 - 12:01:00 - Week: 35 - Item number: 9433 - Category: C64, Game
Shock Raid is new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Richard Bayliss (code & music) and Hugues Poisseroux (pixels). Your mission is to enter the alien planet Zarjon. Fly through the 4 underground lairs and do battle against the aliens.
2021-08-27 - 12:19:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9431 - Category: C64, Game
Magical Sound Shower 64 is a YouTube channel that makes covers of Commodore C64 game music. The latest music is: Midnight Resistance by Keith Tinman.
2021-08-27 - 12:17:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9429 - Category: C64, Music
C64 Studio is an assembly development environment which is dependent on VICE. You can write assembly code and test this with the VICE emulator. In this version improvements for Tabs, macros, BASIC, Illegal NOP, string literals, source/label info, Memory map output, ASM Parser, navigation, File Manager, Search/Replace, Find, Show, Charset screen editor and PRINT.
2021-08-27 - 12:15:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9427 - Category: C64, Program
Giana Adventure 4 is a new Giana Sisters game developed by davemaster86 with the help of the GGS construction set. He also made a Giana Adventure Remix.
2021-08-27 - 12:13:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9425 - Category: C64, Game
A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Building your own paddle / joystick / mouse controller for the Mssiah cartridge.
2021-08-27 - 12:09:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9421 - Category: C64, YouTube
Station64 is a live player system (via midi). The features are: 3 voice polyphony, oscillator control via midi, advanced glide and pitch wheel control and works with 8580/6581 on PAL/NTSC. New in this version: The ADD VESSEL midi interface.
2021-08-27 - 12:07:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9419 - Category: C64, Program
FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Sleepwalker, C5 Clive, Tran, ZZAP!64, Secret Squirrel Investigates, Chris Walsh, Loko and Frank Gasking's Hidden Treasures.
2021-08-27 - 12:03:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9415 - Category: C64, Magazine
Convertron3000 is a program to convert images from the PC to the Commodore C64. The program has been developed by fieserWolf.
2021-08-27 - 12:01:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9413 - Category: C64, Program
Unspool is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Iceout.
2021-08-27 - 12:00:00 - Week: 34 - Item number: 9412 - Category: C64, Game
A new video from the YouTube channel Nils Retro Hobby Room. In this video Nils builds hard disk controller (IEC2ATA) for the ATX64.
2021-08-20 - 12:12:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9403 - Category: C64, Hardware
Torreoscura is an adventure game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Bieno, R. International, Baron Ashler, Karmic, J.J. Saenz, Hucky, Igor Errazking, José Zanni, Rockersuke, Nich Campbell and Miguel Sky.
2021-08-20 - 12:10:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9401 - Category: C64, Game
Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. The changes in this version are: Improvements for the drive configuration, CPU-load, run-speed and VICII-video. Added support for VC1451C drives and Dolphin DOS 3.
2021-08-20 - 12:06:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9397 - Category: C64, Emulator
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Rocket Ball from IJK Software (1985) for the Commodore C64.
2021-08-20 - 12:04:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9395 - Category: C64, Podcast
The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added more new intros. Updates: 30 new intros and 4 new groups.
2021-08-20 - 12:02:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9393 - Category: C64, Demo
The web page had an update. You can now find 7111 games on this web page. The new games are: Dig Dug (Courbois Software), Dig Dug 001, Dig Dug Dash 01, Dig Dug Dash 02, Dig Dug Dash 03, Dig Dug Dash 04, Dig Dug Dash 05, Dig Dug Dash 06, Heli 1983 (2), Hero Quest, Time Traveller (Audiogenic), Time Traveller (RadarSoft)(Dutch), Time Traveller - An Adventure in Time and Voyageur du Temps.
2021-08-20 - 12:00:00 - Week: 33 - Item number: 9391 - Category: C64, Game
On the Everything C64 forum you can now participate in a new C64 High-score Challenge. The game of this month is Plekthora (2021).
2021-08-13 - 12:18:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 9389 - Category: C64, Competition
A special edition of the Commodore C64 game Soulless is now available. Changes in this version: Improvements for jumping, rooms, enemies and soul stones. The game is developed by Trevor Storey, Georg Rottensteiner, Mikkel Hastrup and Jason Mackenzie.
2021-08-13 - 12:16:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 9387 - Category: C64, Game
A new video from Daniel Renner. In this video: Updating the firmware of the Ultimate64 and using the Mssiah cartridge.
2021-08-13 - 12:12:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 9383 - Category: C64, Hardware
Discomatic MD is a music collection of Commodore SID music. In this collection: Cloudy Window, Dancing on a Bigpack, Den hyggelige komponist, Discomatic, Eine kleine Popmusik, Loop 54, Partly Pieces XT, Pernilles Blomster, Trainride 2, Traxcess and Virtual Hugs.
2021-08-13 - 12:02:00 - Week: 32 - Item number: 9373 - Category: C64, Music
Robin Harbron made a new YouTube video. This time he is talking about the program 10 PRINT Orthogonal for the Commodore C64.
2021-08-06 - 12:16:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9367 - Category: C64, YouTube
Adam Wilson wrote a blog about repairing several Commodore C64 computers.
2021-08-06 - 12:14:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9365 - Category: C64, Repair
Zapped to the Past is a podcast about C64 games from Zzap!64 magazine. In this episode: Geoff Capes Strongman Challenge, Alter Ego, Captain Kidd, Hocus Focus, Elektra Glide and Thrust.
2021-08-06 - 12:12:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9363 - Category: C64, Podcast
GeoPlayer is a georam tool that can do many things: Play wave files, slideshow koala images, play sid files, read text and run a prg files. The program is de developed by Matteo Angelini (code) and Richard (music).
2021-08-06 - 12:10:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9361 - Category: C64, Program
SpriteMate is an on-line sprite editor for the Commodore C64 developed by Ingo Hinterding. Changes in this version: Improvements for the menu-bar, sprite-invert and many other small improvements.
2021-08-06 - 12:04:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9355 - Category: C64, Program
You can watch the results of the Plain PETSCII Compo 2021 as a slide show. The PETSCII's are from: Alakran, christwoballs, Dr. TerrorZ, Electric of Extend, Fabs, Frida Katarina, Hein, jab, Leon, Lobo, Manu, Mikael, Ray Manta, rexbeng, Shine, Slaxx, Snake Petsken, TheRyk, Vent, Wile Coyote and Worrior1.
2021-08-06 - 12:02:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9353 - Category: C64, Competition
LC-Games developed a clone of Pac-Man, an arcade game published by Midway in 1982. In this version there are randomly generated mazes and bonus rounds.
2021-08-06 - 12:00:00 - Week: 31 - Item number: 9351 - Category: C64, Game
The Meatloaf64 is a new device for the Commodore C64 developed by James Johnston. The Meatloaf64 has a WiFi Modem and it’s an IEC Serial Drive emulator.
2021-07-30 - 12:15:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 9346 - Category: C64, Hardware
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Burgertime from Data East Corporation (1984) for the Commodore C64.
2021-07-30 - 12:10:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 9341 - Category: C64, Podcast
Dirk Hoffmann has released a new version of his VirtualC64 emulator. This emulator can turn your Mac (OS X) into a Commodore C64. The changes in this version are: Improvements for emulation speed and emulation of hardware-based floppy drive accelerators (SpeedDOS+ & Dolphin DOS V2).
2021-07-30 - 12:06:00 - Week: 30 - Item number: 9337 - Category: C64, Emulator
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