Peto74 is developing a new cartridge for the Commodore C64. He is working on a prototype and the features are Altera Cyclone II FPGA, SD card, 3 buttons, 8MB Flash ROM and 8MB SRAM.
Luigi Di Fraia has added more functionality to his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. This time he added block allocation details.
Glen Kleinschmidt has built a clone of a CBM PET-2001. The specifications are: 32 KiB RAM, BASIC#2, WDC65C02N (CPU), WDC65C21N (PIA) and a WDC65C22N (VIA).
Michael Schön makes acrylic cases for retro computers. There are cases available for the Commodore C64, Amiga 500, Ultimate64, C64/128 cartridges and the Atari 800XL.
Micromys is a PS/2 mouse adapter for the Amiga, Atari ST and the Commodore 64/128. Changes in this version: Support for the Commodore VIC20 and the Atari 8-bit computers.
LHS from the web site IDE64 wrote an article about a very rare disk drive for the Commodore C64. The TIB PLC DD-001 is a 3.5" disk drive that connects via the cartridge port.
MiSTer is a port of well-known MiST project, but with a larger FPGA and a faster ARM. At this moment cores for the Commodore PET, VIC20, C16, Plus/4, C64 and the Amiga are available.
The Wicher CD32 is now available for the Amiga CD32. This expansion card for the Amiga CD32 has the following features: 11.5 MB FAST RAM, IDE controller and a clock port.
The Ogryzek SuperCartridge is a new cartridge for the Commodore C64. The cartridge provides a disk utility, machine language monitor and a menu system for other cartridge images.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: The Mega 65 user's guide and more improvements for the video.
DiagROM is a diagnostic tool for the Amiga computers. When you power-on your Amiga the diagnostic software will star. The diagnose software will try to send information to the serial port and the screen.
GuruModem is an RS-232 WiFi modem that can provide internet access to any computer with an RS-232 serial interface. Features: SD card interface and modem speeds up to 115.2K.
The MockA65xx is a universal replacement for the MOS 65xx/85xx CPU. This replacement is based on a FPGA. The following CPU's can be replaced: 6502, 6508, 6509, 6510, 8500, 8501, 8502 and the 6510T.
Daniel Renner made a video about the ARMSID. The ARMSID is a "plug & play" replacement of the MOS6581 and MOS8580 used in the Commodore C64. Features: Output sampling 62kHz, 12bit D/A converter, POTX / POTY, lower noise levels, lower power consumption and Firmware update are possible.
RetroManCave made a video about the Mini Monster Joysticks. These joysticks can be used with retro computers such as Commodore, Amstrad, Spectrum, Amiga and Atari.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: Stable 50Hz and 60Hz video and proportional text rendering.
Commodore The Inside Story is a new book written by David Pleasance. David was the Managing Director of Commodore UK. In this book David tells his personal stories from over twelve years at the company.
No parity is working on the XoomFloppy Pro. The features are: IEC 6-pin DIN, Parallel / D-SUB 15, IEEE-488 and USB. The XoomFloppy Pro will be available as a DIY kit.
Listen to your favourite radio stations on your Commodore C64. Timo Voutilainen developed a system that uses a FM Radio module which is connected to the user-port of the Commodore C64. Changes in this version: Support for the TEA5767 chip.
Steve is working on a PC keyboard in the style of a Commodore C64 keyboard. He uses the Preonic mechanical keyboard with 3D printed adaptors for the C64 keys.
Kozma Zsolt (Chizman) made a hardware MP3 player for the Commodore Plus/4. He uses the DFPlayer Mini and an ADC0820. The communication between the MP3 player and the Plus/4 is via RS232.
Arananet has developed a joystick to USB interface. This interface makes it possible to use your favourite joystick with an emulator on your PC. Plug & Play and Auto-fire is supported.
Jeroen developed a new device for the Commodore C64. With this device it is possible to swap the joystick ports of the C64. The Joyswap is build inside the C64c and swaps the joystick ports when you hold down the Restore key for 3 seconds. It is also possible to use the device as a Kernal switcher.
Paul Gardner-Stephen is working on a FPGA version of the Commodore C65. His goal is to make an 8-bit computer for the 21st century. Most recent updates: A keyboard prototype.
Luigi Di Fraia has added more functionality to his IECHost device. With this device you can connect a Commodore IEC disk drive via USB to a PC. This time he added 40-tracks support.
John Hertell is working on reproducing the printed circuit board for the Amiga 1200. He used a scan of a real Amiga 1200 motherboard to create the files for making new motherboards.
The miniGANGCART is a new cartridge for the Commodore C64. The features are: Fast load for 1541, 1571, 1581 and SD2IEC, Final III cartridge, 8 Mbit EPROM, diagnostics tools and games.
Tynemouth Software has developed a replacement keyboard for the Commodore PET computers. The replacement keyboards are available for the "graphics" keyboard and the "chicklet" keyboard. The keyboard is now also available with a black circuit board.