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W E de Villiers developed 10 BASIC games for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The games are: Zombie rush, Fruit machine, Commodore fish cannery, Moon machine, Cheesy, Spiceworm, I Rebel, Pollinate, Magic 8 ball and Bad plumber.
2022-09-30 - 12:17:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10609 - Category: VIC-20, Game
The webpage Everything Amiga added new articles last month: Simulcra is a hidden Amiga gem, Thunderhawk AH-73M retrospective, Paradroid 90 retrospective and The Lost Patrol.
2022-09-30 - 12:16:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10608 - Category: Amiga, Web page
You can now watch a new video from the Dave Poo 2 YouTube-channel. In this video Dave is servicing a Commodore Datassette.
2022-09-30 - 12:15:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10607 - Category: Commodore, Hardware
A new video from GadgetUK164. In this video he installs a RGB 2 Amiga converter in an Amiga 500 and an Amiga 2000 computer.
2022-09-30 - 12:14:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10606 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
The web page has many high-quality scans available for the Commodore user. The latest addition is: VIC20 Diagnostic source.
2022-09-30 - 12:13:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10605 - Category: Commodore, Book
WormWars is an arcade game for the Amiga computer developed by James Jacobs. The features are: 37 objects, 37 creatures, 13 bonuses, 4 worms and a level editor.
2022-09-30 - 12:12:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10604 - Category: Amiga, Game
Kodiak wrote a blog about using the Extended Color Mode (ECM), in modern games for the Commodore C64 computer.

Kodiak also wrote a blog about VSP Scrolling.
2022-09-30 - 12:11:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10603 - Category: C64, Blog
On the web page you can see many cracker intros within your browser. The original intros from the Amiga, Atari-ST, Dreamcast, PC, Playstation etc. are converted to the browser. The most recent flashtro's are: Infect - Flashback, Skid Row - Maniac forces Intro, Skid Row - Air Support, Fairlight & North Star - Hybris and adix_Theory - 68k asm by Rog.
2022-09-30 - 12:10:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10602 - Category: Commodore, Demo
Sawicki has made a new video for his YouTube channel. In this video Mark shows how to repair a Commodore 1081/1084 monitor.
2022-09-30 - 12:09:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10601 - Category: Commodore, Repair
WHDLoad offers a way to play Amiga diskette games from your hard disk. New: Emetic Skimmer and Willy The Kid. Update: Ooops Up and Harricana.
2022-09-30 - 12:08:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10600 - Category: Amiga, Web page
You can now watch the videos from the most recent online meeting of the Commodore Users Europe. The topics are: Meatloaf & FujiNet - C64, pico-rgb2hmi, Brainbreak C64, VIC20 Power Supply and Battle sparrow - BASIC65.
2022-09-30 - 12:07:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10599 - Category: Commodore, Event
In this episode Chris and Mads talk about Amiga platformers for the game club game in October 2022.
2022-09-30 - 12:06:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10598 - Category: Amiga, Podcast
Return magazine is a German printed magazine for classic computers and consoles. In this edition: 30 Jahre SNES, Shadow Gangs, Nobelia, Camelot Software Planning, Shootin' 64, Grafik-Adventure auf dem VCS, Midnight Resistance, PlayStation 2, Hexenküche, ElecHead, Apydia, Chrono Trigger, Pengo and WIC64.
2022-09-30 - 12:05:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10597 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
Scavenger is a new game for AROS that is based on the game Lode Runner. The game is developed by David Ashley and Barry Mead, it has 196 puzzle screens and is also available for Linux and Windows.
2022-09-30 - 12:04:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10596 - Category: Amiga, Game
Cinderella is an Intel 4004 emulator for the Commodore VIC20 computer. This emulator is developed by Aleksi Eeben and also available for the Commodore C64 computer.

The C64 version of Cinderella.
2022-09-30 - 12:03:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10595 - Category: VIC-20, Emulator
Wayfarer is a web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
2022-09-30 - 12:02:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10594 - Category: Amiga, Program
FREEZE64 is a fanzine for Commodore 64 gamers and hackers. In this edition: Last Ninja 2, ZZAPSBACK, Ollie's Follies, Butcher Hill, Fantastic Soccer, Matt Gray, Mike Mech, Groovy Garden, Built-in cheats and TRAN.
2022-09-30 - 12:01:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10593 - Category: C64, Magazine
The Amiga Show has made another episode on a real Amiga computer. In this episode: Metal Gear, Videoface ZX Spectrum digitiser, Quantel PaintBox Demo tape, NewTek DigiView, Athanor 2 AGA, A1000 Sidecar, Read along at home, Amazing Computing, The Transactor and Amiga Workbench.
2022-09-30 - 12:00:00 - Week: 39 - Item number: 10592 - Category: Amiga, YouTube
Komoda & Amiga Plus is a printed and a pdf magazine (English and Polish language) for the Commodore user. In this edition: Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, Commodore in space, Enforcer: Fullmetal Megablaster, Get More Diamonds, Star Trek games, Jovian Moon Lander, Wormhole, Rigel Attack, Mob City, Bruce Lee Anniversary Edition, Strike Back, Tutankham, Subsonic, How to create a game?, Epyx, Ball and Chain, Demoscene, Trek War, XC=Basic, MEGA65, Alien Breed, UFO: Enemy Unknown, B.A.T., Kick Off 2 Online, Atarenium Falcon, Amiga in 2022, A500 Mini, Junior's Great Adventure, Shuttle: The Space Flight Simulator, PiMiga, Wing Commander, Duckstroma, Amiga - NASA and Uridium 2 - CD32.
2022-09-23 - 12:20:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10591 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
Tomas Petricek made an interactive article that documents some of the interesting aspects of programming Commodore C64 BASIC. You can read the article and try out the BASIC code in an online emulator. The end result is a small Breakout game.
2022-09-23 - 12:19:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10590 - Category: C64, Blog
ACE is an Amstrad CPC emulator for MorphOS made by Philippe Rimauro. The changes in this version are: Improvements for plugins API, plugins SDK, joysticks, CRTC 0 and 2 emulation and the Gate Array emulation.
2022-09-23 - 12:18:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10589 - Category: Amiga, Emulator
You can watch a new video from the Basic Bites YouTube channel. In this episode: Designing with PrintMaster Plus on a Commodore C64 computer.
2022-09-23 - 12:17:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10588 - Category: C64, YouTube
The Versatile Amiga Test Program is developed for all Amiga computers. The available tests are: Screen, Audio, Sprite, Blitter, CD32 joypad, Keyboard, CIA, ROM, CPU, FPU, RTC, Memory, Address-line, Real Interrupt, Interrupt Request, Disk-drive, Parallel-port and Serial-Port. Recent changes: Improvements for CD32, Hex&ASCII viewer, A4000 zorro2, ROMs and the keyboard.
2022-09-23 - 12:16:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10587 - Category: Amiga, Program
Did you ever wanted to be an old-school game programmer? Learn how classic game hardware worked. Write 8-bit code in your browser. Support for Atari 2600, NES, MSX, Commodore C64, ZX Spectrum and many more.
2022-09-23 - 12:15:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10586 - Category: Commodore, Program
A new episode of the 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast is now available. In this episode: An upgrade for the Commodore CDTV with memory, keyboard, mouse and a SCSI Hard disk.
2022-09-23 - 12:14:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10585 - Category: Amiga, Hardware
You can now watch a new video from the Arctic retro YouTube channel. In this video the built and use of a keyboard tester that was developed by Sven Petersen.
2022-09-23 - 12:13:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10584 - Category: Commodore, Hardware
You can now watch a new video from the Dave Poo 2 YouTube-channel. In this video Dave compares the ARMSID, Nano SwinSID and the MOS 6581 Sound Chips for the Commodore C64 computer.
2022-09-23 - 12:12:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10583 - Category: C64, Hardware
Steven Combs made a new YouTube video. In this episode he cleans a Commodore PET 2001 motherboard and takes a look at products from The Future Was 8 Bit.
2022-09-23 - 12:11:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10582 - Category: KIM-1, PET, CBM, Repair
In this episode of the RetroManCave: The Oliver Twins, they are a British coding duo who developed many games in the '80s.
2022-09-23 - 12:10:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10581 - Category: Commodore, YouTube
The Retro Sprite Workshop is a professional tool for retro game developers, especially for Commodore C64/C128 or Commodore 264 series. This program produces output formats which can be used in external development tools.
2022-09-23 - 12:09:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10580 - Category: Commodore, Program
Rave is a sound editor for AmigaOS4-compatible computers, developed by Daniel Jedlicka. The features are: Modern GUI, tabs, asynchronous operations, clipboard, plugin-system and support for many audio file types and formats.
2022-09-23 - 12:08:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10579 - Category: Amiga, Program
Rob O'Hara has made a new podcast. The subject in this episode is the game Spy Hunter from Bally Midway (1983) for the Commodore C64 computer.
2022-09-23 - 12:07:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10578 - Category: C64, Podcast
Amiga Germany is a German printed Amiga magazine. In this edition: Highscore Bundesliga, Lionheart, Shufflepuck Café, Midnight Resistance, Nathen Never, Amiga Endgegner, Demo Partys und Produktionen, Mark Ferrari (Monkey Island) and Amiga ohne Amiga: Der MiSTer.
2022-09-23 - 12:06:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10577 - Category: Amiga, Magazine
Flaschbier is a new game for the Commodore C64 computer. The game is developed by Peiselulli and the game reached the first place at the Nordlicht 2022 party.
2022-09-23 - 12:05:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10576 - Category: C64, Game
A new edition of the German pdf magazine Lotek64 is now available. The articles in this edition: Editorial, Lo*bert, Galahad, OutRun, Micromusic-Sampler, SIDologie, Haribo goes Mario, Metal Warrior remake MW Ultra, Dungeon Crawler Gold Quest VI, Museum on Cart, Tiny Quest, SEUCK Camp, DVD-player games, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dies & Das, News, Versioncheck and Bruce Lee.
2022-09-23 - 12:04:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10575 - Category: Commodore, Magazine
ReMETA is a diskette magazine for the Commodore C64. In this episode: Function 2022.
2022-09-23 - 12:03:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10574 - Category: C64, Magazine
Hermit released a new version of the music editor TEDzakker for the Commodore Plus/4 computer. In this version a number of small errors were removed.
2022-09-23 - 12:02:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10573 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Program
SID Factory II is a cross-platform editor for composing music that will play on a Commodore C64 computer. SID Factory II uses the reSID emulator and is still in development.
2022-09-23 - 12:01:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10572 - Category: C64, Program
The Computer Club Limburg (the Netherlands) will have a meeting on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The Computer Club Limburg encourages everyone to bring their own retro computer to participate actively. Entrance: €3.00 per person.

More events
2022-09-23 - 12:00:00 - Week: 38 - Item number: 10571 - Category: Commodore, Event
You can join the online meeting of the Commodore Users Europe this Saturday evening (17-09-2022 / 19:30). The meeting is free and is held via Zoom. The topics are: Meatloaf & FujiNet - C64, pico-rgb2hmi, Brainbreak C64, VIC20 Power Supply and Battle sparrow - BASIC65.

Other events
2022-09-16 - 12:20:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10570 - Category: Commodore, Event
Croaker is a new game for the Amiga computer. The game is like Frogger but with a twist - the number of lanes increases with each level. The game is developed by BMG Software and supports two players.
2022-09-16 - 12:19:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10569 - Category: Amiga, Game
Marooned is a new text adventure game for the Commodore VIC20 computer. The game is small but the game is used to test the program (VICfiction) for making the text adventure games. The game is developed by Jason Justian.
2022-09-16 - 12:18:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10568 - Category: VIC-20, Game
With the Multi-game Character Editor you can edit character files, saved games and high score tables for more than 100 Amiga games.
2022-09-16 - 12:17:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10567 - Category: Amiga, Program
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: More development on the MEGAphone with a new PCB.
2022-09-16 - 12:16:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10566 - Category: 8-Bit NextGen, Hardware
Ignition is a modern spread sheet for AmigaOS 4.x. Changes in this version: Improvements for several functions, file-suffixes with more than 3 characters and an updates for the manual.
2022-09-16 - 12:15:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10565 - Category: Amiga, Program
A new video from GadgetUK164. In this video he repairs a couple of C64 motherboard with missing and defective components.
2022-09-16 - 12:14:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10564 - Category: C64, Repair
A new YouTube video from Wolfgang Kierdorf is now available. In this episode Wolfgang is repairing 10 Amiga 500 computers.
2022-09-16 - 12:13:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10563 - Category: Amiga, Repair
This version of the game Elite for the Commodore Plus/4 computer has been improved to remove the flickering. The improvement is made by Mark Moxon who is the original developer of the game.
2022-09-16 - 12:12:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10562 - Category: C16, C116, Plus/4, Game
James Bradley started a Kickstarter campaign to create the game Civitas 2230. Civitas 2230 is a board game built using the Amiga A1200 computer, with a play-alongside soundtrack and embedded animated sequences.
2022-09-16 - 12:11:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10561 - Category: Amiga, Game
The web page c64Intros has updated its intro database and added more new intros. Updates: 25 new intros and 5 new groups.
2022-09-16 - 12:10:00 - Week: 37 - Item number: 10560 - Category: C64, Demo
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