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Rapid News is a diskette magazine (English language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Back to ... (2), Luhecon II, News & Rumours and Excess & Abyss connection Party 2020.
2019-12-27 - 13:03:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 7654 - Category: C64, Magazine
The last couple of months there have been updates for Kick Assembler. The recent changes are: Added support for the 65c02 CPU. Improvements for the 65c02 address mode indirect x and cpu directive.
2019-12-27 - 13:01:00 - Week: 52 - Item number: 7652 - Category: C64, Program
MrCaliforniaD made a keyboard out of a defective Commodore 8-bit computer and a Arturia MiniBrute keyboard. The Music Maker Deluxe can be used with all programs that use the C64 keys to play notes.
2019-12-20 - 13:19:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7650 - Category: C64, Hardware
IceBro is a 6502 simulator with a graphical debugger. IceBro can connect to a running instance of VICE (C64 / VIC20) and copy the machine state: RAM, CPU registers, labels and breakpoints. After connecting you can use the debugger to look at the machine state.
2019-12-20 - 13:16:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7647 - Category: C64, Program
Daniel Renner has made a new video. In this episode: How to make TAP files from cassette games with the Ultimate1541+.
2019-12-20 - 13:14:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7645 - Category: C64, Podcast
Bwack has made another new video. In this video he shows the first replica of the C64 motherboard that is produced by the company PCBWay.
2019-12-20 - 13:12:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7643 - Category: C64, Hardware
The RasPIC64 uses a Raspberry Pi to communicate bidirectionally with the data bus of a Commodore C64. It can emulate for example a GeoRAM / NeoRAM memory expansion, a CBM80 cartridge, or run a Dual-SID plus FM emulation.
2019-12-20 - 13:08:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7639 - Category: C64, Hardware
Duo Box is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Tekl in Basic.
2019-12-20 - 13:06:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7637 - Category: C64, Game
Energy Auction is a financial game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Logiker.
2019-12-20 - 13:04:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7635 - Category: C64, Game
Perilous Swamp is a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64. The game has been developed by Cout and is written in Basic.
2019-12-20 - 13:02:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7633 - Category: C64, Game
The Everything C64 forum is still growing. If you do not want to miss anything about the C64 than join the forum today. There are section for news, hardware, software, programming, emulators, BBS, SX64, The64 Mini and much more.
2019-12-20 - 13:00:00 - Week: 51 - Item number: 7631 - Category: C64, Web page
Kernal64 is a C64 & C128 emulator developed by Alessandro Abbruzzetti and is written in the Scala programming language. Changes in this version: Improvements for the 1571, VDC, .D64, .D71, .G64, CIA, VIC, RTI, CLI, SEI and PLP. Added support for Zaxxon & Mach 5.
2019-12-13 - 13:13:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 7624 - Category: C64, Emulator
Slideshow Maker is a tool that converts images into a format that can be displayed on a C64 and adds a slideshow player with music.
2019-12-13 - 13:07:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 7618 - Category: C64, Program
GuruTerm+ is a program for connecting your Commodore C64 to a bulletin-board. The program is developed by Holy Moses, RaveGuru and Trident. New in this version: The addition of a Phonebook.
2019-12-13 - 13:05:00 - Week: 50 - Item number: 7616 - Category: C64, Program
LukHash make music with the help of a Commodore C64. This times he made a song withe a C64 and the MSSIAH Sequencer (6581 SID chip).
2019-12-06 - 13:18:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7609 - Category: C64, Music
A new video from Adrian Black. This time he builds the Commodore Diagnostic Test Harness with the Commodore Diagnostic ROM 586220.
2019-12-06 - 13:16:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7607 - Category: C64, Repair
Llamasoft gathered all the Llamasoft C64 games onto three d64 images with autorun menus. You can download the d64 images for free and use them in an emulator.
2019-12-06 - 13:14:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7605 - Category: C64, Game
Intric8 and JimDrew are working on making new keycaps for the Commodore C64. You can follow their progress on the AmigaLove web page.
2019-12-06 - 13:12:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7603 - Category: C64, Hardware
The YouTube channel Look Mum No Computer made a big modification to a Commodore C64 with a Synthcart. They added 12 knobs to control the sound.
2019-12-06 - 13:10:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7601 - Category: C64, Hardware
Easy Sudoku Solver is a new program for the Commodore C64. This program is developed by Rudi and can help you to solve a Sudoku puzzle.
2019-12-06 - 13:08:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7599 - Category: C64, Program
Lily Lander is a new game for the Commodore C64 and is developed by Turtlepanda. You can play this game with only the fire button or the space-bar. The game is also competing in the Game Off 2019 competition.
2019-12-06 - 13:06:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7597 - Category: C64, Game
The web page had an update. You can now find 6883 games on this web page. The new games are: Alien 8, Alien Research Centre 2, Bruce Lee - Duology, Bugout 2019, Commando Kuwait, Commando Libya 2, Dragonaker, Filmation Quadrilogy, From out of the Snow, Frostbite, Gem-Nightmare Preview, Get Witchy, Great Giana Sisters Ridley X Hack, Giana Adventure, Giana Sisters 30th Anniversary Preview 2, Halloween 2019 Demo, Hans Kloss, Kissit, Lets Make a C64 Game Preview 2, Luna, Offelo, On the Queens Footsteps, Platoon - The Tunnel System, Puralax, Rotbotfindskitten, Roses Curry Clicker, Sex-Kommando, Space-Orbs, Space-Ball, Spy-Hunt, The Hut, The Last Warrior (Compute), The Last Warrior (The Softgang), The Revenge of Moriarty, Tili-Toli, Two Days to the Race, Whiz Kid, Witch Day, Wizard of Wor (Handic) and Wizard of Wor Comparison Demo.
2019-12-06 - 13:04:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7595 - Category: C64, Game
BMC64 is a C64 emulator for the Raspberry Pi. Recent updates: Improvements for the Plus/4 emulation, Final Cart III, Datassette, NTSC, disk-drive and the 1351.
2019-12-06 - 13:02:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7593 - Category: C64, Emulator
FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: CJ's Elephant Antics, Ratsplat, The Making of Badlands, Crazy Blaster, Mika Keranen, ZZAP! 64, Ashley Hogg, W.T.F. -, Tapuino Reloaded -, Pokes 'n' Codes, Keystone Kapers and Dan Tootill.
2019-12-06 - 13:01:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7592 - Category: C64, Magazine
Daniel Renner made a video about the docking station for the Turbo Chameleon V2 from Individual computers.
2019-12-06 - 13:00:00 - Week: 49 - Item number: 7591 - Category: C64, Hardware
Rocky Bergen made a papercraft design of a retro computer. This time he made the Commodore C64, 1541 diskdrive, MPS-801 printer, VIC-Modem and a 1701 monitor.
2019-11-29 - 13:12:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 7583 - Category: C64, Hardware
Daniel Renner made a video about the use of CBM Studio in combination with an Ultimate64 or a C64 with a 1541U2+.
2019-11-29 - 13:06:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 7577 - Category: C64, Program
Tethered is a adventure game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Linus Akesson. To make the game Linus used the Z-machine from Infocom.
2019-11-29 - 13:00:00 - Week: 48 - Item number: 7571 - Category: C64, Game
LukHash makes music with the help of a Commodore C64. It is a fusion of 8-bit digital mayhem combined with technical electronic, modern sounds and 80s aesthetics.
2019-11-22 - 13:14:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 7569 - Category: C64, Music
Jan Beta has made a video about installing and testing ClearVideo64 in a Commodore C64c. This device improves Luma and reduces stripes on the video signal.
2019-11-22 - 13:12:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 7567 - Category: C64, Hardware
Cem Tezcan made a design study about a handheld Commodore C64. If it was only real...
2019-11-22 - 13:10:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 7565 - Category: C64, Hardware
Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he reads another Basic program from a vinyl album. This time it is an album from Heartware.
2019-11-22 - 13:08:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 7563 - Category: C64, Podcast
Cout released a new puzzle game for the Commodore C64. The game is written in Basic.
2019-11-22 - 13:04:00 - Week: 47 - Item number: 7559 - Category: C64, Game
Alien 8 is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is made by Emu (code), Saul Cross (music) and STE'86 (graphics). The features are: PAL / NTSC, Super-CPU / Turbo Chameleon, in-game music, disk, tape, cartridge and Easyflash versions.
2019-11-15 - 13:06:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 7550 - Category: C64, Game
Frostbite is a new game for the Commodore C64. The original game has been developed by Activision for the Atari computer. This C64 conversion is made by Antonio Savona (code), Saul Cross (music) and STE'86 (graphics).
2019-11-15 - 13:04:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 7548 - Category: C64, Game
XC=BASICXC=BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language for the Commodore 64 and xcbasic64 is a cross compiler that compiles XC=BASIC source code to 6502 machine code. Changes: IF / ELSE / ENDIF, WHILE / ENDWHILE, REPEAT / UNTIL, PRAGMA , LSHIFT / RSHIFT, MEMCPY, MEMSET, MEMSHIFT, WATCH, WAIT, PETSCII, ENABLEIRQ / DISABLEIRQ and XCB Invaders (game).
2019-11-15 - 13:02:00 - Week: 46 - Item number: 7546 - Category: C64, Program
THEC64 Full size will be available in December 2019. You can now watch a short video of THEC64 production line.
2019-11-08 - 13:16:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7540 - Category: C64, Hardware
FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog) is a web page that writes about retro games. But the difference is that this blog compares the games between the different computers like the C64, Amiga, MSX, NES, CPC, DOS, etc. The most recent comparisons are: l'Abbaye des Morts (Locomalito, 2010) and FireTrap (Data East, 1986).
2019-11-08 - 13:14:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7538 - Category: C64, Blog
Robin Harbron made another new video. This time he reveal an "easter egg" in the Commodore C64.
2019-11-08 - 13:12:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7536 - Category: C64, Podcast
In this English diskette magazine the following items: News, Awards, World of Demos, X-Parties, Raistlin, Romrunner,The Sarge, Markus Schneider, UK SID tunes rock London, TheTuneful Eight,Gubbdata 2019, Datastorm 2019, Flashback 2019, Zoo 2019, 8-bit Symphony, Censor Design, In love with pixels, Mega65, IDE64, Bandersnatch, SID chip club, Rise ofthe machine, Loader systems, Shit hot originals and The List.
2019-11-08 - 13:07:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7531 - Category: C64, Magazine
Wizmax is a new SEUCK game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Pinov Vox. In the game you must collect the crystals and fight the monsters.
2019-11-08 - 13:05:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7529 - Category: C64, Game
Dragonaker is a new game for the Commodore C64. The game is developed by Commodore Spain. In the game you must fly your dragon and shoot down the enemy. The game was released on the Capacitor Party 2019.

A YouTube video of Dragonaker.
2019-11-08 - 13:03:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7527 - Category: C64, Game
Rapid News is a diskette magazine (English language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Nordlicht party, Return party, News and Back to ... 1991.
2019-11-08 - 13:02:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7526 - Category: C64, Magazine
The web page had an update. You can now find 6843 games on this web page. The new games are: Boulder Dash Junior 3, Chopper Command (Activision), Cimbo, Commando 2084, Commando Libya, Croaky, Crystal Caverns, Frantic Freddie II, Frantic Freddie II 128, Frogger (Carl Muller), Game Set and Match 2, Hubbard Track 1, Hubbard Track II, Hubbard Track III, Kobyashi Naru, Ruelps Construction Kit, Shard of Inovar, Spaceware Shuttle Designer, Stercore 64, Stercore XD, Trilogy (Mastertronic), Venom and Wolfling.
2019-11-08 - 13:00:00 - Week: 45 - Item number: 7524 - Category: C64, Game
You can now play an improved version of the game Forgotten Forest. In the game you have to go through a dark and spooky forest. You have a flame thrower with you, to fight against the dangerous creatures.
2019-11-01 - 13:14:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 7520 - Category: C64, Game
Perifractic made a video about building a Commodore 64 PAL/NTSC switcher. This device makes it possible to play PAL and NTSC games on your C64.
2019-11-01 - 13:12:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 7518 - Category: C64, Hardware
M3wP is working on an online version of Yahtzee! He developed a client/server version of the game. You can play online with a Commodore C64 that has a ETH64, RR-Net or compatible device.
2019-11-01 - 13:07:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 7513 - Category: C64, Game
Z64K is a pixel exact emulation of the Commodore 128, Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Atari 2600 written entirely in Java. The emulators should run on any platform with an updated Java Runtime environment. Recent changes: Improvements for the REU and window resizing.
2019-11-01 - 13:03:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 7509 - Category: C64, Emulator
Tili-Toli is a new game for the Commodore C64, made by Steveboy. The game is a puzzle game and it is made in Basic.
2019-11-01 - 13:01:00 - Week: 44 - Item number: 7507 - Category: C64, Game
K.C. has updated his IntroBase64. At the moment there are 10,500 intro's available. The intros will have screenshots, music/sound info (SID file) and a link to the online version. IntroBase64 supports emulators like VICE, CCS64, Hoxs64, etc.
2019-10-25 - 13:11:00 - Week: 43 - Item number: 7503 - Category: C64, Program
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